Monday, February 23, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Back To Iraq (Janitors Series.) - After Hector his in vest at close range, his freinds come to the rescue.

NOTE:  To those who missed last Monday’s post, I will no longer be posting on the weekends.  I have decided to dedicate weekends to working on new books.


Today’s excerpt is from Back To Iraq, Book #2 of the Janitors Series.  Hector hit in his vest as his friends come to the rescue.  Enjoy and have a great, day.



As Holly crested a sand dune in the lead Humvee, she instantly saw her father pinned down, and soon saw Hector lying at the bottom of a dune.  Without a second’s hesitation, she headed for Hector. 

Tom, right behind Holly, saw what she had, noticed where she was headed, and headed for Drew.  When Holly reached Hector, she stopped and got out.  After feeling his pulse and finding him still alive, she took out her Walther, ducked down as a shot whined off the Humvee, and fired back.  She too missed, but headed up the dune.  Both the wounded man and the other sighted in on her as first Tom, and then Drew, fired at the men. 

Unfortunately, both aimed at the same man.  Both shots hit the man and took him out of things.  The other, already wounded man, sighted in on Holly even as Tom and Drew were turning their attention to him.   She saw the man also and fired.  Tom was just slightly faster than Drew in swinging toward the other man and he fired about the same time Holly did.  Again, both shots hit home.  Seeing all four men down, Tom headed in their direction, while Holly and Drew went toward Hector.

Jim heard the faint sounds of gunfire.  He thought he had heard some firing earlier, when the first shots had been fired at Hector and Drew.  Now he was certain of what he heard.   Knowing all his people had silenced weapons; he knew someone was firing back at the Janitors.  Using his headset, he said, “Report, please.”

Drew replied, “Hector’s down.  The four bad guys are, also.”

“How’s Hector?”

“Just getting to him,” replied Drew

“Alive,” Holly added, as she neared Hector for the second time.

Drew quickly determined that the vest had saved Hector from serious injury and said to Holly, “Get the smelling salts out of the Humvee.”

Holly did as told and handed the small vial to Drew, who quickly broke it open and held it under Hector’s nose.  Hector coughed, groaned, and opened his eyes.  Groggily, he moaned, “God, I feel awful.”


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