Sunday, February 8, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Billy's Rescue (Asps Series) - Billy strikes again.


Today’s excerpt is from Billy’s Rescue, Book #7 of the Asps series.   Billy leaves another calling card for the terrorists.  Enjoy and have a great day.



At the cave, Jim and Bruce were at the entrance.  The falling of rocks and boulders seemed to be slowing.  Both men just went on into the cave—not so much to get out of the way of falling material from above—as to look around.  Both had their night vision gear on, to take a careful look before going further into the cave. 

Long before the rest of the team, including Holly—now ten dollars richer—reached the entrance to the cave, Bruce and Jim had toured the cave to discover no one alive, though they did come across several bodies in various stages of disrepair.  Both had determined what could have happened, as they had found the epicenter of the blast.  They assumed Billy had some hand in the explosion.  When they walked out of the cave to find the others coming down to their level, Bruce joked, “I’m getting damn sick and tired of trying to rescue Billy.  Damn guy is a one-man wrecking machine when it comes to these jokers.  We should be nice, folks…post signs all over the Afghan countryside—plus all over Pakistan—warning all to avoid Billy Garcia…unless they want a great big Marine with a large bulldog head running through their camp chomping off heads as he goes.  But then we would have God knows how many terrorists still alive.”

Jim just chuckled as he called Phil.  “Okay, I guess you saw the explosion down here.  What’s up with you right now?”

“We didn’t see an explosion, but we sure saw a fireball shoot out of your damned cave.  You guys alright?”

“Oh, yeah.  We’re assuming Billy set up another booby-trap, or something.  Happily, it went off before we got inside the cave.  Rescuing Billy can be dangerous to your health, if you’re not careful.”


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