Friday, February 13, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - How 'bout Both (Other Books) - Maine ignores Elmer orders not to come to stake out site.


Today’s excerpt is from Horace Goes Home, the second of three Elmer Bader books.  Against Elmer’s orders, Maine decides to join those who have a terrorist arms stash building staked out.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



“Yeah, sure,” Maine growled, as she shut her phone, ending the conversation.

Elmer looked at the dead phone in his hand.  As he did, Maine looked at Ruth.  “I gotta go.  Can I borrow your car, Ruth?”

“Sure.  I bet Elmer told you to stay here.”

“Very perceptive, Ruth.  I itch…remind me to take a shower when I get back, if you can help me figure out just how to do it.”

“Put a trash bag over the cast.  Seal it with duct tape.”

“Good idea…thanks.  Where are the keys?”

Ruth got up, went to her purse, took out her keys, then handed them to Maine, who had stood up and followed Ruth.  “Thanks, Ruth.  Guess I better get my weapon before leaving.”

 “Might not be a bad idea.”

Maine smiled and went to the bedroom she was staying in.  She took her arm out of the sling, took the sling off, and put on her shoulder holster, with gun.  Then she put on a jacket, her sling, and put her arm back in the sling.  When she came out, Ruth asked, "Where’s your purse?”

“Got my wallet in my jacket pocket.  Don’t carry a purse most times.”

Ruth just smiled as Maine said goodbye before leaving.  She drove to the site of the stakeout at the garage.  As she drove by the garage, she made the same turns Elmer had instructed Homer to take.  She pulled in behind the SWAT team vehicles.  Hector saw her pull up.  “Hey, Elmer, your one-armed partner just pulled up behind all your vehicles, down in the alley behind you.”

Elmer moaned, “Thanks, Hector.”  Shaking his head, he left those at the front wall and headed back to the other side of the building. 

When he got there, he looked down at Maine.  “How do you plan on getting up here, dummy?” 

“Nice talk from my partner, who I love and admire.  To answer your question, I’m gonna climb up.   I’ve got one good arm.”

Elmer just smiled as he watched Maine do exactly what she said she would.  When she got near the top, he gave her a hand.  “You sure are hardheaded.”

“Learned it from my partner.  Where’re we at?”

“On a roof.”

“You know what I meant.”

“We’re waiting for the bad guys to drive off.  Our patrol cars are gonna nab ‘em.  Hector has suggested we don’t try a raid while they’re in the garage because an errant shot might cause a nice explosion nobody really wants.”

Everyone could hear Elmer’s comment.  Homer joked, “This was an FBI operation, we’d already have ‘em.”

Hector countered, “This was an FBI operation, we’d all be ducking flying objects after the explosion.”


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