Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Adios, Amigos (Asps Series) - SAS, Asps and friends take out some bad guys.


Today’s excerpt is from Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of the 9-book Asps series.   SAS, the Asps, and friends take out group of terrorists on high ground above valley below where the main force of terrorists will be using.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Less than those ten minutes later, Dan was ready.  “I think we should pick our targets…starting from the rear, obviously.  I’ll take the last guy in line.  Jan, the wind has picked up a bit.  This is one hell of a long shot.  How about sitting this one out, at least until these bozos know we’re attacking their column?”

“Yeah, okay.  It is a long shot.”

In order, Maggie, Jack, Bruce, Dusty, Kye, and Ike counted off from the next to last man in the column.  Ike was last.  “I’m on mine—go for it, Dan.”

Dan gently squeezed off his shot.  “Go.”

Each of the others, after a count of one, one thousand, fired their shots. Nine seconds later, seven terrorists lay dead on the ledge.  A few made a bit of noise as they fell, but it was ignored by those in front of them, figuring those behind them had simply taken a slight misstep.

Dan started a new count.  “One,” and the others soon counted off in the same order again.  When they finished he fired.  “Go.”

Quickly, seven more terrorists died, but the fourth one fell in such a manner as to cause his weapon to fall down the side of the mountain, alerting those in front of him enough to turn and see what was behind them.  It didn’t help the other three already in the sights of those across the valley from them, but caused pandemonium in the others still alive.  Seeing this, Dan took aim at his next target.  “The cat’s out of the bag…fire at will—you, too, Jan.”

Oscar ordered, “SAS, hold fire.  With luck they will see those behind them going down, then hurry for the bend...right into the path of our claymores.  Get down, lads.”

As Dan, Janet, and those below them continued to fire, killing several more of the terrorists who still had no idea where the killing shots were coming from, those still alive did exactly as Oscar hoped they would.  They started moving forward as fast as they could.  When the main body of them were opposite the claymores, Oscar ducked down before he depressed the remote button on the panel Bear had sent up.  The result was devastating.  When the smoke cleared, there were only six men standing.  Even as Oscar ordered, “Now, lads,” two more fell dead.  In seconds they were all down.

Dan saw.  “Oscar, hold fast.  I’ll call the plane.  Let them tell us how many infrared signatures they still have, so you don’t have to go sloshing through all their blood and guts.”

“Right on.”


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