Friday, February 20, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Baghdad Butcher (Janitors Series) - Terrorist plots to kill Jim, and bmb movie industry


Today’s excerpt is from Baghdad Butcher, Book #1 of the Janitors Series.  The al-Qaida terrorist in charge of the Los Angeles area makes his plan for killing Jim Scott, and then turns to his planning for his assigned terrorist attack on the movie industry.  Enjoy and have a fantastic, day.



That task completed, he turned to another matter.  While he was part of the Iraqi operation, unknown to nearly anyone else in it, his first allegiance was to bin Laden and his al-Qaida terror network.  Thus his next step was to write a carefully prepared text to bin Laden and send it by courier to the master of terror.

In his letter to bin Laden, Alwash informed his chief that the President of the United States had authorized one Jim Scott to kill Saddam.  Since a good portion of the raw drugs Saddam was refining came from bin Laden and his Taliban thugs, the presumed rulers of Afghanistan, Alwash warned of potential damage to one of al-Qaida’s money sources.

In the letter he assured bin Laden that Jim Scott would be eliminated in Los Angeles.

With his letter underway, Alwash next began detailed planning to arrange the promised death of Jim.  All of his men were instructed to treat Jim and Holly as targets of opportunity, but only in a way to succeed without capture.

His main plan was to lead them into a cleverly laid trap.  He tried to put himself in Scott’s shoes, and felt it quite likely that his new enemy would interfere with one of the drug ring operations, following those interfered with to their headquarters when they went to report what had happened.

The al-Qaida operative decided to set the trap at a warehouse his group owned near a pier.  The warehouse was in a location with little other activity in the area and offered a prime setting for a trap.  A large truck could be pulled out to cut off escape once Scott followed his men past the truck.  Then it would be a simple matter to overwhelm his foe with the firepower of his entire network of Iraqis.

The tractor-trailer he would employ to seal off escape was being used to train some of his men.  Unlike Adda and the other terrorists who were training on the East Coast, his assignment from bin Laden centered around the use of big-rig trucks.  His only concern in that area was the few al-Qaida operatives at his disposal.  The two best men he had, he kept near him at all times, now that the two men the female FBI Agent had broken were no longer in the picture.

While those two had not been al-Qaida, they had been two of his closest aides in the drug business.  In fact, one of those two was being groomed to take over the drug operation when the word came from bin Laden to act.

He wondered when that word would come.  Unlike those poor fools on the East Coast, he and his men were not wont to the idea of self-destruction.  His team would park their bomb-laden trucks in various locations best-suited to eliminating as much of the West Coast entertainment industry as possible.


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