Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Dog Pound (Janitors Series) - Kidnappers checking out drop site.


Today’s excerpt is from Dog Pound, Book #3 of the Janitors Series.  Kidnappers check out drop site.  Enjoy and have a wonderful, day.



              After Jerry ate, the two men left to check out the drop site.  Dale drove to the pick-up place marked on the map he got from Lloyd Wallace.  When they reached the drop site, they got out of the rental car and walked down the embankment.  The culvert was just as described to Dale.  Then they got back into the car and drove until Dale found the way down to the lower road.  Unlike the highway they had just been on, this road was old and not well maintained.  Not being familiar with Hawaii, Dale assumed the road might have been an old highway replaced by the one that ran higher up.

             Dale was pleasantly surprised at how well covered the road was.  He pulled the car off to the shoulder, parked near where the culvert came out above them, and the two of them got out.  Dale looked up and was satisfied that a helicopter flying overhead would have difficulty seeing through the heavy tree cover.  He pointed this out to Jerry, who agreed.

             Next, Dale and Jerry got back into the car and drove on down the road.  When Dale came to the first possible exit from the road, it was a left-hand turn that ultimately led back to the new highway above the old road.  It was also well covered by trees until it neared the highway.  At that point, Dale turned and went back to the old road.  It led on for nearly a mile before the tree cover started to thin, but at that point another left-hand turn saw them on another road that was well covered by trees.  On the way back to the new highway, there were three possible turns—all onto roads with good cover.

            After driving around the area several times, Dale and Jerry determined that a person driving at night without lights could easily avoid any form of pursuit.  Dale also decided that someone had done their homework well, and felt certain it wasn’t Lloyd.  He thought, “I wonder just who in the hell that other guy is?  Whoever came up with this area for the drop sure must be familiar with Hawaii—and I’d bet it isn’t the Dough Boy.”

As Dale drove back to the hotel, he decided to come back to this area at night with Jerry, even though he was certain it would do.  When they reached the hotel, another thought crossed Dale’s mind.  He realized he didn’t know his contact’s name.

Back in his room, Dale asked, “Well, whaddaya think?”

“I think it could work.  But I’d like to have a dirt bike stashed on one of those roads.  I saw all kinds of places where I could use a bike to really lose any tails.  Chopper wouldn’t have a chance at me.”

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