Monday, February 9, 2015

Laterst from the Janaitors, Asps, and Other Books - Father Mulligan (Asps Series) - Jim and friends a bout to capture former Stassi agent.


Today’s excerpt is from Father Millligan, Book #8 of the Asps series.   Jim in friends start the process of capturing a former Stassi agent who is wanted by MI6 Chief.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Dan shook his head.  “We haven’t spoken.  He’s not a happy camper.  Thought we’d save talk for you.”

The man groaned, “Hey, guys, I’m standing right here while you talk about me.  What gives?”

Jim answered, “Sergeant Zimmer, this young lady will escort you to our car.  Please be a nice fella.  Don’t give her reason to shoot you.  We really don’t want to kill you…or injure you in any way.  So go along nicely, please.”

As Jim spoke, Maggie moved to the man’s right-hand side, grabbed his thumb, then moved it until he sucked in a breath.  As they started to walk off, Jim muttered, “Maggie, he gives you any guff, you know what to do…but I really want him kept alive.”

Maggie asked, “Can I break his thumb, if he misbehaves…shoot him in the knee, if he really acts badly?”


As Maggie and her prisoner walked off, Maggie grinned.  “Hello, Sergeant Zimmer, I’m Maggie Doyle Littlefield, of Her Majesty’s Secret Intelligence Service, otherwise known as MI6.  My Chief wants very badly to get his hands on Fugleman…um, is that the name he’s using with you, by the way?”

Army Special Forces retired Sergeant Zimmer answered, “Yeah…though he didn’t want it that way.  He only told the six of us U.S. Military guys his first name…Hans.  One of his other men let his last name slip.  He asked us to keep it to ourselves.  Said that, because of his work for Mr. Papoulias, many people wanted him dead.  Said Mr. Papoulias had pissed off many in the Arab world—Hans was part of it.”

“He lied like a fish.  He and asshole Papoulias organized a trap…using some al-Qaida scum…for me and some of my friends.  They managed to kill one of us…wounded several more.  They all died for their efforts.  Your boss, Fugleman, by the way, is wanted by SIS for killing one of our agents when he was still with Stassi…the sister of our current Chief.  Everyone thought he was dead, had been for years…way back when Clinton was President.”

“Oh, my God.  I guess I’m in some deep dodo then.”

“Not at all.  You were hired to do a legitimate job.  No way for you to know what kind of people you were involved with.


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