Thursday, February 12, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - (Horace Goes Home - Other Books) - Mob boss gets info and a bit of humor about coffee.


Today’s excerpt is from Horace Goes Home, the second of three Elmer Bader books.  Mob boss finds out his source in LAPD has killed himself.  Also, a bit of humor about Reggie’s awful coffee.   Enjoy and have a great day.



That evening, all four men who had driven in from Red’s ranch, rode back together in Elmer’s car, leaving John’s and Alan’s cars at the station house.  In another part of town, Aldo D’Alema came into Bettino Prudi’s office.  “Longfellow is dead…seems to be a suicide.  Good riddance.  One less person to worry about if we have to apply a scorched earth policy.”

Prudi frowned, “I hope he didn’t leave any incriminating evidence behind to tie him to us.  If so, all hell will break loose.  We’ll have Feds and LAPD nibbling around, trying to find any charge they can to tie to me.  At least they won’t have a witness to back up whatever evidence they come up with.  But I especially hope he left nothing behind to indicate he was the one who told us about the Cusimano brothers.”

“He was so damned arrogant, he just might have—figuring he’d never get caught.  What about Sgroi and Mosello?”

“Leave them for now—but put out feelers to see if anyone is actively looking for them.  We may have to revisit the decision to keep them alive.”


Just as Elmer pulled onto the long drive leading to the ranch, his cell phone rang.  It was Reggie.  “Passed with flying colors…thanks for your help, pal.  Also, thanks for opening the door for me.  We both know the job was yours if you wanted it.  Hope I can do as good a job as you would have.”

“Better.  Congrats.  See ya—I’m driving.”

“See you in the morning.  Thanks, again.”

Elmer was pleased to inform those in the car that Reggie had aced the test, so the coming morning he would be the new head of Homicide.  Everyone was happy to hear the news.  Alan joked, “Now all we have to do is keep him away from the coffee pot.  With his new, exalted position, he may want to claim coffee-making rights.”

Elmer shook his head.  “Nope…got it covered.  I let him know it was beneath his new position to be making coffee.  Should have told him bringing donuts is okay, though.  He makes coffee, Alan, you just take the pot, pour it into his office wastebasket, then make a new pot.  A few times and he’ll get the message we’re serious on the subject.”


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