Friday, May 8, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Pool Of Blood (Other Books) - Some Toucan fun.

Today’s excerpt is from Pool Of Blood, the third and final book of the Becker Trilogy.  During a pause in trying to figure out who killed the woman the wrong man is in prison for, the friends have some “Toucans” fun.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.
When they and Holly got back to Bob and Michelle’s home, they walked in just as Jim said, “Yeah, Toucans.  Thanks.”
Holly hurried over to Jim, kissed him, then tilted her head.  “Two cans of what?”
“Hey, dummy, I just asked you…‘two cans of what’?”
“Not two cans, Toucans.”
“Aw, husband, give me a break.  Two cans of what?”
By now Bob was roaring with laughter, Michelle was laughing lightly, and Lorri was smiling.
Jim shook his head.  “Honey, Toucans—the birds…not cans of soup.”
After everyone laughed or chuckled, Holly groaned, “I’d rather have two cans of soup right about now.  What in the heck are you planning to do with Toucans?”
“Depends if you’re talking birds or soup.  I was just talking to Hector…”
“I guess you’ll make me sleep on Bob’s couch if I ask what Hector has to do with soup?”
“Very funny, wifey.  I just thought if we could get them a few Toucans over at the rehab center, it would liven the place up a bit.  I asked Hector to see if he could find some, and check on their habitat, et cetera.”
The ‘Hector’ referenced by Jim and Holly was a long-time friend of theirs, and of Bob.  He, like Jim and Bob, was a retired Marine.
Holly shook her head and turned to Michelle.  “Shall we cook something…I could eat Toucans, I’m so hungry…or two cans of soup.”
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