Friday, May 22, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Devil's Brew (Janitors Series) - Fact based story from Iraqi Freedom.

Today’s excerpt is from Devil’s Brew, Book #8 of the Janitors Series.  Amid the planning for the major offensive against al-Qaida, General Bradley tells of an incident from Iraqi Freedom.  This incident, by the way, is based in fact (as told to me by a slightly embarrassed Marine and confirmed by one of the Seabees there at the time)…the Seabees did make the first capture of Iraqis made by this spearhead unit during the war.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.
General Bradley smiled.  “Be glad to.  When Operation Iraqi Freedom started, the Marine unit heading north had a Seabee unit with them…commanded by Commander Rollston.  Seems, due to the sand storms they kept running into—and other reasons—the Seabees kept getting pushed forward from one squad to the next.  To make a long story short, they wound up with the lead element.  Then along came a serious sand storm and the Marines called a halt.  The Seabees never got the word, and kept on trucking.  Got to the spot where the Marines needed some defensive positions built and did their thing.  Next morning, when the sand settled down, the Marines moved out.  When they caught up with the Seabees, Commander Rollston walked up to the Colonel sent to see what the Seabees had been up to.  He simply asked, ‘What should we do with these guys?’  The Seabees had 140 prisoners—the first major batch of prisoners in the push north.  Needless to say, the Marines were just a might embarrassed.”
Amid chuckles and laughter, Jim grinned.  “Seems like just the guy we need to build our runway.  Uh, Hec, just how did you know about this?”
“Trade secret, Major.  Actually, one of the guys I’ve stayed in contact with over the years was with the Marines in question.  You can guess that the Seabees never let the Marines hear the end of it.”
Jim nodded.  “Glad I wasn’t around.  Majors get blamed for everything.  Some Colonel would have been raggin’ on my ass.  Okay, on to planning.  General, might not be a bad idea to have a Force Recon unit with the Seabees and have them round up a few Corpsmen.”
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