Friday, February 27, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - The Saltwater Connection (Janitors Series) - Jim outlines plan for finding the kidnapped women being held by terrorists.


Today’s excerpt is from The Saltwater Connection, Book #6 of the Janitors Series.  Jim discusses the plan to locate the kidnapped women with the President and FBI Director as well as the President’s Military Advisor.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Twenty minutes later, John and Jim were seated in the Oval Office with the President and General Bradley.  After Jim gave the President a full run-down on the information he had, the President glanced at his watch, saw it was nearly 10 PM. “Okay, Jim give me a run-down on what you plan to do.”

Jim nodded.  “If…er, make that when…we find this Atif guy, I plan to follow him until he leads us to others in this kidnapping operation.  Then I plan to break it up and recover the women taken so far.”

“That’s it?”

“Well, sir, there may be a bit more, but I’m still sorting that out in my own head.  John has agreed to help.  Have his people look for Atif, but only to spot, then let us take over the matter until we see where it leads.  No way, really, to plan much ahead until we spot the guy.  What I’m hoping is we find him in one of the cities, spotting more women, then nab the kidnappers and ask them a few questions.”

At that, John cleared his throat, but said nothing.

The President smiled.  “I agree, John.  Best you and I don’t know exactly what that means, and how the questions will be asked.  But better Jim and his crew than you.”

John shook his head in dismay.  “Reluctantly, I agree, sir.  Jim does have a way of getting information out of people.  A way I can’t use.  As the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, I should object, but I really can’t argue with anything Jim’s done so far, considering the results and the public panic he’s averted.  I’m to assume we aren’t real interested in this getting to the press…I mean with all these women being presumably kidnapped by terrorists?”

“You assume correctly.  Alright, Jim, go ahead.  Keep us informed.  Though I have the feeling you know something you haven’t told me.”

“Don’t know, sir.  Just suspect…or fear.  We might be talking ‘white slavery’ here, as well as a terrorist tactic.”

“Oh, for God’s sake, Jim.  Do you think they’re selling these women?”


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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - The Tickleton Affair (Janitors Series) - Turf war?


Today’s excerpt is from The Tickleton Affair, Book #5 of the Janitors Series.  Dan gets an idea of just how important Arnold is as he calls the FBI Director to work on avoiding a ‘turf war’ with the FBI agent in charge of the case.  Enjoy and have a great day.



After pushing the “end” button on his phone, Dan glanced from Arnold to Evan.  “Well, gentlemen, I think Mark and I’ll get out of here and try to find that car and some clothes for you, Arnold.”

After pleasantries were exchanged all around, Mark and Dan headed for the parking lot.  On the way, Dan handed the keys to Mark.  “Will you drive, please?”

Mark took the keys.  “So you can call who?”

“Isn’t that whom?”

“I’m not sure.  Who in the hell are you gonna call?”

As they got in the car, Dan grinned.  “You may be getting to know me too well.  Evan seems like a pretty decent type and got off the ‘turf war’ shit pretty quick.  But I don’t want to run into it any more.”

“What I thought.  Director Engle.”


Dan had been given FBI Director John Engle’s personal direct line and used it now.  The Director wasn’t in his office, but that line was patched through to his cell phone.  He answered on the second ring.  “Engle.”

“John, Dan Orf here.”

“Hi, Dan.  How are you?”

“Fine.  Yourself?”

“I’m fine, but too much to do.  Let’s make this brief, I’ve gotta head into a meeting in a few minutes.  What can I do for you?”

“Clear me some space.  I don’t know if you’re aware of it, but a guy by the name of Arnold Buchanan nearly got blown up in his house last night.”

“You might say I know about it.  The Pentagon—Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, no less—and the White House, General Bradley, the President’s Military Advisor, and any number of other people have been on the horn to me about Mr. Buchanan.  I have been told in no uncertain terms that this man is to be protected at all costs.  Now, just what do you have to do with him, and what do you want from me?”


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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Toboggan (Janitors Series) - Two survivors prepare to head down mountain.


Today’s excerpt is from Toboggan, Book #4 of the Janitors Series.  Nick and Phyllis gather up items from their portion of the wrecked plane and plan to head down the mountain…even as new snow starts to fall.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



He then took the bag over to the galley section of the plane, where the liquor locker had split open from the impact with the tree.  Bottles of various types of alcohol were strewn about.  He asked, “Phyllis, how do you feel about picking up all this booze and putting it in the bag?”

“Great, if I can drink one first.”

“Good idea, I’ll join you.  Might warm us up a bit.”

After they both consumed the drink of their choice, Nick started looking around for anything else they could use as Phyllis dutifully picked up all the bottles of alcohol she could find.  She also picked up several loose bags of nuts.

Nick spotted a piece of fuselage about sixteen inches wide and three feet long.  It was curved so that both ends would be off the snow if it were used as a sled.  Deciding that would be perfect for the bag rapidly filling up with small bottles, Nick searched other pieces of wreckage and found coated wire cables.  He was able to cut those to the length he desired by using jagged edges of the torn fuselage lying about.  When he had what he wanted, he used the heel of the Western boots he wore to pound out any sharp edges on his “sled” to make it safe in case it ran up on whoever was pulling it.  Then he tied some of the wire on the “front” of the sled, to be used as pull rope.  Next he repeated the process at the “rear” end of the sled.

When Phyllis announced that she had packed all the liquor bottles she could find, Nick stacked six of the seven still-folded blankets on the sled, then put the “booze bag” (as he called it) on next.  Then he stood back and thought a minute.

After that pause in activity he cut a few shorter pieces of the wire to sizes he thought would work for what he had in mind.  With a smile on his face, he put a pair of his jockey shorts on Phyllis’ head, pulled them tight, and tied them off with a short piece of wire, forming a hat.

She giggled.  “You really expect me to wear your underpants on my head?”

As he made a similar “hat” for himself, Nick answered. “Your head.  Take it off if you want, but in case you hadn’t noticed, we have some unfriendly looking clouds bearing down on us and I predict snow before too awfully long…in fact, those little white things look suspiciously like snowflakes already.”

Phyllis turned and looked in the direction Nick had been looking when he said that and announced, “My new hat stays.  Thank you very much for giving me the shirt off your back and now the pants off your butt.”

“You’re welcome.”

Nick then picked up his last two pairs of socks from his pile of belongings and handed one pair to Phyllis.  “Enjoy your new mittens.”

Next he draped one of the two blankets not on the sled around her shoulders, stopped, then stood back.  “Just a minute…I have an idea.”

He then took the blanket off her, grabbed it by the middle and walked over to the jagged edge he had used to cut the wire.  Using a sawing motion, he soon cut a hole about six inches in diameter in the middle of the blanket.  Now he walked back to Phyllis and forced it over her head.  Then he created folds that she could put her arms into, but still have freedom of movement if she wanted or needed it.  Next he tied a piece of his pre-cut wire around her midsection.

She grinned.  “I love it, thanks.  You’ll make somebody a good wife.”

He just grunted as he looked at the blanket on the snow with the remainder of his belongings, picked it up, dumping everything still there on the ground.  Next he made himself a poncho similar to the one he had made for Phyllis.  Then he said, “One last thing before we go.”

One of the items being left behind from his bag was a book he had planned to read.  He found a page with no printing on one side and tore it out.  He then picked up a pen he had decided to leave and wrote a fast note.  He placed it in a prominent place, under the tree, on a piece of wreckage.  He then walked to the “booze bag” and took out three random bottles and placed them with the note.  To Phyllis’ puzzled look he grinned, “In case somebody comes looking for us, I want them to know what I planned.”

“Which is?”

“We head down the mountain.”

“I know that.  Is that it?  Just go down the hill?”

“Well, not exactly.  The weather down here at this elevation is just warm enough that some of the snow is starting to melt.  Any little rivulets of water we see, we’ll follow, hoping they might lead to a stream, and the stream to a river, or something like that.  Then we follow the river on down.  With luck, somebody may have built something like a cabin along the river and we’ll be saved.”

“Sounds like a plan.”


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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Dog Pound (Janitors Series) - Kidnappers checking out drop site.


Today’s excerpt is from Dog Pound, Book #3 of the Janitors Series.  Kidnappers check out drop site.  Enjoy and have a wonderful, day.



              After Jerry ate, the two men left to check out the drop site.  Dale drove to the pick-up place marked on the map he got from Lloyd Wallace.  When they reached the drop site, they got out of the rental car and walked down the embankment.  The culvert was just as described to Dale.  Then they got back into the car and drove until Dale found the way down to the lower road.  Unlike the highway they had just been on, this road was old and not well maintained.  Not being familiar with Hawaii, Dale assumed the road might have been an old highway replaced by the one that ran higher up.

             Dale was pleasantly surprised at how well covered the road was.  He pulled the car off to the shoulder, parked near where the culvert came out above them, and the two of them got out.  Dale looked up and was satisfied that a helicopter flying overhead would have difficulty seeing through the heavy tree cover.  He pointed this out to Jerry, who agreed.

             Next, Dale and Jerry got back into the car and drove on down the road.  When Dale came to the first possible exit from the road, it was a left-hand turn that ultimately led back to the new highway above the old road.  It was also well covered by trees until it neared the highway.  At that point, Dale turned and went back to the old road.  It led on for nearly a mile before the tree cover started to thin, but at that point another left-hand turn saw them on another road that was well covered by trees.  On the way back to the new highway, there were three possible turns—all onto roads with good cover.

            After driving around the area several times, Dale and Jerry determined that a person driving at night without lights could easily avoid any form of pursuit.  Dale also decided that someone had done their homework well, and felt certain it wasn’t Lloyd.  He thought, “I wonder just who in the hell that other guy is?  Whoever came up with this area for the drop sure must be familiar with Hawaii—and I’d bet it isn’t the Dough Boy.”

As Dale drove back to the hotel, he decided to come back to this area at night with Jerry, even though he was certain it would do.  When they reached the hotel, another thought crossed Dale’s mind.  He realized he didn’t know his contact’s name.

Back in his room, Dale asked, “Well, whaddaya think?”

“I think it could work.  But I’d like to have a dirt bike stashed on one of those roads.  I saw all kinds of places where I could use a bike to really lose any tails.  Chopper wouldn’t have a chance at me.”

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Monday, February 23, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Back To Iraq (Janitors Series.) - After Hector his in vest at close range, his freinds come to the rescue.

NOTE:  To those who missed last Monday’s post, I will no longer be posting on the weekends.  I have decided to dedicate weekends to working on new books.


Today’s excerpt is from Back To Iraq, Book #2 of the Janitors Series.  Hector hit in his vest as his friends come to the rescue.  Enjoy and have a great, day.



As Holly crested a sand dune in the lead Humvee, she instantly saw her father pinned down, and soon saw Hector lying at the bottom of a dune.  Without a second’s hesitation, she headed for Hector. 

Tom, right behind Holly, saw what she had, noticed where she was headed, and headed for Drew.  When Holly reached Hector, she stopped and got out.  After feeling his pulse and finding him still alive, she took out her Walther, ducked down as a shot whined off the Humvee, and fired back.  She too missed, but headed up the dune.  Both the wounded man and the other sighted in on her as first Tom, and then Drew, fired at the men. 

Unfortunately, both aimed at the same man.  Both shots hit the man and took him out of things.  The other, already wounded man, sighted in on Holly even as Tom and Drew were turning their attention to him.   She saw the man also and fired.  Tom was just slightly faster than Drew in swinging toward the other man and he fired about the same time Holly did.  Again, both shots hit home.  Seeing all four men down, Tom headed in their direction, while Holly and Drew went toward Hector.

Jim heard the faint sounds of gunfire.  He thought he had heard some firing earlier, when the first shots had been fired at Hector and Drew.  Now he was certain of what he heard.   Knowing all his people had silenced weapons; he knew someone was firing back at the Janitors.  Using his headset, he said, “Report, please.”

Drew replied, “Hector’s down.  The four bad guys are, also.”

“How’s Hector?”

“Just getting to him,” replied Drew

“Alive,” Holly added, as she neared Hector for the second time.

Drew quickly determined that the vest had saved Hector from serious injury and said to Holly, “Get the smelling salts out of the Humvee.”

Holly did as told and handed the small vial to Drew, who quickly broke it open and held it under Hector’s nose.  Hector coughed, groaned, and opened his eyes.  Groggily, he moaned, “God, I feel awful.”


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Friday, February 20, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Baghdad Butcher (Janitors Series) - Terrorist plots to kill Jim, and bmb movie industry


Today’s excerpt is from Baghdad Butcher, Book #1 of the Janitors Series.  The al-Qaida terrorist in charge of the Los Angeles area makes his plan for killing Jim Scott, and then turns to his planning for his assigned terrorist attack on the movie industry.  Enjoy and have a fantastic, day.



That task completed, he turned to another matter.  While he was part of the Iraqi operation, unknown to nearly anyone else in it, his first allegiance was to bin Laden and his al-Qaida terror network.  Thus his next step was to write a carefully prepared text to bin Laden and send it by courier to the master of terror.

In his letter to bin Laden, Alwash informed his chief that the President of the United States had authorized one Jim Scott to kill Saddam.  Since a good portion of the raw drugs Saddam was refining came from bin Laden and his Taliban thugs, the presumed rulers of Afghanistan, Alwash warned of potential damage to one of al-Qaida’s money sources.

In the letter he assured bin Laden that Jim Scott would be eliminated in Los Angeles.

With his letter underway, Alwash next began detailed planning to arrange the promised death of Jim.  All of his men were instructed to treat Jim and Holly as targets of opportunity, but only in a way to succeed without capture.

His main plan was to lead them into a cleverly laid trap.  He tried to put himself in Scott’s shoes, and felt it quite likely that his new enemy would interfere with one of the drug ring operations, following those interfered with to their headquarters when they went to report what had happened.

The al-Qaida operative decided to set the trap at a warehouse his group owned near a pier.  The warehouse was in a location with little other activity in the area and offered a prime setting for a trap.  A large truck could be pulled out to cut off escape once Scott followed his men past the truck.  Then it would be a simple matter to overwhelm his foe with the firepower of his entire network of Iraqis.

The tractor-trailer he would employ to seal off escape was being used to train some of his men.  Unlike Adda and the other terrorists who were training on the East Coast, his assignment from bin Laden centered around the use of big-rig trucks.  His only concern in that area was the few al-Qaida operatives at his disposal.  The two best men he had, he kept near him at all times, now that the two men the female FBI Agent had broken were no longer in the picture.

While those two had not been al-Qaida, they had been two of his closest aides in the drug business.  In fact, one of those two was being groomed to take over the drug operation when the word came from bin Laden to act.

He wondered when that word would come.  Unlike those poor fools on the East Coast, he and his men were not wont to the idea of self-destruction.  His team would park their bomb-laden trucks in various locations best-suited to eliminating as much of the West Coast entertainment industry as possible.


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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Back To China (Other Books) - Jim makes a call from the bomb bay of a B-2.


Today’s excerpt is from Back To China.   While flying to China in the bomb bay of a B-2, Jim calls the assassin who tried to assassinate Michelle Becker.  He hires him to eliminate a Chinese general.  Enjoy and have a fantastic, day.



“Thank you for not asking about my present mode of transportation.  Do you speak Mandarin?”

“Oh good God.  China?  Give me a break.  To answer your question, hardly at all.”

“I’d suggest you brush up.  His name is General Xi Rongji.  He has been very naughty.  But more importantly, a message needs to be sent to those who authorized his naughtiness.  The fee is five million, which if you accept the assignment will be forwarded to your off-shore account in the next few minutes.  Before you ask, the entire amount is being paid in advance in case you run into difficulties.  I’d like to know your family will be well cared for.  You must have made an impression on your wife when you kidnapped her.”

When Newton had escaped in St. Charles, Missouri, he had in the process kidnapped a young woman.  He later sent her a fully paid roundtrip package to meet him Tahiti.  She took the trip and never returned home.

“You scare me, sir.  By the way, do I get to know who you are this time?”

“No.  Are you interested?”

“Yes, I’ll do it.  I like challenges.  A bit of information on how to find him, et cetera would be quite beneficial.”

“I’ll see what I can do.  I will email it to you…or have it done.  Study up on your Mandarin.”

“Fine.  Good luck on whatever in the hell you’re doing.  If it is any way connected with the contract I have just accepted, I have a feeling you’ll need some good luck.”

Ten minutes later, Richard Newton was five dollars million richer.  By then, Jim was speaking to Glenn Burgess.  “Glenn, need a favor.  Want you to find out all you can on General Xi Rongji.  Email it to Sarah.  She knows what to do with it.”

“Do I get a hint?”

“No.  I’d hate to ruin your stay as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.”


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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Latst from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Pool Of Blood (Other Books) - Assassin getes ready for another try to kill Michelle.


Today’s excerpt is from Pool Of Blood, the last of the three Bob Becker books.  The assassin hired to eliminate Michelle makes plans for his next try on her after missing his first shot.  Enjoy and have a wonderful, day.



While the hunters had been doing their best to find him, Newton was already moved into the house he’d now stay at until Michelle Becker was dead.  Unlike the other house, this one had a two-car garage.  Inside the garage, in addition to his car, was a white delivery-type van.  From a spot behind the seats there was a fabric partition of black material.  The remainder of the rear of the van was also in black.  It had two rear windows, both with very dark window tinting.  While Newton could see out, with the black interior it was nearly impossible for anyone to see in.  Also, in the rear behind one of the windows, was a shooting platform and accompanying seat.  The window in front of the shooting platform was rigged so it could be raised up to allow Newton to take his shot.

Newton had to admit Hoyer had the van set up exactly as he had requested.  This had been his third choice of ways to make his attempt on Michelle.  By using the van, he could park it on one of two streets facing the front entrance of the courthouse, take his shot, then simply drive off.

After moving his few belongings into the house, Newton had checked the van over again to make sure nothing had been overlooked.  When satisfied, he decided to once again drive by both of Michelle’s offices, and take still another trip down the two-lane highway bypassing the Becker estate.  The van could be used at her offices, while the trip down the highway was to make sure there was no place to make his try on Michelle on any trip she took from her home to the Interstate she would travel to St. Charles.  There were several places he had already spotted where such a try could be made, but there was no place he had found where he could park his car near enough to assure a prompt getaway. 

It was also possible to just park the van on the two-lane highway, take his shot and drive off.  The problem with that, or with shooting from a tree, was the SEAL husband who almost certainly would be driving her.  In either situation he would almost certainly have to take out the husband, then take a second shot, this one aimed at Michelle.  The obvious problem would be once the husband was killed, the car would veer off one way or the other and he probably would not have a clear shot at the main target…who might very well be armed to make a close in approach to the car dangerous.  There was also the problem of traffic. 

Once Newton thought this through again, he sighed, knowing the shot would have to be taken at the courthouse, or one of her offices.  More than likely, the courthouse. 

All this thought out again, Newton left on his journey to look things over still again.



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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Bigfoot Bait (Other Books) - The hunt continues for the one of the kidnappers.


Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, the second of three Bob Becker books.  The group hunting for one of the kidnappers is making progress by finding where he stopped for gas on his trip, but much work left to be done.  Enjoy and have a great day.



While Salazar followed Michelle to the home she shared with Bob, Dan and Janet had discovered the next stop Biden had made.  Back in their car, as Janet drove, Dan did some fast calculations, then called Jim. 

Jim answered, “You got more for us?  We could use it.  As it is we’re all heading back to square one.”

“Just leaving his next stop on the way to you.  Assuming he doesn’t stop in Spokane, or before it, and assuming the next two stops before Spokane are about where I’ve got them plotted, he should have gone through Spokane mid-morning, with his next stop being about fifty miles past it.  But, I’d say you’re better off going back to your starting point as you’re doing now.”

“Yeah, but we’ll be too early.  Think I’ll suggest everyone get some rest before we start over again.  How are you doing on getting any rest?”

“Awful.  Actually, not that bad.  Janet and I have both managed to get some sleep while the other one is driving, but damned sure not enough.”

“Too bad you can’t stop for awhile.  But guess if you do, it’d blow your timing.”

“Yeah, it would.  Probably see you sometime in the morning.  So long.”

Jim was still smiling as he set up a conference with his other three searchers.  When he did, he told Bob and Hector to find a motel to get a few hours sleep, after he told them why.  To Holly, he said, “Let’s find us one too, honey.”

“Aw shucks, husband, I was just getting used to going without sleep.”


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Monday, February 16, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Too Many Women (Other Books) - Terri nearly gets shot


Today’s excerpt is from Too Many Women, the first of three Bob Becker books.  Terri nearly gets shot while playing with Bob’s dog.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Terri, who was bored out of her mind, and having finished her “housecleaning” for the day, decided a bit of fun was reasonable.  In no time, Tillie had the wig and was running around with it, Terri in hot pursuit…further away from the house and to the left of the kitchen area. 

Leo saw and shouted, “Dammit, Terri, get that wig back on your head.  Matilda, stop!”

Tillie didn’t know, of course, Leo was a retired Sergeant Major, but did recognize authority when she heard it, plus which, Leo had already befriended the dog.  She stopped in her tracks.  Terri ran to her and took the wig.  She was facing the back of the house, far enough away from it and far enough left of the middle of the house for Boxer to see her…without the wig.  He and Burras were wearing communication sets and he said into his, “I’ll be damned…it’s her…Durbin’s wife.  That fat blonde I told you about is not blonde, and I bet she’s not fat either.  It’s his damn wife.  I’m plugging her, get ready to split.”

As Boxer lined up to take his shot, Terri started to put the wig back on…but wiggled it a bit at Tillie, which was all Tillie needed to make another try at it.  As she jumped, Terri stepped back to receive the brunt of Tillie’s charge in the midsection.  The end result was she bent forward just slightly…at the precise moment Boxer fired.  Terri had the wig above her head at the time, only to have it blown out of her hands.

Leo saw, heard the report of the rifle, saw a splash in the distant pool, and shouted, “Terri get back here right now.  Someone’s shooting at you.”

Terri paused just a second for Leo’s words to sink in.  Then, with the wig flying out of her hands and the sound of gunfire, she immediately did as told.  Tillie, meanwhile ran after the wig, retrieved it and started running around the back yard.  Leo sighed, shouted at her to “come” and went forward to grab Terri.  “Horace, shot fired, my guess is about one or two o’clock from you…probably in a tree.”


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Gettting old.

For anyone who cares, I'm getting old and will take weekends off in the future.  mike

Friday, February 13, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - How 'bout Both (Other Books) - Maine ignores Elmer orders not to come to stake out site.


Today’s excerpt is from Horace Goes Home, the second of three Elmer Bader books.  Against Elmer’s orders, Maine decides to join those who have a terrorist arms stash building staked out.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



“Yeah, sure,” Maine growled, as she shut her phone, ending the conversation.

Elmer looked at the dead phone in his hand.  As he did, Maine looked at Ruth.  “I gotta go.  Can I borrow your car, Ruth?”

“Sure.  I bet Elmer told you to stay here.”

“Very perceptive, Ruth.  I itch…remind me to take a shower when I get back, if you can help me figure out just how to do it.”

“Put a trash bag over the cast.  Seal it with duct tape.”

“Good idea…thanks.  Where are the keys?”

Ruth got up, went to her purse, took out her keys, then handed them to Maine, who had stood up and followed Ruth.  “Thanks, Ruth.  Guess I better get my weapon before leaving.”

 “Might not be a bad idea.”

Maine smiled and went to the bedroom she was staying in.  She took her arm out of the sling, took the sling off, and put on her shoulder holster, with gun.  Then she put on a jacket, her sling, and put her arm back in the sling.  When she came out, Ruth asked, "Where’s your purse?”

“Got my wallet in my jacket pocket.  Don’t carry a purse most times.”

Ruth just smiled as Maine said goodbye before leaving.  She drove to the site of the stakeout at the garage.  As she drove by the garage, she made the same turns Elmer had instructed Homer to take.  She pulled in behind the SWAT team vehicles.  Hector saw her pull up.  “Hey, Elmer, your one-armed partner just pulled up behind all your vehicles, down in the alley behind you.”

Elmer moaned, “Thanks, Hector.”  Shaking his head, he left those at the front wall and headed back to the other side of the building. 

When he got there, he looked down at Maine.  “How do you plan on getting up here, dummy?” 

“Nice talk from my partner, who I love and admire.  To answer your question, I’m gonna climb up.   I’ve got one good arm.”

Elmer just smiled as he watched Maine do exactly what she said she would.  When she got near the top, he gave her a hand.  “You sure are hardheaded.”

“Learned it from my partner.  Where’re we at?”

“On a roof.”

“You know what I meant.”

“We’re waiting for the bad guys to drive off.  Our patrol cars are gonna nab ‘em.  Hector has suggested we don’t try a raid while they’re in the garage because an errant shot might cause a nice explosion nobody really wants.”

Everyone could hear Elmer’s comment.  Homer joked, “This was an FBI operation, we’d already have ‘em.”

Hector countered, “This was an FBI operation, we’d all be ducking flying objects after the explosion.”


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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - (Horace Goes Home - Other Books) - Mob boss gets info and a bit of humor about coffee.


Today’s excerpt is from Horace Goes Home, the second of three Elmer Bader books.  Mob boss finds out his source in LAPD has killed himself.  Also, a bit of humor about Reggie’s awful coffee.   Enjoy and have a great day.



That evening, all four men who had driven in from Red’s ranch, rode back together in Elmer’s car, leaving John’s and Alan’s cars at the station house.  In another part of town, Aldo D’Alema came into Bettino Prudi’s office.  “Longfellow is dead…seems to be a suicide.  Good riddance.  One less person to worry about if we have to apply a scorched earth policy.”

Prudi frowned, “I hope he didn’t leave any incriminating evidence behind to tie him to us.  If so, all hell will break loose.  We’ll have Feds and LAPD nibbling around, trying to find any charge they can to tie to me.  At least they won’t have a witness to back up whatever evidence they come up with.  But I especially hope he left nothing behind to indicate he was the one who told us about the Cusimano brothers.”

“He was so damned arrogant, he just might have—figuring he’d never get caught.  What about Sgroi and Mosello?”

“Leave them for now—but put out feelers to see if anyone is actively looking for them.  We may have to revisit the decision to keep them alive.”


Just as Elmer pulled onto the long drive leading to the ranch, his cell phone rang.  It was Reggie.  “Passed with flying colors…thanks for your help, pal.  Also, thanks for opening the door for me.  We both know the job was yours if you wanted it.  Hope I can do as good a job as you would have.”

“Better.  Congrats.  See ya—I’m driving.”

“See you in the morning.  Thanks, again.”

Elmer was pleased to inform those in the car that Reggie had aced the test, so the coming morning he would be the new head of Homicide.  Everyone was happy to hear the news.  Alan joked, “Now all we have to do is keep him away from the coffee pot.  With his new, exalted position, he may want to claim coffee-making rights.”

Elmer shook his head.  “Nope…got it covered.  I let him know it was beneath his new position to be making coffee.  Should have told him bringing donuts is okay, though.  He makes coffee, Alan, you just take the pot, pour it into his office wastebasket, then make a new pot.  A few times and he’ll get the message we’re serious on the subject.”


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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Whodunit Did It (Other Books) - The hunted killer stikes again.


Today’s excerpt is from Whodunit Did It, the first of three Elmer Bader books.  Whodunit strikes again.   Enjoy and have a great day.



Three minutes later, “Whodunit” left with a large bag filled with cash.  Lovejoy was an experienced getaway driver.  He drove off with “Whodunit” in the car at a speed just a mile over the speed limit.  All would have been well, except the car Lovejoy had stolen for the job had, of all things, a tail light out.  They were only two blocks from the parking garage where Whodunit’s car was parked, when the red flashing lights appeared in the rear view mirror.  Lovejoy calmly pulled over and lowered his window.  The patrolmen walked forward in a normal pace.  “Whodunit,” looking over his shoulder, felt things would go fine, as the patrolman surely would not mosey up to the car if he knew it had just been used in a robbery, after having been stolen.  The patrolman bent down, “Sir, you have a tail light out.  May I please see your driver’s license?”

Lovejoy reached inside his coat, pulled his gun out, then shot the patrolman.  He calmly drove off to the parking garage.  When they got there, Lovejoy drove up to the second floor, where “Whodunit’s” car was parked, and when he saw no space next to it, parked two cars down.  Neither man had spoken since the patrolman had been shot.  “Whodunit” took a deep breath, exhaled, opened his door, and, as he got out, brought his gun to bear on Lovejoy.  He shot him in the temple.  He hurried to his own car and drove home.  When he got home, he took off the stolen plates he kept handy for such forays, then put on his own plates.  He went into his house and took off his disguise.  Only then did he show any emotion, “Damnit it, Harry—you were a good driver and a good lover, but it was stupid to kill the cop.”

What “Whodunit” didn’t know, of course, was that Lovejoy was a wanted man.  He had no driver’s license to show the patrolman.  By the time “Whodunit” muttered his words, all sorts of pandemonium was breaking loose.  At the check-cashing establishment, the thrice-wounded attendant was on his way to the hospital.  “Whodunit” had shot him again as he left, sure he had killed the man.  In fact, the man lived through the ordeal.  He was able to give the police very little in the way of help in identifying his attacker.

The patrolman also lived.  He was able to give a very good description of both car and driver.  The car was found early the next day, with the dead driver inside.  By the time Elmer and Alan were assigned the case of the dead driver, good police work and communication had pieced together that the three incidents were all related.  By ten in the morning, Elmer and Alan knew full well “Whodunit” had struck again, but in a much different way than previously, because he had obviously killed his driver for shooting the patrolman. 


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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Adios, Amigos (Asps Series) - SAS, Asps and friends take out some bad guys.


Today’s excerpt is from Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of the 9-book Asps series.   SAS, the Asps, and friends take out group of terrorists on high ground above valley below where the main force of terrorists will be using.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Less than those ten minutes later, Dan was ready.  “I think we should pick our targets…starting from the rear, obviously.  I’ll take the last guy in line.  Jan, the wind has picked up a bit.  This is one hell of a long shot.  How about sitting this one out, at least until these bozos know we’re attacking their column?”

“Yeah, okay.  It is a long shot.”

In order, Maggie, Jack, Bruce, Dusty, Kye, and Ike counted off from the next to last man in the column.  Ike was last.  “I’m on mine—go for it, Dan.”

Dan gently squeezed off his shot.  “Go.”

Each of the others, after a count of one, one thousand, fired their shots. Nine seconds later, seven terrorists lay dead on the ledge.  A few made a bit of noise as they fell, but it was ignored by those in front of them, figuring those behind them had simply taken a slight misstep.

Dan started a new count.  “One,” and the others soon counted off in the same order again.  When they finished he fired.  “Go.”

Quickly, seven more terrorists died, but the fourth one fell in such a manner as to cause his weapon to fall down the side of the mountain, alerting those in front of him enough to turn and see what was behind them.  It didn’t help the other three already in the sights of those across the valley from them, but caused pandemonium in the others still alive.  Seeing this, Dan took aim at his next target.  “The cat’s out of the bag…fire at will—you, too, Jan.”

Oscar ordered, “SAS, hold fire.  With luck they will see those behind them going down, then hurry for the bend...right into the path of our claymores.  Get down, lads.”

As Dan, Janet, and those below them continued to fire, killing several more of the terrorists who still had no idea where the killing shots were coming from, those still alive did exactly as Oscar hoped they would.  They started moving forward as fast as they could.  When the main body of them were opposite the claymores, Oscar ducked down before he depressed the remote button on the panel Bear had sent up.  The result was devastating.  When the smoke cleared, there were only six men standing.  Even as Oscar ordered, “Now, lads,” two more fell dead.  In seconds they were all down.

Dan saw.  “Oscar, hold fast.  I’ll call the plane.  Let them tell us how many infrared signatures they still have, so you don’t have to go sloshing through all their blood and guts.”

“Right on.”


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Monday, February 9, 2015

Laterst from the Janaitors, Asps, and Other Books - Father Mulligan (Asps Series) - Jim and friends a bout to capture former Stassi agent.


Today’s excerpt is from Father Millligan, Book #8 of the Asps series.   Jim in friends start the process of capturing a former Stassi agent who is wanted by MI6 Chief.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Dan shook his head.  “We haven’t spoken.  He’s not a happy camper.  Thought we’d save talk for you.”

The man groaned, “Hey, guys, I’m standing right here while you talk about me.  What gives?”

Jim answered, “Sergeant Zimmer, this young lady will escort you to our car.  Please be a nice fella.  Don’t give her reason to shoot you.  We really don’t want to kill you…or injure you in any way.  So go along nicely, please.”

As Jim spoke, Maggie moved to the man’s right-hand side, grabbed his thumb, then moved it until he sucked in a breath.  As they started to walk off, Jim muttered, “Maggie, he gives you any guff, you know what to do…but I really want him kept alive.”

Maggie asked, “Can I break his thumb, if he misbehaves…shoot him in the knee, if he really acts badly?”


As Maggie and her prisoner walked off, Maggie grinned.  “Hello, Sergeant Zimmer, I’m Maggie Doyle Littlefield, of Her Majesty’s Secret Intelligence Service, otherwise known as MI6.  My Chief wants very badly to get his hands on Fugleman…um, is that the name he’s using with you, by the way?”

Army Special Forces retired Sergeant Zimmer answered, “Yeah…though he didn’t want it that way.  He only told the six of us U.S. Military guys his first name…Hans.  One of his other men let his last name slip.  He asked us to keep it to ourselves.  Said that, because of his work for Mr. Papoulias, many people wanted him dead.  Said Mr. Papoulias had pissed off many in the Arab world—Hans was part of it.”

“He lied like a fish.  He and asshole Papoulias organized a trap…using some al-Qaida scum…for me and some of my friends.  They managed to kill one of us…wounded several more.  They all died for their efforts.  Your boss, Fugleman, by the way, is wanted by SIS for killing one of our agents when he was still with Stassi…the sister of our current Chief.  Everyone thought he was dead, had been for years…way back when Clinton was President.”

“Oh, my God.  I guess I’m in some deep dodo then.”

“Not at all.  You were hired to do a legitimate job.  No way for you to know what kind of people you were involved with.


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Sunday, February 8, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Billy's Rescue (Asps Series) - Billy strikes again.


Today’s excerpt is from Billy’s Rescue, Book #7 of the Asps series.   Billy leaves another calling card for the terrorists.  Enjoy and have a great day.



At the cave, Jim and Bruce were at the entrance.  The falling of rocks and boulders seemed to be slowing.  Both men just went on into the cave—not so much to get out of the way of falling material from above—as to look around.  Both had their night vision gear on, to take a careful look before going further into the cave. 

Long before the rest of the team, including Holly—now ten dollars richer—reached the entrance to the cave, Bruce and Jim had toured the cave to discover no one alive, though they did come across several bodies in various stages of disrepair.  Both had determined what could have happened, as they had found the epicenter of the blast.  They assumed Billy had some hand in the explosion.  When they walked out of the cave to find the others coming down to their level, Bruce joked, “I’m getting damn sick and tired of trying to rescue Billy.  Damn guy is a one-man wrecking machine when it comes to these jokers.  We should be nice, folks…post signs all over the Afghan countryside—plus all over Pakistan—warning all to avoid Billy Garcia…unless they want a great big Marine with a large bulldog head running through their camp chomping off heads as he goes.  But then we would have God knows how many terrorists still alive.”

Jim just chuckled as he called Phil.  “Okay, I guess you saw the explosion down here.  What’s up with you right now?”

“We didn’t see an explosion, but we sure saw a fireball shoot out of your damned cave.  You guys alright?”

“Oh, yeah.  We’re assuming Billy set up another booby-trap, or something.  Happily, it went off before we got inside the cave.  Rescuing Billy can be dangerous to your health, if you’re not careful.”


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