Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Assassin I Am - (More Books) - Fred's injured pilots ready to fly.

Today’s excerpt is from Assassin I Am, a stand alone book featuring new hero Fred Dupree, and Rosemary Williams…a woman he rescued before they became lovers.  Jim Scott and several old friends also show up to lend a hand.  Fred checks on his pilots who were injured in St. Louis and finds them ready to fly his new plane.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



Ray was already there and inside by the time Fred arrived.  After Fred greeted the two men, their wives, and children, the three men retired to Erv’s den.  Erv hobbled along on crutches, because he had been instructed to stay off the walking cast—reaching up to a spot just below his knee—for a few days.

When the two pilots seated themselves, Fred handed each of them one of the envelopes containing the money.  As they opened the envelopes, Fred sat down and joked, “Don’t spend it all in one place.  Same deal as last time we came upon some found money.  This is tax-free, as long as you don’t mess up and draw the interest of IRS for the way you spend it.

“While you guys have been goldbricking, I made a trip back to St. Louis and settled the score for the loss of our plane—and nearly the loss of us.  Those responsible for sending those jerks to kill us have been dealt with.”

Erv asked, “Have anything to do with the ‘ISIS’ raid on a mosque in St. Louis?  Did you perchance give ISIS a hand?”

“No comment—you know that.  But off the record…yeah.  Anyhow, on to the future.  Good old Harvey has rounded up a new plane for me…but it needs pilots.  When will you guys be ready to fly again?”

Ray answered first, “I’m good to go right now.”

Erv nodded agreement.  “Me, too.”

“Erv, is this gonna cause any friction with your family?”

“Nope.  As soon as we found out you were meeting Ray here, my darling bride just looked at me and grumbled, ‘Go ahead, idiot.  But if you get another broken leg, I’m stealing your crutches.’  So if you can put up with me taking a week and a half to get on and off the plane, I’m happy to go with you guys.  The three of us have been together long enough to keep a good thing going.”

“Glad you feel that way.  I’m planning on heading to Los Angeles in the morning…or at least sometime tomorrow.   By the way, it isn’t the three of us any longer.  The nice lady you met for such a short time before we got our plane shot up is now my new partner in crime.”

Ray muttered, “The hell, you say.”

“Don’t worry about her, guys.  She can outshoot me, is one tough cookie, and smart as hell…Marine for six years.  Her dad and brother were Marines, too…both killed in action.”

Erv shook his head.  “No way—we’ve been to the range with you.”

“Sorry to say, she beat me fair and square.  Harvey has the targets to prove it up.”

Ray asked, “You find a trail on the guy you were chasing down?  That why we’re going to L.A.?”

“Yeah, in part.  Got some other fish to fry there, also.  With some sort of decent luck, I might get lucky and kill two birds with one big, fat rock.”

Erv nodded.  “Let us know when—and where our new plane is.”

Fred stood up, shook hands with both men as they stood, too, and said, “Will do.”

As he turned to leave, Erv swatted him on the rear end with one of his crutches and asked, “You getting any of that hot little customer who outshot you?”

“A gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell.”

Ray joked, “So when was it you became a gentleman?”



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