Thursday, September 8, 2016

Back To China, (Other Books) - Old spies on the job.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To China, a stand alone book featuring Jim Scott and several old friends of his.  Drew and Boris, called in to discover who was behind the kidnapping of two scientists, strike pay dirt soon after arriving in Las Vegas.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



Instantly shaken, the secretary just pointed to the office of Mao Jinping.

As Drew headed to the office door, Boris stopped at the desk of the secretary.  “Do not use the phone until told to do so.  It rings, do not answer it.  Understood?”

“Yes…yes, sir,” was the stuttering reply.

Boris nearly smiled as he went through the door Drew had left open.  He slammed it shut.

Drew glared at Mao.  “Did you organize this morning’s murders and kidnapping—or did you just lend your trucks for the dastardly deed?”

Mao opened his mouth to speak.  Seemingly out of nowhere, Boris had his gun in hand and jammed it into the mouth of the man.  He held up one finger of the other hand.  “You have not yet lied to us.  You were about to lie for the first time.  Listen very carefully to what my friend has to say.  Then he will ask the same question again.”

Sweat was showing on Mao’s brow, as he tried to nod with the gun still in his mouth.

Drew growled, “We do not work for the government.  We are just concerned citizens, who have been assured any laws we violate will be forgiven by a Presidential pardon.  We already have information you were involved.  Now, the way this is going to work is I will ask questions and you will answer truthfully.  Your failure to do so will probably result in you spending what term of sentence you ultimately receive as a blind, castrated, limbless paraplegic…or at least partially so, until you decide to cooperate.  If you understand, nod.”

After receiving the desired nod, Drew continued, as Boris withdrew his gun, “If you remember my original question, please give me a truthful answer.”

When Drew and Boris were nearly finished with Mao, they heard the outer door open, and hurried footsteps, as the secretary had pointed at the door to Mao’s office with a great deal of urgency.  When the two men who had entered the office burst through the door, guns in hands, they never got off a shot, as a silent shot from Drew’s gun and one loosed by Boris both hit home, killing the two in their tracks.

While Boris turned his weapon on Mao, Drew hurried to the outer office and grumbled to the secretary, “Get in here…now!”

Only after the shaking woman did as told did Drew make sure both would-be assailants were dead.  His next move was to secure the hands of both the secretary and Mao.  After a seconds thought, he called Bear.  “Bear…where are you?”

“Getting a nice new car to drive, courtesy of Evan and the FBI.”

“Is your plane still here?”

“Yes…but Sarah is about to takeoff.”

“Stop her.  Get your war bag…”

“Got it already.”

“…and a parachute.  Dress in black.  You’re gonna go on a hairy jump, old friend.  Boris and I are too old for that crap.  Is Evan nearby?”


“Give him your phone.”

“Hi, Drew.”

“Hello, Evan.  If you’ve been here awhile, why have we not heard from you?”

“After the group here told me you got the name of the truck company’s owner, I assumed you would not want to be disturbed.  Also, I’ve got a kettle of fish to fry.  The new Director, Chuck Fisher—an excellent choice, by the way—has been organizing things so that everyone understands I’m in charge until further notice.  That includes my people, Homeland folks, and DOD.  The Brits here…four MI6 guys…have seconded themselves to me until further notice, on orders of Tony Henry—or I guess it’s ‘Sir Anthony’ now.  What have you been up to?”

“We know who’s in charge—and most of who are involved.  We’ve got two bodies for you to deal with, when you have time.  You want to come to us…or at least send some of your people?  We’re gonna be a bit pressed for time, from what we’ve found out.”

“I’ll send a couple of guys to take care of the bodies.  You got anybody alive?”

“Yeah—we’ll bring them to you.  We’re gonna lock up the office here.  Have your guys figure out how to get in.  The bodies are in an inner office.”


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