Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Pool Of Blood, Book #3 if the Becker Trilogy - Assassin outwits Bob, Jim, and Holly.

Today’s excerpt is from Pool Of Blood, Book #3 of Becker Trilogy.  Feeling the attorney who was doing various bad deeds for Hoyer was likely to be killed after delivering damming data to the evil rich man, Jim, Bob, and Holly hoped to catch the assassin in the act.  He had a different plan than they thought he would have.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



By seven-thirty, Holly—with Jim and Bob in the car with her—had pulled into the convenience store/filling station, since the three had agreed to stop there rather than the fast-food establishment.  The three friends were all wearing communication sets having the appearance of being the type of phone attached to the ear.  Bob elected to stay in the car while Holly and Jim went in to “browse around”, looking for something to snack on, to go with the coffee they planned on buying. 

The car was parked to give Bob a good look at the road leading to Hoyer’s estate.  He had a light-enhancing set of binoculars trained on the road.  When Dooley passed by, he joked, “I’m about ready for coffee.”

Holly and Jim looked at each other and grinned, knowing Bob was telling them Dooley had passed the store.  They continued to browse, in order to give Dooley time to reach Hoyer’s mansion and return.  After about twenty minutes, they purchased the items they had chosen and went to the car.  There the three sat and munched until finished, then Bob took their trash to a bin.

He was just getting back in the car when Dooley drove by, with the promised hundred thousand dollars in a paper bag sitting next to him.  The three in Bob’s car saw him, but decided to wait a few minutes to see if Newton was following him.

After five minutes, Holly started the car and glanced at Jim.  “Should I go ahead and follow now, or wait a little longer?”

“No—go ahead, honey.  As it is, we may have trouble catching up to him.”

Holly nodded and pulled onto the road.  As she did, it started to rain.  In the back seat, Bob muttered, “This sure isn’t gonna help any.”

Neither Holly nor Jim replied, but Holly did see a set of car lights in her rearview mirror.  “We have someone behind us.  Should I speed up to catch Dooley, or slow down and let the car behind us catch up?”

Jim shrugged.  “What say you, Bob?”

“Speed up, Holly.  Let’s see if the car behind us closes the gap, or falls back.  If it’s Newton, he’ll more-n-likely be coming pretty fast.”

“Okay, but I can already see whoever it is behind us is falling back.  I don’t think Newton would be out for a Sunday drive if he’s after Dooley.”

What they, of course, had no way of knowing was Newton wouldn’t be coming along, because he was already in Dooley’s subdivision…and had been there for nearly an hour.  He drove down the street with empty, uncompleted, houses.  When he came to the house more-or-less behind Dooley’s, he shut off his lights and pulled into the drive, up to a point he was nearly touching the plastic hanging in front of the garage.  He got out, went to the side of the building, and saw the siding was only partially completed on that end of it.  Next, he went to the plastic and looked behind it, to discover an empty, totally unfinished garage.  Satisfied to find what he expected, he pulled the plastic free from the few nails holding the sides in place, and then up onto the hood of his car.  Then he got back in and drove about halfway into the garage.  He stopped, got out, and pulled the plastic to the rear of the car, then went the rest of the way into the garage.

He got out and saw there was no doorway into the house from the garage, but it didn’t matter.  The inside of the house was only framed out, so he walked between two boards of the framing and went into the house.  Finding a backdoor, he opened it and stepped out.  From there he called Hoyer, after waiting around for nearly an hour.  “Has he left yet?  If so when?”

Hoyer told him when Dooley had left.  After talking to Newton, Hoyer wondered where he would be following from if he had to call to find out when Dooley left, having no idea Newton had changed his plans about following Dooley.

While Hoyer wondered about the call, Newton hurried to his car, gathered the items he wanted, then made his way to Dooley’s back door.  On the way, it started to rain a bit harder than it had been.  Newton swore, but knew there was nothing to do about it, since aborting his plan was not an option.

The dirt around the unfinished house was starting to turn to mud as he went.  Dooley’s yard was a bit better.  The front and both sides had received sod, but the back had only been seeded.  The seeding job was taking hold, but not yet solid, so Newton was still slogging along there, even if it was better than the raw ground of the unfinished house had been. 

When he reached the back of Dooley’s house, Newton went up on the one-step-up porch.  At least there he was shielded somewhat by an overhang covering the four foot wide concrete porch.  He picked the lock on the door, and when he turned the door knob to discover his success, he started on the deadbolt above.  That took a bit longer to pick, but when he was sure he had it, he stood and waited for Dooley to arrive home. 


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