Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Saltwater Connection, Book #6 of the Janitors Series - Jim and Boris question bad guy.

Today’s excerpt is from The Saltwater Connection, Book #6 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  After capturing the Muslim men who came to buy the kidnapped women, Jim and Boris start questioning one of them.   Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



Jim and Boris turned their attention to the prince.  Boris roughly sat the man in the chair at the desk and Jim grumbled, in Arabic, “Okay, here’s the drill.  You’re going to give me your numbered account numbers and the access codes.  I’m taking a million dollars from you.  Then, after we have liberated a like amount from your friends, you’ll be left here to fend on your own.  Your plane—or whoever’s it is—will be damaged slightly, so it won’t fly without minor repairs.  You’ll have to dispatch someone to the nearest town for parts.  We’ll leave the other vehicles in working order for that.  You fail to comply with my request for your account numbers and access codes and I’ll blow off your right kneecap, just like I have your left one.  If you’ll still not convinced, my next shot will be between your legs.  Do you understand?”

The prince looked at Jim with hatred in his eyes and spat.  Boris backhanded him and split a lip.  Jim took out his silenced Walther and shot him in right knee.  Just then, one of the freed women came in carrying two plates of food.  She looked at the carnage, with shock showing on her face.  Another of the women followed her in—also carrying two plates of food—and had much the same reaction.

Boris smiled.  “This gentleman came to buy you into his harem.  Would either of you like the next shot?”

One of the women softened her expression.  “Yes, now that you mention it, I think I would.”

The other one grinned.  “Me, too.  Sorry if I looked startled at first.  I nearly forgot how I got here and the treatment I’ve been subjected to while here.”

Boris nodded.  “Fully understandable.  What you are witnessing is the Jim Scott direct method of questioning.”


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