Friday, September 9, 2016

Monster's Palace (Other Books) - Clyde and Jo meet for the first time.

Today’s excerpt is from Monster’s Palace, a stand alone book introducing new characters Clyde Feegle and Jo Kelly.  Before any old friends (Jim Scott included) get involved, these two meet and are attracted to each other immediately…not knowing the strange turns their relationship is do for.   Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



At a little past eight, Clyde walked into the foyer of the very expensive home in an upscale neighborhood the Congressman’s very rich mother had bought for him.  He handed his cover (hat) to an attendant and walked into the main ballroom of the mansion.  Clyde glanced around, until he saw a woman on the far side of the room.  He looked directly into Jo’s eyes, as she looked directly back at him. 

Nothing was going to stop him from meeting this woman.  Jo, on the other hand, didn’t know what to do.  She considered running for the nearly open sliding glass door a few feet away, circling around, and just leaving.  But the electricity she felt—and could tell Clyde felt—drew her to him as both walked at a steady pace toward each other.  Neither took their eyes off the other.  When they met in the middle of the large room, Jo held out her hand.  “I’m Josephine Kelly…‘Jo’ to my friends.”

As he clasped the hand, Clyde responded, “I’m Clyde Feegle…and may God grant me the good fortune to become a friend.”

The two, still holding each other’s hand, then talked about whatever might come to the minds of two people who had just been shot through the heart with an arrow fired by Cupid, until Patrick Hoy walked up to them.  “Hi, Clyde—glad to see you could make it.  Also, glad to see you’ve already met Jo.”

Clyde didn’t take his eyes from Jo’s as he replied, “Hi, Pat.  Yes…we just met.”

“Hello, Congressman Hoy.  We just met.”

Pat nearly laughed outright when he noticed they were still holding each other’s hand, as they had been when he first spotted the two together.  He cleared his throat.  “Cuz, I’d shake your hand if it wasn’t otherwise occupied.”

Both Jo and Clyde looked down to their hands.  Jo blushed.  Clyde held on just a bit longer, then finally—very reluctantly—released the hand.  He turned less than half a turn and held out his hand to Pat.  “Good to see you, Congressman.”

Pat shook the offered hand as he shook his head.  “I think I’ll go check on some of my other guests.”

Jo reached out her hand to gently stop him from leaving.  “Just a second, Congressman.  I’ve got a check for you, and I think I better give it to you now, since I sincerely hope I’ll be leaving shortly.”

She blushed again, even as she opened the small handbag she had in her left hand.  She extracted a check for five thousand dollars and handed it to the Congressman.  “I’m not really too hep on what is proper in the way of donations to politicians—since I’ve never done it before.  But I do hope this will help your re-election campaign.”

Pat smiled as he took the offered check.  “It will do nicely, thank you.”


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