Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Bigfoot Bait, Book #2 of the Becker Trilogy - ATF agents still tracking gunrunners.

Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, Book #2 of Becker Trilogy.  Carl and Tank still following Salazar and the bikers and are drawing nearer the Wenatchee National Forest…where the Bob and friends are looking for the kidnappers and the girls they kidnapped.   Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



While those searching for Biden and Clay left their campsite, the bikers were making good time.  They, and those following, were settling into a comfortable pattern of refueling stops.  As they all drew ever nearer Spokane, Carl and Tank—by now well aware of what Bob and friends were up to and where—started to wonder if they would wind up anywhere near where the kidnappers and pursuers were located.

They had a pretty good idea of where that was, because Tank had spoken to Bob on three occasions.  Bob had filled him in on the progress those hunting Biden and Carl were making, including their arrival in the Wenatchee National Forest.  Carl and Tank knew they were soon to arrive in Spokane and wondered where they would go from there.  Tank, in particular, thought it likely they would be heading into the forest.  “Clay, it makes sense for old Briefcase to have his weapons stashed somewhere in Wenatchee, or one of the other national forests in Washington.  He told Salazar and your man they would be taking the weapons up to near the Canadian border.  What better route to take?  I’m sure a lot of bikers traverse those areas for pleasure—why not just blend in?”

“No reason at all.  Makes sense.  I guess we’ll know soon enough.  We should be through Spokane by noon, at the speed these guys are making, with only the one stop of any length.”

“If so, it’s gonna be a bitch keeping track of ‘em…at least as far as your chopper is concerned.”

“Nah—it’s got the latest infrared system aboard.  The trees of the forest shouldn’t be a bother at all.”

“What happens if they run into another big group of bikers?”

“Shut up, Tank.”


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