Thursday, September 15, 2016

Back To Iraq, Book #2 of the Janitors Series - Billy takes out four terrorists.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To Iraq, Book #2 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Billy Longbow takes out four terrorists.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



Hector was already walking toward Jim’s Humvee as the pilot signed off.  Billy and Jim got out, soon followed by the others in both Humvees.  Hector sighed.  “Sounds like we have company coming.”

Jim nodded.  “Okay, who volunteers?”

Hector looked at Billy.  Billy looked at Hector and grumbled, “Indian scout take first shift.”

That drew a few chuckles as Billy went to get out a silenced rifle, checked it out, and put on a communication set that was locked in on a channel that matched the sets of everyone else on the team.  Next he checked his sidearm, a silenced Walther pistol identical to the ones used by all members of the Janitors, looked at his compass, and headed off across the sand and up a dune that was only a few feet from where they had stopped.

After his first few steps, Jim called out, “Uh, Billy, no prisoners.  That team General Bradley sent out reported these guys are terrorists of some stripe.  We sure as hell aren’t leaving any live terrorists behind to come blow up more of America…and we aren’t taking them home.”

Billy nodded as he headed off.  As he did, the others all put on their communicaton sets.  Those sets were quite small, similar to those worn on the sidelines by NFL coaches, but smaller and much lighter.  They were transistorized, but had a range sufficient for the job at hand, as Jim had no intention of anyone getting anywhere close to out of range, as he didn’t want anyone to risk getting separated from the team.

All members of the team were already wearing night vision goggles, an item that gave them vast superiority during the night to anyone not wearing similar gear.

 About five minutes later, Drew blew out a mouthful of air.  “I’ll follow Billy.  When I think we’re far enough out that you can start up again, I’ll holler.”

Hector shook his head.  “I can do that, Drew.”

“No.  I’m not so damn old that I can’t pull my weight.”

“That’s a lot of weight to pull, old man,” joked Boris.

Drew just gave Boris a dirty look and headed off in the tracks Billy had left.

The remainder of the Janitors just stood around the Humvees or sat in them for what seemed a lifetime before Drew contacted them.  “Okay, start up.  If I can hear you, I’ll let you know.”

Jim got into the lead Humvee and replaced Billy as the driver.  He started up and waited to hear from Drew.  When he heard nothing, he started driving ahead.  Hector soon had the second vehicle started and followed.

After about fifteen minutes, Drew called a halt.  “Can hear you.  Shut them down.”

Jim and Hector both immediately stopped their vehicles and turned them off.  Then Jim grumbled, “Billy, we aren’t more that ten miles from the target.  You should be about half that close.”

Billy didn’t reply, but Drew did, “He’s onto something.  I can tell by his body language.”

The “body language” Drew spoke of saw Billy dive to the ground and sight in on the nearest of the four men who had just come over the crest of a sand dune.  He waited until all four men were halfway down the dune before he re-sighted, this time on the man who was the longest distance from him, in the back of the fanned out procession. 

His shot took the man in the throat, just above where neck joined torso.  The man was dead before he hit the ground.  The second shot took out the man next furthest from Billy.  By now, the other two realized they were under attack.  Both dove to the ground.  One died on the way down, the other seconds later.


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