Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Zimo Hunt, Book #2 of the Asps Series - Three Asps thumb a ride in Pakistan.

Today’s excerpt is from The Zimo Hunt, Book #2 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Dusty, Bear and Kye get a ride.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



At about the same time Bruce spoke, Bear was walking up to a truck which had stopped as he waved at it.  Dusty, Bear, and Kye had decided when any vehicle came along, heading in their direction, it would be flagged down by Bear and Kye, with Dusty standing a distance from the vehicle, with his back turned.  Bear had a skin tone of the area, as did Kye.  Both had substantial Hispanic blood, though neither was full-blooded Hispanic…Kye being half, and Bear three-quarters.  Once they had reached the road they were looking for, and their plan hatched, they simply waited until a truck came along, with Dusty riding in the back and not showing his face, therefore giving lie to the three of them being either Pakistani or Afghans.

When the driver of the truck looked out his window at Bear, he was greeted politely in Urdu.  The man shrugged and replied in Pashto, saying he understood Urdu, but spoke it poorly.   Bear acknowledged that and replied in Pashto, “I am grateful, for I have trouble with Urdu myself.  I wonder if my friends and I could get a ride in your direction?”

The man nodded.  “Yes, of course.  But there is really only room for one of you in the front.”

Bear smiled, and gave words of thanks, then added, “I will ride in the front.  The others can ride in the back.”  In a louder voice, he ordered, “In the back, your two—we don’t want to keep this kind man waiting.”

Dusty, who had ambled to the rear of the truck, and Kye, who was standing near Bear but further away from the cab of the truck, were soon climbing in the rear.  Kye situated herself so the driver would have trouble seeing past her to look at Dusty, who sat with his back to the cab, with his legs hanging off the back of the truck.  Bear, meanwhile, hurried around the truck and climbed in alongside the driver.

The driver glanced through the rear window.  “The lady is very attractive.  Is she your wife?”

“No.  My sister, and is engaged to the man in the back with her.”



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