Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Birth Of The Asps (Asps Series) - Another terrorists bites the dust...this one in D.C.

Today’s excerpt is from Birth Of The Asps, Book #1 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Bear takes out a sleeper terrorist in Washington, D.C.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.
Bear, they all agreed, looked more Middle Eastern than anyone else in the party.  He was elected to go to Jabbaar’s door and ring the doorbell.  They had a description of Jabbaar from Gabriel, and the man who answered the door seemed to fit that description.  Bear already had his hand inside his jacket pocket as the door swung open.  Since the man seemed to match the description Bear had, he pulled his Asp and shot Amal al-Jabbaar in the forehead.
Before Jabbaar could fall, the very strong Bear clasped him around the shoulder as he put away his weapon.  Using his free hand to help hold the dead man upright, he more or less danced him out of view of any outside onlookers.  Then he dropped the man to the floor and went back to the door.  He was smiling and waving to the approaching Harry, like Harry was a long lost relative.  Harry hurried in and Bear shut the door.
Harry looked down at Jabbaar as Bear joked, “Sure hope that’s him.  I’d hate to kill the wrong guy by mistake.”
Harry nodded and replied, “Looks like what we were told to expect.  If not, he sure isn’t a good guy, being in this house.  Your acting job was first rate, by the way.”
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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Sedona Chip (Janitors Series) - After 7 plus years dealing with the War on Terror, the President having some fun.

Today’s excerpt is from Sedona Chip, Book #9 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Knowing the French were listening to conversations in the Oval Office, the President and General Bradley continue with the fun of driving them batty.  Enjoy and have a great day.
Finally, after more angst on all sides, the satellite was launched…five months and twelve days after the French first heard of the Sedona Chip.
In Washington, the President and General Bradley came up with another act of the play—that nearly drove Claude Basset around the bend.
At six o’clock in the evening, the President went into the Oval Office and made some calls, then shuffled paper for a few minutes, until General Bradley came in.  “Sir, they’re in final countdown with the Sedona Chip satellite.”
“I’ll let you know when it’s up.”
“Thank you, Ellis.”
Before Basset could get up from his desk to go tell his President about the news, the First Lady came into the Oval Office.  Basset nearly screamed, “Oh, no—not tonight.”
For three and a half hours, Basset sat there and listened.  This night, the four ladies had decided to talk mainly of clothing since they hadn’t spoken on that subject in a few weeks.  They also spliced in how to serve tea, Janet claiming she had no idea, and the other three only too willing to help teach her.
The last hour of the conversation, the French President came into Basset’s office and sat down.  “I find it impossible to sleep, knowing we may have definitive information soon.”
After he listened for about half an hour to the conversation in the Oval Office, he asked, “What kind of nonsense is this?”
“Sir, it’s what I’ve been listening to about once, or twice, or three times a week, while waiting on this General Bradley to come in and update their President.”
“How do you stand it?”
“Not well, sir.”
“How does he stand it?”
“That I also do not know, sir.”
“I’d strangle those women rather than listen to all that.”
Basset thought, “No, you’d have me strangle them,” but muttered, “With just cause, sir.”
Finally, after another half an hour, General Bradley came into the Oval Office.  “A moment, sir.”
The First Lady stood up.  “Come, ladies, let these gentlemen get on with the affairs of state.”
The French President groaned, “Thank God.”
Basset added, “Amen.”
General Bradley grunted, “It’s up, sir.”
Basset and the French President nearly fell all over themselves getting to a phone to order that the new American satellite be tracked and not lost.  Their early morning was not to get much better.  In point of fact, six satellites had been launched…two—including the blue-light special—on a track that the launch team felt certain the French would be unable to track effectively.  That is exactly what happened.  The French knew all six had gone up, but lost two—including the blue light special.
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Monday, December 29, 2014

Latest from the Janaitors, Asps, and Other Books - Devil's Brew (Janitors Series) - Madman terrorist strikes again.

Today’s excerpt is from Devil’s Brew, Book #8 of the Janitors Series.  Vicious terrorist strikes again, but this time the subject of his terror lived.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.
Mohammed limply swung his machete, only barely breaking the skin.  Tikriti was incensed.  He knew he had precious seconds, and opted to vent his ire on Mohammed, rather than cutting off Sandy’s head, as he had the other two women.
As Mohammed stood transfixed, Tikriti swung his machete with all his might.  The blade went from the left of Mohammed’s neck to under his right arm.  As the two pieces of Mohammed fell to the floor, Tikriti ran through the house, into the kitchen.  He was soon through the back door.
Had Ruby and Wilbur not taken the time to get Sandy’s pizza out of the rear of the patrol car, they might have seen, rather than heard, Tikriti.  They did, however, hear him and wondered what the hurried sound of feet running down Sandy’s back steps meant.  They soon found out.  As they hurried toward the rear of the house, Ruby glanced into Sandy’s bedroom and shouted, “Wilbur, call an ambulance.  Officer down.”
She then dropped the pizza she’d been carrying and rushed into Sandy’s bedroom.  When she reached Sandy, she rapidly took the pillowcase from one of Sandy’s pillows and wrapped it around the leg stump.  Then she took the other pillowcase and did the same with her amputated arm.
By that time, Wilbur had made the call for an ambulance and had untied Sandy’s other arm and leg.  He tossed the clothesline pieces to Ruby.  “Tie the pillowcases on with this.”
He then ran into the bathroom and got two bath towels.  He wrapped one over the pillowcase and held it tightly, as Ruby did the same with the other towel on her arm.
Sandy’s luck had taken a decided turn for the better with the arrival of Ruby and Wilbur.  Not only did their attentions probably save her life, but they were aided in the fact that an ambulance was slowly returning from a false alarm only two blocks from Sandy’s home when the call went out.  They were there even as Ruby was wrapping the towel on Sandy’s arm.
The paramedics soon took over.  One had the presence of mind that, as he worked, he said, “Untie those pieces of arm and leg and bring them with us.  The doctors may be able to put them back on.”
Sandy, of course, was oblivious to the entire proceeding.  She had thankfully passed out, just after the second blow by Tikriti.
When the paramedics arrived, Wilbur hurried through the house and out the back, hoping to track the monster who had done this to their friend.  In that endeavor, Wilbur failed.  Tikriti was long gone.  He had run out the back door, circled the house, and was soon driving off in his car.
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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - The Saltwater Connection (Janitors Series) - Team prepares to rescue women sold into white slavery.

Today’s excerpt is from The Saltwater Connection, Book #6 of the Janitors Series.  The team arranges two fact finding trips as they get ready to rescue three of the women sold into white slavery.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.
Jim sighed.  “Yeah, I guess you’re right, Drew.  Okay, we’ve got three targets.  The two Saudi princes, and the rich guy in Iran.  Billy, Hector—you two guys well versed on the guy in Iran?”
Billy nodded.  “Drew and Boris filled me in pretty well on him.  I can bring Hec up to speed.  Guess you’ve got in mind for us to go lay the groundwork for a team effort to get the gal he has out of there?”
Jim nodded.  “Yeah.  Drew, you and Boris can scope out the situation in Saudi.  I’ll call the General and get you an Air Force flight out as soon as possible.  Same thing for you and Hector, Billy.  I’ll get an Air Force flight laid on for you guys to Turkey.  You can figure out how to go on from there.  Let’s fix you up with false papers to use for travel from Turkey to Iran.  Maybe go in as Turk businessmen.  That’s assuming the damn Turks don’t give us any crap about flights into our bases there.  One plane shouldn’t pose a problem.  We’ll make up our minds who goes after whom after the four of you report back on what you find.  Any questions, or comments?”
All four men involved shook their heads, but Holly raised her hand.  “Honey, you better check with the President about the two Saudi princes before Dad and Boris go whizzing into Saudi.”
Jim shook his head.  “Not for just a fact-finding mission.  But, I’ll run it by General Bradley when I ask him to arrange the flights.  I’d planned on a trip to the White House on the subject of the two princes in the morning…if General Bradley can get me in to see the President.”
That said, Jim placed his call to General Bradley.  In less than two hours, Billy and Hector boarded an Air Force flight headed for Turkey.  Drew and Boris had been gone an hour by the time the Turkey flight took off.
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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - The Tickleton Affair (Janitors Series) - Arnold shows pluck.

Today’s excerpt is from The Tickleton Affair, Book #5 of the Janitors Series.  The President agrees, reluctantly, to Arnold staying with the team that will hunt for the Chinese spy…and for Jim to attend to another matter.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.
“Good, thanks.  I’m Jim.  Anyhow, the President suggests that I fly you back to Washington and put you up at my facility there, which is on an Air Force base, until we get to the bottom of this.  Are you receptive to that idea?”
“Not at all.  As I’ve made clear to Dan and Evan, I’m not hiding from this bastard.  I want his ass.  We’re going hunting.  You’re welcome to come along if you like.  If not, see you later.”
Jim looked at Arnold and smiled.  Then he returned to the President.  “Uh, sir, he says no.  And he did so in no uncertain terms.  He says he’s not hiding from Chang Lin.  He’s hunting him.”
“Oh, wonderful.  I take it this Chang Lin you mentioned is the one who is after him?”
“Yes, sir.  Dan Orf’s hunch was right.  A gun dealer by the name of Peter Ginsberg sold Lin the weapons he used in the raid on Buchanan Industries and also the ones used in the attempt on the highway, the one that killed the two FBI agents.”
“How did you find all this out?”
“I asked Mr. Ginsberg, sir.”
“Yeah, asked.  Glad you’re on our side.  Jim, is this guy Buchanan a cowboy?  Or just a genius with pluck?”
“Pluck, sir.”
“Oh, very well.  Do what you think best.  I’ve always had good luck trusting you, and I am a bit interested in seeing if you can find al-Qaida gold in Sudan.  Tell Holly and Jessica if they lose Buchanan, they are no longer welcome at the White House.”
Jim laughed.  “I’ll pass that along, sir.”
“By the way, just who is this Dan Orf fellow that you mentioned?”
“He’s an insurance investigator with Gold Rush Insurance.  He and his wife Janet were the ones who discovered the cause and identity of the guy responsible in that LV Charters plane crash in the Rockies.”
“I thought I’d heard that name.  What’s his position in this?”
“They—Gold Rush—have Mr. Buchanan and his plant insured.  He’s working with the local FBI through John Engle.”
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Monday, December 22, 2014

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - SNEAK PREVIEW - Back To China (Other Books) - Kim Jong Un wets himself.

SNEAK PREVIEW excerpt from Back To China, my new book that will be published on Amazon’s Kindle Book Store sometime after the first of the year.  A plane is flying west from Las Vegas where two scientists (one American and one working for England) from Area 51 have been kidnapped.   Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



SIS Chief Sir Anthony Henry got on the line.  “I take it you have some disturbing news for me.  We are aware Mr. Hogan is not where he is supposed to be.”

“Yes, sir—I’m afraid you’re right.  He…and Mr. Walendy have been kidnapped.”

The agent explained what he knew about the situation.  When he finished, Sir Anthony asked, “Do you have any knowledge of just who did this?”

“None, sir.  Though from what I just heard one of the FBI agents tell the other agents with me, it seems several witnesses stated they seemed to be Asian.”

“Very well.  Do what you can.  I will be back to you.”

When he got off the phone, Sir Anthony asked, “What is the status of our GPS device?”

“Moving past the coast of California…almost certainly in an airplane, sir.  If one was to extend a straight line from Nevada through their present location, it would cross over Japan, Korea, and into China…if it doesn’t stop in North Korea.”

“Thank you…I’d bet on China.  That pipsqueak, Kim Jong Un, doesn’t have the smarts or balls to pull off an operation like this.  In fact our man in Korea says a recent flight of American fighters headed for North Korea caused him to wet himself…before they veered off at the last second.”

Within three seconds, Sir Anthony called #10 Downing Street.  When he had the Prime Minister on the line, he paused just a moment, then spoke.  “Sir, we have a very serious situation.”


Sunday, December 21, 2014

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Toboggan (Janitors Series) - Bad guys fighting snowstorm.

Today’s excerpt is from Toboggan, Book #4 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  The two New York hoods are fighting the snow and each other as they get ready to up the hill in the snowstorm…while the good guys are coming downhill.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.
Tony and Frank woke up, and both were in a foul mood.  Frank said, “Tony, I gotta eat.”
“Dammit, Frank.  Why don’t you just kill me and eat my ass.”
“Dat not a bad idea.  Ya ready to go to da lodge?”
“Oh, hell, Frank, let’s go.”
“We not quit taday.”
“No, Frank.  We have to make it today.  I don’t think either of us can go much longer without food.  We either make it today or die trying.”
Without further comment, Frank led the way.  In spite of all the new snow, they could still see the indentations where they had been the day before and Frank plowed ahead, with Tony following.  They were so weakened from a lack of food that it was all they could do to put one foot in front of the other one.  Tony, who was carrying the shotgun, thought on more than one occasion to just toss it.  Some inner dread of being unarmed forced him to clutch it with the remaining strength he had.
Frank was like a man possessed and he forced himself to ignore his hunger, weakness from lack of food, and the struggle to forge through the snow.  Tony, on the other hand, was having a very difficult time keeping up.  Several times, he called a halt.  Each time he did, Frank’s ire increased, but even Frank had to admit that the rest felt good.
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Saturday, December 20, 2014

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Dog Pound (Janitors Series) - Dog Pound found...on its side in a cove.

Today’s excerpt is from Dog Pound, Book #3 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Against all odds, Steve and Billie Jo—aboard the raft—spot Dog Pound on its side in a cove of a small island.  Enjoy and have a great day.
As the sun started to rise, Steve picked up his binoculars and scanned the sea in front of them.  He saw something other than the sea, more than just a speck in the distance.  He took the binoculars down from his eyes, rubbed them, then looked again.  Noticing that Billie Jo was awake, he decided to have some fun, and shouted, “Land ho!”
Billie Jo sat up excitedly, then saw the smile on Steve’s face and asked, “What kind of land?”
“Damned if I know.  It’ll be several hours before we get there.  I’d say about noon.”
Billie Jo groaned, “You’re some sort of wise guy.  I was thinking we had found Hawaii or something.”
Steve reached out and ruffled her hair.  “Guess that was a bit mean.  Sorry.”
“No you’re not.  You think it was funny.”  She added, “And so do I.  The joke’s on me, but you just wait.”
After they ate and heeded the demands of nature, Steve and Billie Jo took turns at the tiller.  As the day wore on, the land mass in front of them grew.  At one point Steve looked through the binoculars again, saw that their target was a smallish island, and was sure he saw the beginnings of the outline of a boat.
By the time they were close enough to see there was indeed a boat on the island, Steve also noted that it seemed to be lying on its side—or nearly so.  After that observation, he muttered, “Looks like someone else had trouble with the storm.  We better proceed with a bit of caution, just in case that boat belongs to the kidnappers.  It’s not chiseled in stone that the boat I saw blow up was them.”
Deciding to steer in a circle around the island, he handed the binoculars to Billie Jo and started a slow-sweeping arc while still moving in closer to the island.  His hope was that if they spotted trouble before trouble spotted them, they could just bypass the island and go on.  He almost decided to simply bypass the island without closer inspection, fearing that any small boat the potential enemies might have would surely be much quicker than the raft.  Later, he was very glad he hadn’t taken that route because, within minutes, Billie Jo quietly asked, “What did you say the name of your boat was?”
“Was it, perchance, the ‘Dog Pound’?”
“Yes,” Steve answered in a suspicious manner.
Billie Jo grinned.  “Could there be two of them?  That is, two boats with the same name?”
“It’s possible, but not likely.  Why are you being so cute?”
“Because, Captain, the name on the rear of that boat clearly says ‘Dog Pound’.”
Steve snatched the binoculars away from Billie Jo.  “You’re more than even, if you’re being funny,” then looked at the rear of his boat.
“Oh, my God,” he yelled, “oh, my God!  This isn’t possible!”
The sea had just rendered up the last of Steve’s three miracles for this trip.  Shortly after he had zipped up the cover of the raft, a giant wave had nearly capsized the Dog Pound.  In the process, the vast amount of water that had been taken in through the puncture in the hull had sloshed to the low side of the boat, causing the boat to ride at a forty-degree list, thus keeping the hole above water and the boat had stopped taking on water.  Due to the weight of the water already inside, the boat had stayed at that angle without sinking as it was pushed along by the storm.
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Friday, December 19, 2014

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Back To Iraq (Janitors Series) - Raid on the Joint.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To Iraq, Book #2 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Jessica earns her place on team with defeat of raid on the Joint.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.
Flustered, Hans turned toward the truck.  “We’ll have to force our way in—hurry up, everyone.”
Instantly the six men in the rear of the truck piled out, as did the other German in the front of the truck.  They brought pre-rigged wads of C-4 explosive with them.  Quickly one of the charges was placed on the locking mechanism on the outer gate.  They stood back as it exploded.  Through that gate, they did the same thing at the other one.
Jessica watched dumbfounded.  But when the men poured in through the second gate, she tried to remain calm and follow the instructions Jim had given her earlier.  When all eight men had passed through the gate, she raised a red cover on the console and pressed the button.  That button was connected to six claymore mines.  They exploded with a horrific explosion and literally tore six men to shreds.  The other two men, the Germans who had rushed in first, had made it to the deeply recessed entrance foyer and, though hit, they were still upright and able to carry on.  Had they stopped to think, they could have possibly made good an escape.  Days before, they had placed explosives on the perimeter fence of the base, which could be detonated by a remote control, located in the truck.  That had been their planned escape route. 
However, adrenalin took over and they put another charge on the door.  Meanwhile, Jessica had picked up a phone and placed a call to Ted Kuntz.  She called him because it was a number she had for some reason remembered, while forgetting Jim’s cell phone number and the base security office number.  She was in luck.  Ted answered on the first ring, and Jessica, a surprisingly small amount of stress in her voice, said, “This is Jessica Wilson calling from the Joint.  I’m under attack by men dressed as Marines.  Please help.”
Before Ted could reply, there was another loud explosion.  On the monitor covering the front entrance, Jessica could see the two men rush in.  She dropped the phone and ran to her computer, where she had left her gun.  As the two men came in through the foyer, Jessica raised the gun and fired twice.  Both Germans fell to the floor with nice neat holes right between their eyes.
Ted acted quickly.  He called base security—where they had heard all of the explosions and already had men on the way—and told them that men dressed as Marines were attacking the Scott Facility.  Then he called Jim on his cell phone, and when Jim answered, he alerted him to the problem.  “Jim, Jessica Wilson is under attack at the Joint.”
Not taking time to answer Ted, Jim told the driver to return to the base at once.
General Bradley walked into Ted’s office as Ted was picking up the phone connected to Jessica and heard only eerie quiet.   He asked, “Jessica, are you there?”
When he received no answer, he said to his secretary, “Arrange a police escort with lights flashing.  I’m going to Andrews…emergency!”
General Bradley asked, “What’s up?”
Ted raced out of his office and said on his way past the General, “Attack on the Joint.”
General Bradley followed Ted without comment and they were soon speeding toward the Air Force base.
At the base, the Air Force security team arrived first.  They piled out of their vehicles and the captain in charge took one look at the carnage on the Joint grounds and raced to and through the open front door of the building.  As he rounded the corner, he stopped dead in his tracks.  Jessica was pointing a gun at him.  “I think you’re supposed to wait outside until someone arrives who belongs here.”
He replied, “Yes, ma’am,” as he glanced down at the two dead men at his feet, before backing out of the building.
Once outside, he again looked at the blown apart bodies.  The effect of six claymore mines at point-blank range was more than just devastating.  The captain could hardly stand to look at the mess of what had once been six men.
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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Baghdad Butcher (Janitors Series) - Mossad is asked for help.

Today’s excerpt is from Baghdad Butcher, Book #1 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Jim asks an old friend for some help.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.
When they sat down, Jim glanced around the room.  “Ben, I strongly suggest you turn off the recording system.  What I’m about to tell you, you’ll no doubt take to your boss and your Prime Minister, but I’m just as sure that you will want no one else—no matter how trusted—to be privy to this conversation.”
Ben looked at Jim for just a moment, then, sure that he could give total trust to his old friend, got up, went to a panel on the wall, opened it, and turned off the recording system that was never supposed to be turned off.
After Ben sat back down, he nodded.  “Okay, shoot.”
“Odd choice of words.  I’m headed for your part of the world to do just that.  It seems that Saddam Hussein has outlived his usefulness.”
“We’ve known that for a long time, but I’m not sure I believe what I’m hearing.  On whose orders?”
“Not orders, request…and to be done unofficially.”
“On whose request?”
“The President of a large North American country is rather unhappy that Saddam is importing vast quantities of drugs into that country to try and destabilize said same country.”
Ben whistled.  “God, Jim.  How do you think you’ll do it?”
“With a good deal of help from you.  I’ll need one of those Russian jeep-like things airlifted into Iraq, somewhere in the northeast part of the country.  I’ll need authentic uniforms for Holly and me.  I’ll need Holly made up to look like a man, with an ugly scarred face—horrible looking…so no one will look too closely at the rest of her.  I’ll need a contact in Baghdad to help in location and identification, and I would like some help in crossing the border into Kuwait when it’s done.  I don’t want to have my ass shot off wearing an Iraqi uniform when I cross into Kuwait.”
“Is that all?  You sure you wouldn’t just like me to shoot the bastard myself?”
“Would you?”
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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Pool Of Blood (Other Books) - Crooked attorney about to pay for misdeeds.

Today’s excerpt is from Pool Of Blood, the third book of the Becker Trilogy.  Crooked attorney’s fate being sealed as Jim, Bob, and Holy discuss the situation.  Enjoy and have a great day.
Holly was still well behind Dooley when he reached his house.  By the time he had pulled into his garage and was opening his front door, Holly was still half a block away, but those in the car could see as he entered his home.  Holly drove by, went down to the second cross street, and made a U-turn.  Jim told her where to stop on the opposite side of the street, and the three in the car went into waiting mode.
Meanwhile, when he heard the garage door closing, Newton decided Dooley had enough time to disarm his alarm system, so he slipped in the back door.  Dooley hadn’t done anything to his alarm—because he didn’t have one.  He had only lived in the house for a few days past six months, and just hadn’t gotten around to ordering an alarm system.  When he came in, he placed his bag of money on a living room coffee table, and was taking off his now slightly wet suit jacket when Newton walked into the room.
Dooley’s mouth fell open as Newton motioned toward the floor.  “Face down.  Don’t say a damned word, or I’ll blow your head off.”
Dooley, his mouth still hanging open, did as told after only a slight pause.  Newton quickly knelt down next to him, secured his hands with a plastic restraint, then raised Dooley’s head and slipped a black bag over it. 
While Dooley continued to lie on the floor thus restrained, Newton saw the paper bag, looked inside, and smiled.  Since Hoyer hadn’t told him about the twenty thousand dollars, he got Dooley to his feet and, carrying the bag, hustled Dooley to and through the back door.  Had he waited a few moments longer before entering the living room, Newton would have walked out with the other twenty thousand dollars, because it had been Dooley’s intent to open the safe hidden behind a picture on his living room wall to add the money from the bag inside with his earlier deposit to what he thought of as the First National Bank of Dooley.
Dooley was not thinking about his “bank” as he was led across his backyard and through the mud, to the rear door of the unfinished house.  He was wondering why he was being “kidnapped” when the man with the gun surely had found his money…he had heard the sound of the bag being opened.
By the time Newton had Dooley in the trunk of his car and had secured his feet together with another plastic restraining strip, Jim stretched and sighed.  “I wish Newton would come along, if he’s going to.”
Bob nodded in the backseat.  “Yeah—me, too.  How long do you think we should wait, Jim?”
“I guess we should give it an hour or so.  He doesn’t come by then, it might be a good idea to go in and introduce ourselves to Dooley, and see if we can get some cooperation from him.  I’ve got an idea he’ll give it up without too much trouble if we offer him protection—which I’m sure your cop pal will be happy to supply.”
“Or,” Holly muttered, “we can just leave him to his own devices, like you suggested in the first place, Jim.”
“Yeah, we could do that…but the more I thought about it, the more I felt he might expedite Michelle’s chance to get a new trial for Bernard.  What say you, Bob?”
“I like your first idea better.  Just let Newton have his ass.  We can deal with Hoyer and Newton any old time.  We get Dooley talking, it’ll lead to the arrest of Hoyer and Newton before we get a chance to talk to them in private.”
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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Bigfoot Bait (Other Books) - Team gathers to start hunt for kidnappers.

Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, the second book of the Becker Trilogy.  Before starting the hunt for the kidnappers and the three young women, the group eats and makes plans.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.
With both carrying as much as they could, they walked up to Jim.  Janet took one look at him and busted out laughing.  “Hi, Jim—what happened to your chin?”
“Cut myself shaving in the stream over yonder.”
Dan joked, “Oh, thought you were doing surgery on yourself, so you’d have a cleft chin.  Would have been a nice touch—and much better story.  You gonna leave the toilet paper on all day?”
“You learn that crap from Jan, Dan?”
“Yeah…and she learned it from you.  We brought breakfast—needs a bit of cooking though.”
Holly groaned in the background.  “Hey, you jerks—hold it down.  I’m trying to sleep.”
Hector got out of his sleeping bag.  “Me, too.  But since you brought food, it’s okay.”
Bob also got up, but said nothing.
Holly groaned as she got up.  “Well, if everyone else is up, I guess I have to shake a leg, too.  You need help cooking, husband?”
With everyone up and moving around, Dan—who came prepared after a fast visit to his war bag—started slicing the ham and bacon, while Jim put the skillet on the grate of the barbeque pit. 
Since Jim’s coffee wasn’t ready, everyone helped themselves to coffee from the thermoses.  Bob tasted his and nodded.  “Damned good coffee.  Come from the urn in the gas station store in Entiat?”
Dan joked, “Yes—I filled the thermoses while Janet flirted with the old guy running the place.  Now she wants to buy a part interest in it.  He flirted back.”
While eating, and then cleaning up, the six discussed their plan of attack for the coming day.  They agreed everyone would team up and check out assigned roads, paths, et cetera, while leaving the two unused vehicles right where they were.  The two vehicles would be the SUV and one of the cars, with Bob and Hector in one of the cars, Jim and Holly in another, and Dan and Janet in one.
When they were packing up from the overnight stay, Jim had an idea.  “You know, we killed off all the eggs, but the rest of this ham and bacon is gonna go bad if we don’t do something about it.  How about you cutting up the rest of it, Dan?  Then I’ll cook it all on the grill here.  We can divide it up and snack on it during the day.”
Dan nodded.  “Beats the hell outta MREs.”
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Monday, December 15, 2014

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Too Many Women (Other Books) - After a night of storms and sex, Bob helps Terri get breakfast ready.

Today’s excerpt is from Too Many Women, the first book of the Becker Trilogy.  The morning after a major thunderstorm and sex during it, Bob and Terri are getting breakfast for the household before planning for the upcoming day.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.
Terri grinned, “Thanks again for last night—WOW!  I’ve heard ‘mad sex’ is good…but I’m here to tell you ‘scared out of your mind sex’ is better.  But I’m thinking it would be good with you anytime.”
“Was great—I feel the same way about you.”
Leo walked in, looked at the table set for five—including orange juice poured for all, with bread, bacon, and eggs on the counter.  “Sure was one hell of a storm last night.  Glad to see someone is as hungry as I am.  What can I do to help?”
Terri pointed.  “Sit down…well, make that after you get your own coffee.”
Bob just nodded as he put bread in the toaster, while Terri started the bacon and eggs.
Leo got his coffee and sat.  “Horace will be along shortly…he’s in the east gun port, checking things over.  By the way, you okay, Terri?  I thought I heard a scream right after the last big bang from the storm.”
Terri blushed as she glanced at Bob, who sucked his lips into his mouth to avoid smiling.  Leo noticed, but said nothing, before Terri answered, “Yeah, I’m fine thanks.  Now.  I don’t do storms well.  Had an incident when I was a kid…been scared silly by ‘em ever since.”
When Horace entered the kitchen, he yawned and stretched.  “Hell of a storm last night.  The tree the guy I shot was in is down, by the way.  You okay, Terri?  Thought I heard a scream last night.  Nearly got up, but figured you’re just not too fond of storms?”
“I’m fine.  Thanks.  No, I don’t like storms.”
Bob busied himself with helping Terri, to keep from needing to comment.  Both he and Terri were glad when Bill came in with Tillie, who Terri had let out earlier.  Bill scratched the side of his face.  “Morning, folks.  Some storm.  Bob, the pool generator got hit…trashed—burnt to a crisp.”
Tillie ran over to Bob, as he nodded his acknowledgment of Bill’s comment, got some attention, then moved back, sat, and waited for something good to happen.  Bob sighed, went to the cabinet where Tillie’s food was stored, and filled her food bowl.
Breakfast was shortly well underway.  When they finished, the dishes were taken care of, and Bob had called Murray Mason to make sure all was well with him and his family.  Then they all sat around the kitchen table with coffee to discuss their plans for the day. 
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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Ancient Rookie (Other Books) - Chet gets a save, but starter is lost to team.

Today’s excerpt is from Ancient Rookie, a sports fantasy book.  Chet saves a game, but the Cardinals lose a starting pitcher.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.
The following day the Cardinals started a four-game series with the Cubs.  During the series, the wheels started to fall off.  In the first game, they were leading in the top of the sixth inning by a score of five to nothing, when their ace pitcher suddenly gripped his elbow after throwing a pitch.  He was immediately removed from the game, only to find out in a few days his season was over.  The game was nearly lost as the Cubs scored in the sixth, seventh, and eight innings.  In the eight, rookie reliever Hugo Alvarez came in with one out and two on base.  He got one out on a force play at second base, leaving runners at the corners (first and third).  The next hitter doubled into the right field corner. 
Only an excellent play by Coy Leech kept the tying run from scoring.  With the tying run on third base and the leading run on second base, Tommy looked at Buck, then shrugged as he went to the mound.  Chet had been warming up.  He was summoned to get the last out of the eighth.  His first pitch was a called strike on the inside corner above the waist at ninety-seven miles an hour.  The next pitch was a ninety-four-mile-an-hour sinker on the outside corner at the knees.  It was barely tipped foul by the batter. 
Sergio Mendez said to the hitter, “Boy, are you in trouble now,” just before the 113-an-hour fastball zipped past the batter for a called strike three at the letters, with the fans chanting, “One-thirteen, one-thirteen.”  In the ninth, Chet set the side down in order with a ground out and two strikeouts.
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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - How 'bout Both (Other Books) - Maine visits terrorist in custody in hospital.

Today’s excerpt is from How ‘bout Both, the third book of the Bader Trilogy.  Elmer’s partner, Maine, staying in the hospital to guard the young girl drugged by the terrorist now in captivity in the hospital, shows her displeasure with the man.  Enjoy and have a great day.
“Don’t leave me please.  Please.”
Maine stroked Bethel’s hair again.  “Okay.”  After she agreed to stay, she reached for the button to summon the nurse on duty. 
The nurse came in and Maine told her to get a doctor, because the patient was awake and alert.  When a doctor came in, he talked to Bethel for a while.  Then, as Maine started to leave, Bethel nearly became hysterical.  Maine came back to the bedside and stroked Bethel’s hair again.  “I have to go to the bathroom.  Wanna get myself a cup of coffee, too.  The doctor will stay with you until I get back.  Okay?”
Bethel nodded, but shivered a bit as Maine left the room.  Maine did have to go to the bathroom.  After doing so, she went to the room where Simmons was.  She walked up to one of the two uniformed officers outside the room.  After exchanging greeting with him, she smiled.  “I wanna talk to Simmons for just a second.”
The officer she had exchanged greeting with knew her, so nodded.  “Since it’s you, Detective, I guess it’s okay.  Go ahead.  There’s two more guys inside with him.  He’s on full watch.  Two inside at all times, at least one of us out here.  Someone needs to potty, we make sure there’s still two guys inside.”
Maine laughed as she opened the door.  She joked, “‘Potty’ he says.”
Both officers outside the door laughed.  When Maine was inside, she nodded to the two officers, identified herself, and showed her badge, before she walked over to Simmons, who was asleep.  She nudged him.  When he woke up, she spit in his face.  “You stinking animal—I’ll be there when they put the needle in you.”
The two officers didn’t know exactly what to do, but Maine turned and, as she headed back to the door, growled, “I’ve been with the girl this bastard and his friends drugged and strapped an explosive vest on before sending her toward Elmer Bader and me to blow us up.  Poor girl had no idea she was about to die, and take us with her.”
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