Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Toboggan (Other Books) - Dan gives Hector a call.

Today’s excerpt is from Toboggan, Book #4 of the Janitors Series.  Dan Orf, snowed bound in Colorado, decides to call old pal, Hector Garcia who (unknown to Dan) is engaged in a matter in Bolivia.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



The conversation with Pat over, Mark gave Dan a dirty look.  “If this stunt blows up in our faces, I’m gonna catch all kinds of shit when I get back.”

“It’ll be okay.”

“Yeah, easy for you to say.  Course you get your gal blown away and you’ll be in the shits, too.  In the meantime, I’m bored out of my skull.  I don’t know if I should scratch my head next, or wind my watch.  On top of that, by the time I get back to Honolulu, I’ll need a liver transplant from all the booze we’ve consumed.”

“All true.  Instead of whining about it, why don’t you figure out a way to make it stop snowing?  Then we could just rescue my lady and you could capture your two bad guys.”

“Yeah, good idea.  Let’s see…how about this.  Snow, snow, go away and come back another day.”

“Oh, very good.  I think it’s starting to stop right now.”

“Yeah, sure.”

“Well rather than sit here talking nonsense with you, think I’ll call an old friend.”

With that, Dan took out his cell phone and called Hector Garcia.  He had last talked to Hector in Honolulu, but had been asked to forget seeing him there.  Hector was a member of a think tank/action that did off-the-books (black bag) jobs for the President, with no members of the team employed by the government.  They were known as the Janitors. 

Hector had his phone on vibrate because of his present circumstances.  He and the other seven Janitors at present were in a Bolivian jungle and were “surrounding” nearly a hundred al-Qaida terrorists.

In a chase that had seen the Janitors tracking three al-Qaida terrorists eastward from El Salvador to Singapore, they now were nearly back where they had started.  The three terrorists were brothers Wadi and Rafi Ali and one only known to the Janitors as Yusuf.  In Singapore, they had lost Rafi Ali but managed to track the other two.  Hector and two other Janitors, Jim Scott—a retired Marine Major and former CIA operative—who headed the team, and Billy Longbow—like Hector a retired Marine Master Sergeant—had followed Yusuf to Honolulu.  It was there that Dan had last seen Hector and had been asked to forget seeing him.  At about the same time that Hector and his two friends had eliminated Yusuf and four more terrorists outside Honolulu, the remaining five Janitors had followed Wadi Ali to Australia and eliminated him, also with four other al-Qaida terrorists.

Then, while all the other Janitors had returned to their home base at Andrews Air Force Base, two, Drew Hollins and Boris Telman, had returned to Singapore to attempt to pick up the trail of Rafi Ali.  Drew was a former Air Force Intelligence officer and retired CIA agent.  Boris was a retired KGB agent.  Both were considered to be master spies during their cold war days.

It had taken them three weeks to pick up the scent of Rafi.  It had ultimately led them to Bolivia.  Though they had yet to actually see Rafi, they had managed to find the jungle drug headquarters they now surrounded.

Hector looked at his cell phone, saw it was Dan calling, and nearly laughed out loud.  He quietly answered, “You sure pick your spots, Dan.”

“You’re whispering for a reason, I presume?”

“Yeah.  Got some al-Qaidas surrounded.  Waitin’ on one more to show up.  When he does, they’re in for a nasty surprise.”

“Where, may I ask?”

“Can’t tell you.  Oh, other than not in the U.S.

“How many of ‘em?”

“Oh, ‘bout a hundred or so.”

“How many of you?”


“Doesn’t seem like a fair fight—especially if the rest of your team shoots as well as you.”

“Two do.  One’s better.  The others are damned good, too.”

“Like I said, doesn’t sound like a fair fight.  Another hundred or so might make it interesting.”


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Monday, June 29, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Dog Pound (Janitors Series) - Suspect dies during questioning.

Today’s excerpt is from Dog Pound, Book #3 of the Janitors Series.  Kidnap money drop pick-up man dies while being questioned.  Enjoy and have a great day.



       Mark thought about telling the truth, for some reason thought better of it, and answered, “Just dumb luck, really.  When I saw where you guys stopped, I got a hunch and turned around and went back to a turn-off that eventually gets you to a road that runs down the bank from the highway.  Sure enough, we spotted him just as he was getting out of this car with the money.  He tried for a road bike, but we got to him before he could get it started.  As I said, just dumb luck.”

“Well, nice job.”

Mark nodded and went back into the room with Justin and, more for Jerry’s benefit than anything, growled, “You have a go at this dumb bastard.  Wait ‘til you hear the shit he’s trying to sell.”

After three more hours, Justin shook his head.  “He’s all yours, Mark.  I give up.  When you’re through with him, you can book him for whatever you want, then give him to us.  We’ll book him for interstate kidnapping, assault, receiving stolen property, and probably murder, if Miss Lane doesn’t show up by the time he goes to trial.  We’ll let the prosecutors fight over who gets to take him to trial first, and for what.”

Ten minutes later, Jerry Workman’s days of mischief were over.  Just as Mark got ready to ask another question, Jerry suddenly gave a little jerk.  His head dropped on the table in front of him.  He was quite dead.  Dan looked at Mark, who looked back, reached over to feel Jerry’s pulse, and found none.  “I’ll be damned.  He’s dead.”

Dan looked puzzled for a few seconds, then asked, “From what?  He wasn’t under any stress.  He was playing with us.  He knew we knew, but without some of the other members of the gang in hand, we’d have had a helluva time proving it.  He might actually have gotten by with a receiving stolen goods charge.”

Mark made no reply, started to reach for the cup of coffee Jerry had requested, thought better of it, stood up, and went after someone to haul the body away.  He also had the remaining contents in the coffee cup taken to the lab for analysis.

Later, alone with Dan, he sighed.  “If it wasn’t his heart—and for now I’m gonna assume it was—then we have a serious problem.”

“Mark, I’m the most suspicious guy around, but there’s no way it wasn’t a heart attack.  Hell, this time of night you don’t have that many people around who could’ve spiked his coffee.”

“Yeah, guess we’ll have to sit on it until we hear from the medical people and the lab.”



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Friday, June 26, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Back To Iraq (Janitors Series) - Humor before taking on planning job.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To Iraq, Book #2 of the Janitors Series. A few light moments before getting to work on the plan to strike back at al-Qaida.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



       Billy looked at the general and grinned.  “General, for an Army guy, you did a nice job of arranging our flights and air cover.  Those Air Force guys did one helluva job.  Thanks.”

General Bradley grunted.  “Coming from a jarhead, I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Hector groaned as he glanced at Jim.  “Hey, amigo, you gonna let him talk about the Marines that way?  He’s surrounded by Marines and has nerve enough to come out with that crap.”

“And Air Force,” joked Drew.

Hector tilted his head.  “Come again?”

Drew grinned.  “He’s surrounded by Marines and Air Force.  I was Air Force Intelligence before going over to CIA.  Didn’t Jim ever tell you that, Hec?”

Hector sighed.  “Naw.  He treats me like a mushroom…you know, keeps me in the dark and feeds me horseshit.”

General Bradley laughed at that, and then looked at Drew.  “Isn’t ‘Air Force Intelligence’ an oxymoron?”

Drew shook his head.  “No.  You’re thinking of ‘Senate Intelligence,’ as in the Senate Intelligence Committee.”

General Bradley smiled.  “As a member of the Administration, I didn’t hear that…in spite of how much I might agree.”


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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Baghdad Butcher (Janitors Series) - Jim sets about fooling those who have set a trap for him.

Today’s excerpt is from Baghdad Butcher, Book #1 of the Janitors Series. Wanting his enemies to think he’s dead, Jim puts his plan I motion.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



       “Thanks.  Okay, Holly.  Here we go.”

That said, Jim handed Holly his Flasher and followed the drug dealer’s car past the semi.  He was not surprised when it started pulling out behind him to close off the only exit available.  In fast order, the lead car raced forward and stopped next to the limo.  As Jim drove up, several armed men jumped up and began shooting at his car.  Nearing the gunmen, Jim swung his car down the pier and slumped over in his seat, pressing the horn as he did so.  Racing the car while holding the horn down, he swerved back and forth as he headed for the left side of the pier, where he could see the small retaining log end was rotted away, as Billy had told him to expect.

Holly meanwhile put the headset in a baggie, put the baggie in the mesh bag, tied the drawstring, then did her best to pretend as though she was trying to grab the steering wheel from the now “dead” Jim.

When they hit the rotted beam at the end of the pier, they received quite a jolt.  Another sound jolt reached them when the car struck the water several feet below at a slight angle to the left.  Due to the extra speed Jim had put on as they raced down the pier, the car was only slightly nose down when they hit, and soon leveled out as they settled toward the bottom.

As the water started pouring into the car, Holly was surprised at how cold it was and also how fast the car was filling up.  Long before they hit bottom, she had her facemask on and was fingering her mouthpiece nervously, forgetting to unhook her seat belt as Jim had told her.

Jim took off his seat belt, put his facemask on, and grabbed the mesh bag.  When the car settled on the bottom, the water was chin high and Jim nodded.  “Okay, Holly, get ready to put your mouthpiece in.  Remember, breath nice and slow.”

Holly said nothing, but with growing dread, she slipped the mouthpiece in and started breathing.  When the water was over their heads, they both opened their doors.  Jim eased out, but Holly, having forgotten to unbuckle her seat belt, started to panic when she couldn’t move.  Frantically she tugged on the seat belt, losing all sense or reason.  The only bit of sanity still left in her told her to keep the mouthpiece in her mouth and breathe.  The more she struggled, the more desperate she became.

Not seeing Holly on the other side of the car, Jim looked back inside and saw Holly’s dilemma. With calm but slightly hurried action, Jim pushed the clasp button on her seat belt and gently pulled her out his side of the car.  Feeling her tenseness, Jim gave her a hug, rubbed her back a bit, and started swimming toward the pier, with Holly in tow.

When Jim felt Holly’s muscles loosen a bit, he turned her loose and she started swimming after him.  Holly, still quite nervous, but back in control, thought to herself, “This is the last time I’m going into the water in a car….ever!  What a stupid idea!  I ought to kill Jim—except, of course, he just saved my life.”

When they reached the pier, they made their way over to the ladder and surfaced.  Both spit out their mouthpieces and took off the facemasks.  Jim climbed up a few steps of the ladder and found it quite solid.  He then eased back down to Holly and whispered, “You okay?”

“Yes…now.  Thanks to you,” Holy whispered back.

Jim patted her on the back, winked at her, and reached into the mesh bag, taking out the baggie with the Flasher.  As soon as he had it on, he said, “Hector.  Report, please.”

“The limo is gone, Billy is following.  Most of the other cars are pulling out as we speak.  Three guys are at the end of the pier, no doubt looking for air bubbles.”

“That’s the nice thing about the re-breathers—no air bubbles.”

“Still a few coming up from the car.   I see you down by the ladder.  If you hold on a sec, all the rest of the cars will be gone.  The three guys at the end of the pier have their backs to you.  As long as air bubbles keep coming up from the car, they will probably keep looking that way.  But when the bubbles end, their attention may divert.  Okay, last of the cars are gone.”

“Thanks for the report, Hector.  We’ll start up now.”

Jim climbed up a few steps, stopped to take out the baggie with the silenced Walther, tossed the baggie, put the gun in his belt, and started up the rest of the ladder.  A step from the top he looked down and saw Holly a few steps below.  He then rose up and saw the three lookouts, with their backs to him.  As he eased up onto the pier, he gently set down the mesh sack and glanced down to Holly.  She had now reached the last step, so he helped her quietly up onto the pier.

Once she was up, she found the baggie with her gun and took it out as Jim slowly started walking toward the three men in front of them.  About twenty feet from them, with Holly about six feet behind and to his right, Jim said, in Arabic, “Okay, gentlemen.  Don’t move or you’ll die.”

Without a seconds hesitation, all three men turned and reached for their guns.  Jim got off three shots from his gun.  The first hit the man on his left squarely in the chest.  Since his bullets were hollow points, this shot blew the man’s heart to pieces and he died almost instantly.  The second shot took the man in the middle in the stomach.  The third shot hit the man on the right in his right shoulder.  That man’s gun fell to the pier and the man grabbed his shoulder, where blood was pumping out at a rapid pace.

Still speaking Arabic as he walked up to the two living men, Jim growled, “I have a helicopter flying overhead.  You can be in a hospital in about five minutes.  If you aren’t, you’re going to bleed to death.  If you think Allah can wait for you a while longer, tell me what I want to know, right now, and you may live.  Where is that limo headed?” 

The man with the stomach wound shook his head and glared at Jim.  Jim looked at the other man and hoped he wasn’t quite as brave.  As he did, the man with the stomach wound sat in a growing pool of blood and keeled over, obviously dead.

Jim tilted his head toward the now second dead man.  “Your time is running out, also.  Where’s the limo headed?”

Before he too died, the man told Jim what he wanted to know.  Since Jim still had his headset on, Hector, who by now was in his car, nearing the end of the pier, heard.  “Know the spot, Jim.  Hold on while I check with my pilot on my other communications set and see if the path of the limo is consistent with what this guy just told you.”

As Hector pulled up to where Jim and Holly stood over the three dead men, and got out.  “Jim, they seem to be headed in the right direction.  While you and Holly were swimming, I took the liberty of having one of my other two cars get behind the limo in a very loose tail, getting directions from the chopper pilot.”

As Jim said, “Good.  Billy, get the other car up for a closer tail and then get back here for us,” Hector got out two blankets from the trunk of his car and handed one each to the shivering Holly and to Jim.

Holly’s teeth were chattering, so she just nodded her thanks and grunted.  Jim grinned.  “Thanks.”

Billy responded, “On my way.  Hector’s car is in visual with the limo.  Should be there in about five minutes.”

Jim helped Holly into Hector’s own car, as his second car pulled up.  “Hector, please have your guys take care of that mess on the pier.  I need those three to disappear.  Now that I’m dead, I want to stay that way for a while.”


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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Monster's Palace (Other Books) - Clyde's life saved in unusual manner.

Today’s excerpt is from Monster’s Palace.  After a mission, Clyde and his dog, Greta, walk to his home, but Greta stops him from going in…thus saving his life.  Enjoy and have a great day.
        On the walk home, Clyde always walked on the sidewalk while Greta gleefully smelled everything she could in the grass.  Also, she didn’t much care for walking on concrete.  Greta had been trained to work with bomb disposal units in Afghanistan.  Her job there was to sniff out explosives. 
       Once she, along with her handler had neared a roadside bomb.  Greta sniffed it out, stopped and barked, even as she pulled back.  The handler knew what the situation was immediately, so started to move back with her, but not in time.  The bomb was detonated by remote control.  The handler was severely injured, while Greta lost part of her right front paw.  It so happened Clyde knew the handler, as they were stationed at the same base.  The handler asked Clyde to look after Greta and he agreed, since he was due to rotate back to United States shortly.  He took the injured dog with him.
       In time, he mentioned the situation to his friend Bob Becker.  Bob had what he thought was a brainstorm.  As it turned out, he was right.  He knew Jim Scott funded a medical clinic in the St. Louis, Missouri area, which was located near where Bob lived.  The clinic’s main function was to affix military amputees with bionic limbs.  Bob called Jim to ask if a dog could get a prosthesis put on at the clinic.  After he explained how Greta had been injured, Jim readily agreed.  The upshot was that Greta now had a prosthesis attached to what was left of her paw.  When she walked on concrete, or any other hard surface, it didn’t feel all that good to her.  Also, she clunked, a sound she didn’t much care for either.  Thus, as much as he liked bare, hardwood flooring, every inch of Bob’s home was carpeted—including the kitchen.
       After cutting across his lawn to reach the front porch—which was not carpeted—Greta clunked about two steps before she stopped, barked, and backed away from the door.  Clyde knew exactly what the problem must be.  He went with Greta as they returned to the lawn.  There he quickly called Merrill.  “Hi, boss—got a problem.  As you know, Greta was trained to sniff out explosives.  When we got home from walking over from Dick’s place, she stopped, barked, and started heading away from my door.  Could you send a bomb-squad over, please?  My gear is on the plane—plus which, as tired as I am, I might blow myself up if she’s right.”
       “Hell yes.  Get away from your door right now.”
       “Duh.  We got away before I called you.  We’re moving still further away as we speak.”
       “Good.  I’ll get a bomb squad on the way, then I’m on my way, too.  Now that I think of it, are you armed?”
       “Yeah, pistol only—but it should be enough if someone comes at me.”
       “Call Mitch and Dick anyhow.  Get them over there to give you cover, until I get there with the posse.”
       “What posse?”
       “The damned posse I’m bringing with me.  So long.”
        Clyde was chuckling as he put away his phone.  Having no intention of calling either Mitch or Dick—knowing they could use the sleep—he sat on the ground with the end of Greta’s leash under his buttocks.  He really needn’t bother worrying about her going anywhere because ever since he had stopped moving away from his home to make his phone call, she had sat down, staring at the front door.
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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Latest fromthe Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - BAck To China (Other Books) - Jim calls assassin from bomb bay of B-2 while on way to China.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To China.  While in the bomb bay of a B-2 on its way to China, Jim calls an assassin not in prison (or dead) because of Jim.  He hires him to take out a Chinese general responsible for the kidnapping of two scientists working at Area 51.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.
After a conversation on the subject, Jim was willing to let him go free.  Bob had reluctantly agreed and the three friends left his home…after Bob hit him so hard in the jaw that he broke it in three places.  He knew of course who had broken his jaw, but not who the beautiful woman and the man with her were.
Part of the agreement to not turn him in to the authorities was that he would never set foot in the United States again.  He had kept to that agreement, and in the time since had vowed to take only government contracts. 
Jim had carefully kept track of the man, named Richard Newton, who had only taken three contracts since Jim had last seen him.  Knowing where the man lived and his phone number, Jim had Sarah arrange a phone connect with him…“without him knowing who is calling,” Jim had ordered.
Newton answered his phone, “This is Richard…may I ask who is calling?”
“Do you recognize my voice?”
“You sound very much like a man who let me live—and live somewhere besides a prison.”
“You are correct.”
“May I ask how you found me?”
“I once told you that you were good, but I was better.  Simply, I followed the money…your money.  I have a job for you, if you’re interested.”
“Sorry, but I only do government jobs now…even though I owe you.”
“Yes, I know.  Or at least know the job you took for Israel, and the one from my British friends.  I recommended you for both.  From following your money, I can only guess who the third country was.  I would guess it was France, since you have moved to your present location.”
“I’ll defer answering your implied question.  Thank you for the Israeli and British jobs.”
“Back to my need of your services.  A gentleman in a large white house, in the country you have pledged to never to set foot in again, has a man needing an end to his life.”
“I assume your phone is secure?”
“It is—and I know yours is, also.”
“Now how in the hell do you know that?”
“As I have stated often, you are good, but…”
“…you are better.  I just have to accept you know more about me than I do.  By the way, before we discuss business, how are Mr. and Mrs. Becker these days?”
“Michelle is fine.  Bob is presently cuddled up in the bomb bay of a B-2 with me and two dear friends of mine.”
“I won’t even ask, because I know you won’t tell me.  I can somehow guess you know the occupant of the building you mentioned earlier—especially due to your present location.  Such a lovely place to hitch a ride could only have come from someone pretty high up.  So I’ll just ask—who, where, and how much?”
“Thank you for not asking about my present mode of transportation.  Do you speak Mandarin?”
“Oh, good God.  China?  Give me a break.  To answer your question…hardly at all.”
“I’d suggest you brush up.  His name is General Xi Rongji.  He has been very naughty.  But more importantly, a message needs to be sent to those who authorized his naughtiness.  The fee is five million, which, if you accept the assignment, will be forwarded to your off-shore account in the next few minutes.  Before you ask, the entire amount is being paid in advance, in case you run into difficulties.  I’d like to know your family will be well cared for.  You must have made an impression on your wife when you kidnapped her.”
When Newton had escaped in St. Charles, Missouri, he had kidnapped a young woman in the process.  He later sent her a fully-paid roundtrip package to meet him in Tahiti.  She took the trip, and never returned home.
“You scare me, sir.  By the way, do I get to know who you are this time?”
“No.  Are you interested?”
“Yes, I’ll do it.  I like challenges.  A bit of information on how to find him, et cetera, would be quite beneficial.”
“I’ll see what I can do.  I will email it to you…or have it done.  Study up on your Mandarin.”
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Monday, June 22, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Pool Of Blood (Other Books) - The Scotts and Hector Garcia help Bob look for killer in Australia.

Today’s excerpt is from Pool Of Blood, the third of three Bob Becker books.  Bob’s old friend Walter Kilgorie lends Bob, Jim and Holly Scott, and Hector Garcia in Australia as they track down murderer wanted in the United States.  They stumble onto a surprise that the men enjoy.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.


A while later, Hector and Bob reached a spot below a two-to-three-foot-high dirt rise left over from the construction project on the land.  Hector pointed to Bob to go up to it.  As Bob nodded and headed up to it, Hector whispered, “Come on, straight to us…the way we used, Jim.  There’s a mound of dirt about three feet high.  It extends quite a ways in both directions.  Have no idea what it’s supposed to do.  Bob’s heading up there now.”

Jim didn’t answer, just started walking the direction Bob and Hector had used.  Walter and Holly were right behind him.  When they reached Hector, Bob had already reached the mound, and was looking over it with binoculars.  He whispered, “You ain’t gonna believe this, folks.”

Jim asked, “What is it, Bob?”

“You’ll have to see for yourselves.  A picture is worth a thousand words, but if I take a picture of this, Michelle’ll put me on the couch for the next five years.”

Intrigued, the other four hurried to Bob’s location.  When they got there, they all climbed up near him, binoculars at the ready.  Holly nearly burst into laughter, but somehow managed to hold it in.  She didn’t remain quiet, however, as she whispered, “Get a good eyeful, husband.  You ain’t gonna see anything at home if you keep staring.”

Jim chuckled as he—as well as the others—were looking at three women—totally nude (except for sneakers) women—hanging around Wilfred Clinton.  Walter took a deep breath, let it out, then sighed.  “Well, I’d say he has himself a nice little harem.”

Hector joked softly, “Here comes another one.  At least she has on a little maid apron…covering exactly nothing of note.  I’m certainly glad you invited me along on this trip, oh great finder of all things nice.”

Holly shook her head and slugged Hector on the shoulder.  “I’m telling Rosa.”

Rosa, Hector’s wife, was never to hear of this episode, after several threats from Hector on the trip back to the United States.

Jim joined the fun.  “Hey, pal—I didn’t find ‘em.  Bob did.”


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Friday, June 19, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Bigfoot Bair (Other Books) - Some of the old Janitors lend Bob a hand trying to track down kidnapper.

Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, the second of three Bob Becker books.  Jim and Holly Scott helping Bob in the hunt for the man believed to have kidnapped two co-eds.  Jim also gets Dan and Janet Orf, and Hector, to help out.  Enjoy and have a great day.
Finished with her wedding-planning call, Holly figured out her approximate time of arrival in Los Angeles.  She called Hector to give him the ETA, telling him she would land at the small airport where Janet routinely kept her plane.  After ending the call with Hector, she arranged refueling. 
Not quite finished with her work, Holly pulled up a map of the Spokane area airports.  After selecting the one she thought best to land at, she called with an ETA before arranging for refueling there, and for four rental cars.
While Holly was taking care of her tasks, Jim was busy researching Biden’s credit card history, concentrating on gasoline purchases in Columbia.  He had already found out the model of the car Biden owned, and had found out the presumed mileage of the vehicle.  After pulling all his filling station charges, he put his main computer to work, using his laptop.  While the program on gas charges was running, he checked on the mileage to be expected from the type of panel truck he was thought (correctly) to be driving.
When the gas consumption was computed with the frequency of filling station visits, the computer estimated that Biden, on average, filled up when half empty.  Using that data, Jim started another program on the computer to estimate where he might have bought gas on his trip to Spokane, with Columbia as a starting point.  When the program completed its findings, Jim carefully drew a circle around each stop the computer predicted Biden would make for gas. The circles were big enough to cover a twenty-mile stretch of the expected route Biden would take.
Finished, Jim and Bob went over what he’d come up with.  Bob looked at Jim.  “You think this might work?”
“Yeah, it’s possible.  Worth following up on.”
As he spoke, Jim called Dan, who answered, “Hi, Jim.  How’re you doing?”
“Good…how goes things with you and Jan?”
“We’re finding out a bunch of interesting information.  But not a bit of it will help us find Clay or Ashley.”
“Well, at Bob’s suggestion, I’ve been working on a long-shot deal to maybe help us.  You feel like giving up what you’re doing to start backtracking this bozo Biden, to see if we’re on the right track?”
“Sure.  I’ve a feeling we’re just spending time accomplishing nothing here.  What do you have in mind?”
Jim told him about the work he’d just finished, then asked, “You feel like flying into Columbia, then start driving the presumed route Biden will take if we’re on the right track?  Want you to see if you can find out where he’s buying gas…make that bought gas…on his trip if he is, in fact, headed to Spokane.”
“Okay.  We’ll get in the air shortly.  Send me what you’ve got.  By the time we land, I should have a pretty good idea of how to go about this deal.”
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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Too Many Women (Other Books) - Hector and the Orfs lend a hand to new hero Bob Becker.

Today’s excerpt is from Too Many Women, the first of three Bob Becker books.  Bob calls old friends Dan and Janet Orf in Los Angeles to round up some help (and fly them to Missouri) to help protect Bob’s new client.  She witnessed a murder in Los Angeles before getting to Bob in Missouri and hiring him for protection.  Dan agrees to ask Hector Garcia for a couple of his men to lend a hand and agrees to bring two LAPD detectives to interview the witness.   Enjoy and have a fantastic day.
As he dialed Dan’s number, Bob glanced at his watch, saw it was only ten to eleven, and sighed as he hoped he wasn’t calling too early, due to the time difference.  Dan answered on the second ring, “Hi, Bob.  How’re you doin’?”
“Well—okay, I guess.  Had an incident at my office today,” Bob answered.  Then he told Dan what had happened, and the circumstances leading up to the shoot-out.
“Okay, well if you need some help, I can give Hector a call, get a couple of his guys together, round up some coppers, then head back your way.  Two guys from Hector gonna be enough?”
“I sure hope so.  You know my layout here—two should do.  Sure appreciate your help.”
The ‘Hector’ Dan mentioned was Hector Garcia.  Hector was a retired Marine Master Sergeant who had several businesses in the Los Angeles area, including the largest private detective/protection agency in California.  Hector and Bob knew each other through Dan, and liked each other—though they had not spent much time together. 
Finished with the call, Bob looked at Terri.  “You stay put right here in the kitchen until Bill gets back.  I’ll see you in a while.”
“I’ve got Tillie to protect me.  If she’s near as tough as her master, I’ll be safe as a bug in a rug.  So…what kind of disguise are you gonna get for me?”
Before Bob could answer, Bill got back and heard Terri’s question.  “He’s gonna dress you up as a clown.”
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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - How 'bout Both (Other Books) - Hector Garcia and SWAT team make plans to protect funeral from terrorists.

Today’s excerpt is from How ‘bout Both, the third of three Elmer Bader books.  Hector Garcia and LAPD’s SWAT team make plans to protect the funeral for slain officers, fully expecting terrorists to try to disrupt it.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.
At his meeting with Hector and the three senior members of the SWAT team operation of the LAPD, Elmer quickly explained the situation with the witnesses being outed by various media types.  He made a point of telling them Helen’s station was the only one he knew of that hadn’t broadcasted the information.
Then the meeting restarted.  Elmer was the last to arrive, so the others had already made most of their plans.  The cemetery, selected the previous day in the Chief’s office, was chosen because it was isolated from nearby buildings, at a distance to limit collateral damage, in the case of a car bomb attack…which was expected if the terrorists were to make an effort to take out a large portion of the LAPD during the funeral.  With the information being put out by Helen’s station—most often with Helen herself reporting the facts—about the full details and timing of the funerals, they all assumed they were offering up too good an opportunity for Simmons—and whoever he was working with—to not make the try.
There was a long drive, leading from the end of a major street up into the cemetery proper, with a good section of greenery space on both sides of the access road.  The nearest building to the access road just happened to be a seventy-two unit apartment building…owned by none other than Hector Garcia.  On top of that, all seventy-two units were occupied by employees of Hector—a point not lost on the Chief when agreeing to the selection of the cemetery in question.  The families of the slain officers had been told why they wanted to use the cemetery, and they had readily agreed. 
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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Horace Goes Home (Other Books) - Elmer outfoxes the Chief of Detectives, who has it in for him.

Today’s excerpt is from Horace Goes Home, the second of three Elmer Bader books.  After Elmer outflanks the Chief of Detectives (who doesn’t much care for him), Elmer and his captain have a few words of levity.  Enjoy and have a great day.
Gordon rolled his eyes, while Chief of Detectives Huey Longfellow acted as though he hadn’t heard or understood…if he did.  “Have a seat, Lieutenant.  We were just discussing a need for extra manpower.  The Vice President is making a stop here for a fast fundraising meeting, on his way back to D.C. from Hawaii.”
Elmer ignored the dig about sitting down without invitation, then smiled, “Be glad to volunteer.  Haven’t had my uniform on for quite a spell.  My wife likes the way I look in it.  Where should I report?  I’m bored to death with the thing I’m working on, so this will be a nice diversion from totally unproductive wool gathering.  I like these kinds of details.  Offer a nice break.  Gordon—how about you coming along, too?  Do you good to get out of the office.”  
Gordon, picking up on Elmer’s ploy, nodded, “Sounds like a good idea.  The two of us from this Department enough, Chief?”
“Was hoping for four.”
“Yes, sir—I’ll round up two more.  Can’t use Lieutenant Wilcox, I’ll leave him in charge.  Guess Smitty, since he’s junior.  Using him, then may as well have his partner, Sergeant Evans along, also.  Where and when, Chief?”
Longfellow told them, got up, and left without another word.  After he was gone, both Gordon and Elmer laughed.   “Nice move, Elmer.  We keep this stuff up, he’ll retire on his way to the nut house.”
“Actually, I heard a rumor about that…him retiring, I mean.  My birdie told me by the end of the year.  May be getting a gentle push out the door from the Chief…of Police, not…”
“What I thought you meant.  We only have two Chiefs…thank God.  How good is your source?”
“Very.  Word came from the big Chief’s office—almost out of his mouth”
“Who in the hell do you have in there, if I may ask?  Or dare I ask?”
“Aah…trade secret—oh, great and noble Captain.”
“Well, if it doesn’t get too far into your bag of trade secrets, who’s gonna replace him?  And why is he being eased out the door?”
“Second one first…closure rates aren’t what they once were—with the exception of Homicide, of course.  As to who, don’t know…though I did put in a good word for you, but was told you aren’t senior enough at this point to get the boost.  Though I understand my name was mentioned—now ain’t that a crock of crap.”
“Who in the hell do you know with that kind of clout?”
“Shut up.  Get out of here.  Take your damned trade secrets with you.”
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Monday, June 15, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asp, and Other Books - Whodunit Did It (Other Books) - While digging into new case, Elmer and friends enjoy a bit of humor.

Today’s excerpt is from Whodunit Did It, the first of three Elmer Bader books.  Elmer and part of the group that will help him on the major case are in the early stages of their investigation, and having some fun along the way.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Elmer told Gordon that Bert had plucked a real possibility out of the stack of files as he handed it to Gordon.  He also told him Bert had been dispatched to get everything else on the file.  Gordon read the file, then nodded, “Yeah—looks like our guy, okay.  You sure must trust the kid, to send him off to get the full details and evidence on this one, Elmer.”

“I do.  Alan keeps eating himself to death without ever working out, I’ll be happy to take Bert as my new partner, after we bury Alan.”

Alan held up his hand, “Okay, I surrender.  I’ll start working out.  Ruth’s words stung, but I was already thinking about it.”

Gordon and Reggie both had inquisitive looks on their faces.  Elmer told them about the scene in the kitchen while Alan was waiting for his shirt.  When he finished, Gordon asked, “You ever gonna marry that girl again, El?”

“You’re the second person to ask the same question in two days.  The answer is, maybe—but things sure are going well the way we're going.  For a while I was hoping to knock her up.  Doing so would sure push us toward it again.  But she hit forty, two months ago—don’t tell her I told you her age, please—so she’s on the wrong side of getting pregnant age-wise.  I guess it isn’t gonna happen.  Three wives, no kids—I’m starting to wonder if I shoot blanks.”

Reggie, who had four children, joked, “Maybe I should enlist you to service my wife before she gets with child again.”

Gordon shook his head.  “I’m going back to work.”

To Gordon’s back, Elmer yelled, “Yeah—since we’re letting Reggie be a cop again for a while, you gotta do your own paperwork, Gordo.”

Reggie just shook his head, smiled, then reached for his next file.  They kept at it, without much to show for their efforts, until Bert got back with a box of evidence from the case he had gone to investigate.  Soon all four were going over what was there.  When each of them had seen everything Bert had brought back—except for the surveillance video—they played it.  When it finished, Elmer nodded, “Yeah—it’s our guy.  Bert, anyone working the case now?”

“No, Elmer…it’s gone cold.  Did talk to the two guys who worked it, though…or rather a lady and a man.  They told me they never developed anything like a true lead on the thing.  They wished us well with it.  Seemed to be glad to see me leave with all this stuff.”

Alan chuckled, “Don’t blame them.  I’m starting to feel the same way on this stinking case.  Someone comes in here to take it away from us, I’ll not cry.”

Elmer shot him a dirty look.  “I stand corrected.  I would cry.”

“You’ll also be working out before the day is over.  But before that happy event, let’s get through the rest of these files.”

Reggie sighed, “Hell’s bells—it’ll take three days, Elmer.”

“Better order in some pizza then.”


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Friday, June 12, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Adios, Amigos (Asps Series) - Suzan helps family in Bolivia whiel Drew, Boris, and Pepper deal with terrorists.

Today’s excerpt is from Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of the nine-book Asps series.  After Suzan takes the first step in “adopting” a family, the three old spies head off bug a house where known terrorists are staying.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Drew thanked the doctor, called Boris, brought him up-to-date, then sat to wait for Ernesto’s mother.  When she was allowed to leave the hospital, she appeared to be a bit better, but Drew wondered about her being allowed to go home so soon.  In short order, he found out there really was a critical shortage of bed space in the hospital.  He paid the bill before he took the lady home to her family.

When they arrived, Drew was surprised not in the least to see his three companions had things well in tow.  The children, including Ernesto, had been fed, and the home was cleaned from top to bottom.  Pepper and Suzan were playing with the two younger children, while Boris was sucking as much information out of Ernesto as he could…without asking the first direct question.

Drew showed Ernesto’s mother to her bed, then got soup under way for her.  He reasoned hard food would be more than she could stand the first day, after not eating properly for a number of days.  While the soup was heating up, Drew explained what her problem had been.  Ernesto hung his head.  Pepper shook hers.  “Ernesto, do not be ashamed.  Be proud of your mother for loving you three children so much.   Had my mother not loved me so much, I would not be as old as I am.”

The lad laughed, then began engaging the others with stories of La Paz…at the gentle urging of Boris.  Meanwhile, Drew kept a close watch on the outside lighting.  When it started to get dark, around nine, he suggested they all leave to let those in the home get some rest.  Suzan thought for a second.  “I think I’ll spend the night, to make sure all is well here.  You three can handle what I’m sure you’re about to do.”

Boris got up, and kissed his wife.  “I love you more each day, darling Suzan.”

With few comments other than goodbyes, Drew, Boris, and Pepper soon left, before heading to the airport and their plane.  Once there, they all changed into different clothing—all black—then carried the things they wanted to the car.  The airport was a good distance from Ernesto’s home.  They had not hurried at the plane, so when they passed near Ernesto’s home on the way back, nearly two hours had elapsed.  It took another twenty minutes to get to the house the two targets from earlier in the day had gone into.  Drew drove by unhurried, but not so slow as to have anyone take notice. 

The area was very poorly lit.  No one seemed to be out and about, so Drew found a convenient place to park the car and turned it off, then asked, “How long do you want to wait, Boris?  I really don’t see any reason to wait much.”

“Nor do I.  First thing we should do is find a place for the receiver.  Pepper, why don’t you find a place to set it up, while your intended and I nose around, to see what we can see.  There is a nice alley for us to use to come up behind their place.  I’m thinking we shouldn’t be more than about ten minutes.”

Pepper just nodded and took out a black duffle-type bag before she got out of the car.  Drew and Boris also got out with a similar bag.  In a matter of minutes, all the windows of the house were bugged with transparent strips, capable of sending a signal for a limited distance…well within the distance Pepper was likely to place the receiving unit.


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