Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Latest fromthe Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - BAck To China (Other Books) - Jim calls assassin from bomb bay of B-2 while on way to China.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To China.  While in the bomb bay of a B-2 on its way to China, Jim calls an assassin not in prison (or dead) because of Jim.  He hires him to take out a Chinese general responsible for the kidnapping of two scientists working at Area 51.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.
After a conversation on the subject, Jim was willing to let him go free.  Bob had reluctantly agreed and the three friends left his home…after Bob hit him so hard in the jaw that he broke it in three places.  He knew of course who had broken his jaw, but not who the beautiful woman and the man with her were.
Part of the agreement to not turn him in to the authorities was that he would never set foot in the United States again.  He had kept to that agreement, and in the time since had vowed to take only government contracts. 
Jim had carefully kept track of the man, named Richard Newton, who had only taken three contracts since Jim had last seen him.  Knowing where the man lived and his phone number, Jim had Sarah arrange a phone connect with him…“without him knowing who is calling,” Jim had ordered.
Newton answered his phone, “This is Richard…may I ask who is calling?”
“Do you recognize my voice?”
“You sound very much like a man who let me live—and live somewhere besides a prison.”
“You are correct.”
“May I ask how you found me?”
“I once told you that you were good, but I was better.  Simply, I followed the money…your money.  I have a job for you, if you’re interested.”
“Sorry, but I only do government jobs now…even though I owe you.”
“Yes, I know.  Or at least know the job you took for Israel, and the one from my British friends.  I recommended you for both.  From following your money, I can only guess who the third country was.  I would guess it was France, since you have moved to your present location.”
“I’ll defer answering your implied question.  Thank you for the Israeli and British jobs.”
“Back to my need of your services.  A gentleman in a large white house, in the country you have pledged to never to set foot in again, has a man needing an end to his life.”
“I assume your phone is secure?”
“It is—and I know yours is, also.”
“Now how in the hell do you know that?”
“As I have stated often, you are good, but…”
“…you are better.  I just have to accept you know more about me than I do.  By the way, before we discuss business, how are Mr. and Mrs. Becker these days?”
“Michelle is fine.  Bob is presently cuddled up in the bomb bay of a B-2 with me and two dear friends of mine.”
“I won’t even ask, because I know you won’t tell me.  I can somehow guess you know the occupant of the building you mentioned earlier—especially due to your present location.  Such a lovely place to hitch a ride could only have come from someone pretty high up.  So I’ll just ask—who, where, and how much?”
“Thank you for not asking about my present mode of transportation.  Do you speak Mandarin?”
“Oh, good God.  China?  Give me a break.  To answer your question…hardly at all.”
“I’d suggest you brush up.  His name is General Xi Rongji.  He has been very naughty.  But more importantly, a message needs to be sent to those who authorized his naughtiness.  The fee is five million, which, if you accept the assignment, will be forwarded to your off-shore account in the next few minutes.  Before you ask, the entire amount is being paid in advance, in case you run into difficulties.  I’d like to know your family will be well cared for.  You must have made an impression on your wife when you kidnapped her.”
When Newton had escaped in St. Charles, Missouri, he had kidnapped a young woman in the process.  He later sent her a fully-paid roundtrip package to meet him in Tahiti.  She took the trip, and never returned home.
“You scare me, sir.  By the way, do I get to know who you are this time?”
“No.  Are you interested?”
“Yes, I’ll do it.  I like challenges.  A bit of information on how to find him, et cetera, would be quite beneficial.”
“I’ll see what I can do.  I will email it to you…or have it done.  Study up on your Mandarin.”
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