Monday, June 15, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asp, and Other Books - Whodunit Did It (Other Books) - While digging into new case, Elmer and friends enjoy a bit of humor.

Today’s excerpt is from Whodunit Did It, the first of three Elmer Bader books.  Elmer and part of the group that will help him on the major case are in the early stages of their investigation, and having some fun along the way.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Elmer told Gordon that Bert had plucked a real possibility out of the stack of files as he handed it to Gordon.  He also told him Bert had been dispatched to get everything else on the file.  Gordon read the file, then nodded, “Yeah—looks like our guy, okay.  You sure must trust the kid, to send him off to get the full details and evidence on this one, Elmer.”

“I do.  Alan keeps eating himself to death without ever working out, I’ll be happy to take Bert as my new partner, after we bury Alan.”

Alan held up his hand, “Okay, I surrender.  I’ll start working out.  Ruth’s words stung, but I was already thinking about it.”

Gordon and Reggie both had inquisitive looks on their faces.  Elmer told them about the scene in the kitchen while Alan was waiting for his shirt.  When he finished, Gordon asked, “You ever gonna marry that girl again, El?”

“You’re the second person to ask the same question in two days.  The answer is, maybe—but things sure are going well the way we're going.  For a while I was hoping to knock her up.  Doing so would sure push us toward it again.  But she hit forty, two months ago—don’t tell her I told you her age, please—so she’s on the wrong side of getting pregnant age-wise.  I guess it isn’t gonna happen.  Three wives, no kids—I’m starting to wonder if I shoot blanks.”

Reggie, who had four children, joked, “Maybe I should enlist you to service my wife before she gets with child again.”

Gordon shook his head.  “I’m going back to work.”

To Gordon’s back, Elmer yelled, “Yeah—since we’re letting Reggie be a cop again for a while, you gotta do your own paperwork, Gordo.”

Reggie just shook his head, smiled, then reached for his next file.  They kept at it, without much to show for their efforts, until Bert got back with a box of evidence from the case he had gone to investigate.  Soon all four were going over what was there.  When each of them had seen everything Bert had brought back—except for the surveillance video—they played it.  When it finished, Elmer nodded, “Yeah—it’s our guy.  Bert, anyone working the case now?”

“No, Elmer…it’s gone cold.  Did talk to the two guys who worked it, though…or rather a lady and a man.  They told me they never developed anything like a true lead on the thing.  They wished us well with it.  Seemed to be glad to see me leave with all this stuff.”

Alan chuckled, “Don’t blame them.  I’m starting to feel the same way on this stinking case.  Someone comes in here to take it away from us, I’ll not cry.”

Elmer shot him a dirty look.  “I stand corrected.  I would cry.”

“You’ll also be working out before the day is over.  But before that happy event, let’s get through the rest of these files.”

Reggie sighed, “Hell’s bells—it’ll take three days, Elmer.”

“Better order in some pizza then.”


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