Friday, June 26, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Back To Iraq (Janitors Series) - Humor before taking on planning job.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To Iraq, Book #2 of the Janitors Series. A few light moments before getting to work on the plan to strike back at al-Qaida.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



       Billy looked at the general and grinned.  “General, for an Army guy, you did a nice job of arranging our flights and air cover.  Those Air Force guys did one helluva job.  Thanks.”

General Bradley grunted.  “Coming from a jarhead, I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Hector groaned as he glanced at Jim.  “Hey, amigo, you gonna let him talk about the Marines that way?  He’s surrounded by Marines and has nerve enough to come out with that crap.”

“And Air Force,” joked Drew.

Hector tilted his head.  “Come again?”

Drew grinned.  “He’s surrounded by Marines and Air Force.  I was Air Force Intelligence before going over to CIA.  Didn’t Jim ever tell you that, Hec?”

Hector sighed.  “Naw.  He treats me like a mushroom…you know, keeps me in the dark and feeds me horseshit.”

General Bradley laughed at that, and then looked at Drew.  “Isn’t ‘Air Force Intelligence’ an oxymoron?”

Drew shook his head.  “No.  You’re thinking of ‘Senate Intelligence,’ as in the Senate Intelligence Committee.”

General Bradley smiled.  “As a member of the Administration, I didn’t hear that…in spite of how much I might agree.”


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