Friday, June 12, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Adios, Amigos (Asps Series) - Suzan helps family in Bolivia whiel Drew, Boris, and Pepper deal with terrorists.

Today’s excerpt is from Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of the nine-book Asps series.  After Suzan takes the first step in “adopting” a family, the three old spies head off bug a house where known terrorists are staying.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Drew thanked the doctor, called Boris, brought him up-to-date, then sat to wait for Ernesto’s mother.  When she was allowed to leave the hospital, she appeared to be a bit better, but Drew wondered about her being allowed to go home so soon.  In short order, he found out there really was a critical shortage of bed space in the hospital.  He paid the bill before he took the lady home to her family.

When they arrived, Drew was surprised not in the least to see his three companions had things well in tow.  The children, including Ernesto, had been fed, and the home was cleaned from top to bottom.  Pepper and Suzan were playing with the two younger children, while Boris was sucking as much information out of Ernesto as he could…without asking the first direct question.

Drew showed Ernesto’s mother to her bed, then got soup under way for her.  He reasoned hard food would be more than she could stand the first day, after not eating properly for a number of days.  While the soup was heating up, Drew explained what her problem had been.  Ernesto hung his head.  Pepper shook hers.  “Ernesto, do not be ashamed.  Be proud of your mother for loving you three children so much.   Had my mother not loved me so much, I would not be as old as I am.”

The lad laughed, then began engaging the others with stories of La Paz…at the gentle urging of Boris.  Meanwhile, Drew kept a close watch on the outside lighting.  When it started to get dark, around nine, he suggested they all leave to let those in the home get some rest.  Suzan thought for a second.  “I think I’ll spend the night, to make sure all is well here.  You three can handle what I’m sure you’re about to do.”

Boris got up, and kissed his wife.  “I love you more each day, darling Suzan.”

With few comments other than goodbyes, Drew, Boris, and Pepper soon left, before heading to the airport and their plane.  Once there, they all changed into different clothing—all black—then carried the things they wanted to the car.  The airport was a good distance from Ernesto’s home.  They had not hurried at the plane, so when they passed near Ernesto’s home on the way back, nearly two hours had elapsed.  It took another twenty minutes to get to the house the two targets from earlier in the day had gone into.  Drew drove by unhurried, but not so slow as to have anyone take notice. 

The area was very poorly lit.  No one seemed to be out and about, so Drew found a convenient place to park the car and turned it off, then asked, “How long do you want to wait, Boris?  I really don’t see any reason to wait much.”

“Nor do I.  First thing we should do is find a place for the receiver.  Pepper, why don’t you find a place to set it up, while your intended and I nose around, to see what we can see.  There is a nice alley for us to use to come up behind their place.  I’m thinking we shouldn’t be more than about ten minutes.”

Pepper just nodded and took out a black duffle-type bag before she got out of the car.  Drew and Boris also got out with a similar bag.  In a matter of minutes, all the windows of the house were bugged with transparent strips, capable of sending a signal for a limited distance…well within the distance Pepper was likely to place the receiving unit.


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