Thursday, June 18, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Too Many Women (Other Books) - Hector and the Orfs lend a hand to new hero Bob Becker.

Today’s excerpt is from Too Many Women, the first of three Bob Becker books.  Bob calls old friends Dan and Janet Orf in Los Angeles to round up some help (and fly them to Missouri) to help protect Bob’s new client.  She witnessed a murder in Los Angeles before getting to Bob in Missouri and hiring him for protection.  Dan agrees to ask Hector Garcia for a couple of his men to lend a hand and agrees to bring two LAPD detectives to interview the witness.   Enjoy and have a fantastic day.
As he dialed Dan’s number, Bob glanced at his watch, saw it was only ten to eleven, and sighed as he hoped he wasn’t calling too early, due to the time difference.  Dan answered on the second ring, “Hi, Bob.  How’re you doin’?”
“Well—okay, I guess.  Had an incident at my office today,” Bob answered.  Then he told Dan what had happened, and the circumstances leading up to the shoot-out.
“Okay, well if you need some help, I can give Hector a call, get a couple of his guys together, round up some coppers, then head back your way.  Two guys from Hector gonna be enough?”
“I sure hope so.  You know my layout here—two should do.  Sure appreciate your help.”
The ‘Hector’ Dan mentioned was Hector Garcia.  Hector was a retired Marine Master Sergeant who had several businesses in the Los Angeles area, including the largest private detective/protection agency in California.  Hector and Bob knew each other through Dan, and liked each other—though they had not spent much time together. 
Finished with the call, Bob looked at Terri.  “You stay put right here in the kitchen until Bill gets back.  I’ll see you in a while.”
“I’ve got Tillie to protect me.  If she’s near as tough as her master, I’ll be safe as a bug in a rug.  So…what kind of disguise are you gonna get for me?”
Before Bob could answer, Bill got back and heard Terri’s question.  “He’s gonna dress you up as a clown.”
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