Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Latst from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - The Zimo Hunt (Asps Series) - Drew and Boris qustion al-Qaida Jim's ranch.

Today’s excerpt is from The Zimo Hunt, Book #2 of the nine-book Asps series.  Drew and Boris prepare to question an al-Qaida prisoner on Jim’s ranch.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Jim, Drew, and Boris all shook their heads at the same time, but said nothing.  Jim looked at the other two and asked, “Where do you want him?”

Drew answered, “Oh, the barn ought to do…naked, spread-eagled to the corners of a stall.  How cold is it in the barn this time of year, Jim?”

“Chilly, but not cold.  Don’t want my horses to get sick…keep it above sixty.”

Boris nodded and looked at Dusty, “Do you feel like getting him ready for us.  We’ve already gone over the information Tony found on his laptop, but the rest of you might be interested.”

Dusty nodded and looked at Bear, who nodded, also.  Those two took the prisoner to Jim’s barn, stripped him, and tied him up in the rear of one of the empty stalls in Jim’s barn, leaving the hood on his head all the while.  When they were finished, Bear glanced at Dusty.  “You go on back and I’ll stay with him, until Drew and Boris arrive.”

Boris, who had just walked into the barn with Drew, mumbled, “We have arrived.  You two may as well go back and enjoy the warmth.”


Two and a half hours later, Drew and Boris returned to the conference room.  Drew smiled.  “Tony, first off, we’d like to thank you for not doubting our interrogation of Baroom.  While he gave us bad information, he didn’t know he was doing so.  Next off, just to be sure you still have total confidence in us, we left that fella alive.  Up to you what to do with him.”

Tony grinned.  “Never had a doubt in the world about you and Boris, Drew,” then he glanced at Harry and added, “I would appreciate it if you would dispose of that fine fellow, old chap.”

Harry sighed.  “Dusty, Ike, take care of it, please.  Guess you’ll have to use Jim’s SUV to get to the mineshaft.”

Ike nodded, “We’ll take care of it.”


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