Monday, June 29, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Dog Pound (Janitors Series) - Suspect dies during questioning.

Today’s excerpt is from Dog Pound, Book #3 of the Janitors Series.  Kidnap money drop pick-up man dies while being questioned.  Enjoy and have a great day.



       Mark thought about telling the truth, for some reason thought better of it, and answered, “Just dumb luck, really.  When I saw where you guys stopped, I got a hunch and turned around and went back to a turn-off that eventually gets you to a road that runs down the bank from the highway.  Sure enough, we spotted him just as he was getting out of this car with the money.  He tried for a road bike, but we got to him before he could get it started.  As I said, just dumb luck.”

“Well, nice job.”

Mark nodded and went back into the room with Justin and, more for Jerry’s benefit than anything, growled, “You have a go at this dumb bastard.  Wait ‘til you hear the shit he’s trying to sell.”

After three more hours, Justin shook his head.  “He’s all yours, Mark.  I give up.  When you’re through with him, you can book him for whatever you want, then give him to us.  We’ll book him for interstate kidnapping, assault, receiving stolen property, and probably murder, if Miss Lane doesn’t show up by the time he goes to trial.  We’ll let the prosecutors fight over who gets to take him to trial first, and for what.”

Ten minutes later, Jerry Workman’s days of mischief were over.  Just as Mark got ready to ask another question, Jerry suddenly gave a little jerk.  His head dropped on the table in front of him.  He was quite dead.  Dan looked at Mark, who looked back, reached over to feel Jerry’s pulse, and found none.  “I’ll be damned.  He’s dead.”

Dan looked puzzled for a few seconds, then asked, “From what?  He wasn’t under any stress.  He was playing with us.  He knew we knew, but without some of the other members of the gang in hand, we’d have had a helluva time proving it.  He might actually have gotten by with a receiving stolen goods charge.”

Mark made no reply, started to reach for the cup of coffee Jerry had requested, thought better of it, stood up, and went after someone to haul the body away.  He also had the remaining contents in the coffee cup taken to the lab for analysis.

Later, alone with Dan, he sighed.  “If it wasn’t his heart—and for now I’m gonna assume it was—then we have a serious problem.”

“Mark, I’m the most suspicious guy around, but there’s no way it wasn’t a heart attack.  Hell, this time of night you don’t have that many people around who could’ve spiked his coffee.”

“Yeah, guess we’ll have to sit on it until we hear from the medical people and the lab.”



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