Thursday, June 4, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Fido (Asps Series) - Asps bug terrorist car and deal with un unexpected problem.

Today’s excerpt is from Fido, Book #3 of the nine-book Asps series.  Asps bug and put homing device on terrorist’s car…then have some unwanted excitement.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



When Dusty reached the side of the house, he took a deep breath and worked his way forward, to the corner where the side of the house and the front met.  He had already guessed the distance to the car from there to be about fifty feet.  Staying close to the house, he moved forward, until he was even with the car, now only about ten feet away.  Knowing light was hard to see through, he was glad the inside lights were on in the windows nearest the car.  His happy thought in mind, he hurried to the car and around it.  He dropped down, crawled under it, and attached a homing device sending unit, in a place not easily spotted.  He got back out from under the car, got up to a kneeling position, and looked into the car.  He saw two things at once.  It had an alarm system, but was unlocked and the alarm system seemed not to be on.  He thought, “Mess this up now, and you’ll be the joke of the team,” then slowly opened the door…no alarm sounded.  He quickly reached inside and put a bug under the front seat.  He very slowly shut the door.  It didn’t latch, but he leaned his shoulder hard into in and the latch clicked.  When it did, he hurried back to the side of the house and retraced his path, back to where Bear waited, rifle now in hand, as Sarah had arrived.  Kye was also back and told Dusty the garage was empty.   Dusty just grunted.  “These idiots should use it…would have made my job easier.”


By then, the homing device had started emitting its signal, and Ike saw it on the panel he had been looking at while Harry stood outside the SUV.  “We got a signal, Harry.”

Harry got in, and started the engine.  “Give Bruce a call, and tell him to meet us at the vacant building.”


About the same time, Dusty tilted his head, “We may as well head on back.”

Bear whispered, “Not right now.  Don’t move, Sarah.”

Sarah was kneeling down on her good knee, next to a tree.  Kye and Dusty were standing, and Bear had been kneeling about ten feet away from Sarah.  Even as he spoke, he took out his long knife and threw it.  The knife thudded against the tree next to Sarah and fell to the ground…along with the head and about six inches of the snake that had been coming down the tree toward Sarah.  Sarah turned, saw the snake’s head, and moved a bit, just as the rest of it fell out of the tree, at her feet.  She threw up.  She wiped her mouth, and muttered, “God, I hate snakes!”

Bear walked over and kissed her, then stood back and handed her his canteen.  “You might want to wash out your mouth.”

“Taste like puke, do I?”


Sarah washed out her mouth, handed Bear his canteen back, took about three steps, stopped, drew her Asp…and fired several silent shots into another snake.  It seemed to jump a bit each time she fired.  Finally, Bear touched her shoulder.  “It’s dead.  You can stop shooting anytime now.”

Sarah giggled, “I told you I hate snakes.”


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