Monday, June 22, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Pool Of Blood (Other Books) - The Scotts and Hector Garcia help Bob look for killer in Australia.

Today’s excerpt is from Pool Of Blood, the third of three Bob Becker books.  Bob’s old friend Walter Kilgorie lends Bob, Jim and Holly Scott, and Hector Garcia in Australia as they track down murderer wanted in the United States.  They stumble onto a surprise that the men enjoy.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.


A while later, Hector and Bob reached a spot below a two-to-three-foot-high dirt rise left over from the construction project on the land.  Hector pointed to Bob to go up to it.  As Bob nodded and headed up to it, Hector whispered, “Come on, straight to us…the way we used, Jim.  There’s a mound of dirt about three feet high.  It extends quite a ways in both directions.  Have no idea what it’s supposed to do.  Bob’s heading up there now.”

Jim didn’t answer, just started walking the direction Bob and Hector had used.  Walter and Holly were right behind him.  When they reached Hector, Bob had already reached the mound, and was looking over it with binoculars.  He whispered, “You ain’t gonna believe this, folks.”

Jim asked, “What is it, Bob?”

“You’ll have to see for yourselves.  A picture is worth a thousand words, but if I take a picture of this, Michelle’ll put me on the couch for the next five years.”

Intrigued, the other four hurried to Bob’s location.  When they got there, they all climbed up near him, binoculars at the ready.  Holly nearly burst into laughter, but somehow managed to hold it in.  She didn’t remain quiet, however, as she whispered, “Get a good eyeful, husband.  You ain’t gonna see anything at home if you keep staring.”

Jim chuckled as he—as well as the others—were looking at three women—totally nude (except for sneakers) women—hanging around Wilfred Clinton.  Walter took a deep breath, let it out, then sighed.  “Well, I’d say he has himself a nice little harem.”

Hector joked softly, “Here comes another one.  At least she has on a little maid apron…covering exactly nothing of note.  I’m certainly glad you invited me along on this trip, oh great finder of all things nice.”

Holly shook her head and slugged Hector on the shoulder.  “I’m telling Rosa.”

Rosa, Hector’s wife, was never to hear of this episode, after several threats from Hector on the trip back to the United States.

Jim joined the fun.  “Hey, pal—I didn’t find ‘em.  Bob did.”


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