Friday, November 13, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asp, Other Books, and More Books - Dead Silent Calm (Janitors Series, Book #7) - Drew and Boris just make it out of China before being discovered.

Today’s excerpt is from, Dead Silent Calm, Book #7 of the Janitors Series.  Drew and Boris safely out of China just in time, and they let Jim know they found what they went there to find.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Back in China, Boris and Drew were just boarding their plane for the planned return trip to Japan—the cover story being that they would meet Steve there since he was involved in the “movie” preparations with Joyce.

Just as the plane was taxing down the runway for take-off, a high-ranking member of the Chinese intelligence community was routinely going over pictures of arriving “guests” to China when he spotted the pictures of Boris and Drew.  He jumped up from his desk and screamed at his nearest aide, “Come over here!  Now!  Do you know who these two are?”

The aide took the offered pictures and replied, “No, sir.”

“You are looking at two of the greatest spies of our lifetimes!  Boris Telman and Andrew F. Hollins!  Telman was KGB, known as the ‘Ghost’ since only a handful of people knew who he really was until the so-called ‘Cold War’ between the Soviet Union and America dissolved.  Hollins was CIA.  Both have now ‘retired,’ or so everyone has been led to believe.  Them coming here together, using false names, is clear proof that they have not retired.  Just exactly what they are doing working together I have no idea, but I plan to find out.  You, now, this instant, will work on nothing else.  Find out where they are staying and any information you can find out about the cover story of their visit!”

“Yes, sir.”


As the aide hurried off, Boris and Drew were getting comfortable in the First Class section of their airliner for their trip to Tokyo, before heading to Atsugi to await the rest of the team, and Drew was sending a laptop message to Steve—which was in reality intended for Jim. 

The message simply read:  Perfect site found.  Looking forward to seeing you when you return to Japan.”

When Steve received the expected message, he handed his laptop to Jim.  “Looks like we’re a go.”

Jim read the message and nodded.  “So it would seem.”


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