Friday, November 27, 2015

Latest from the Janitros, Asps, Other Books, and More Books -The Zimo Hunt (Asps Series Book #2) - Bear takes out al-Qaida bomb factory.

Today’s excerpt is from The Zimo Hunt, Book #2 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Posing as a terrorist, Bear delivers a homemade bomb to an al-Qaida bomb factory.  Enjoy and have a great day.



The man took note of Kye at the steering wheel, but said nothing as he helped Bear carry the rest of the items into the building.  Once back inside, Bear instructed the leader, “Find a container large enough to empty the contents of all these items into.  You should have a large enough container so there is a small gap for air.  The bomb will be set off by a rifle shot to the top of the container.  The heat from the bullet going through the fumes will detonate it.  When our attack is ready, I will return and tell you where to take the bomb.  We have to get our sniper in place before we go with the bomb.  Keep extreme heat away from it as you prepare it.  Other than that, the materials are quite safe to handle.  I will be back within the hour.”

With that he left the building, even as the leader tried to ask questions.  Bear walked to the car, got in, and pointed.  “Drive.”

Kye managed not to smile as she saw two men standing inside the front door of the building, looking in their direction.  They were about three blocks away in extremely heavy traffic when there was a terrific explosion, followed by several smaller secondary explosions.  Bear just smiled.  “Oops, you make a left turn back at the last street.”

“Thanks for telling me now.  My own fault—should have paid more attention.  Must say, your bomb caught my attention.”

The site of the bomb factory was now a vacant lot, and two of the nearby buildings were flattened as well.  Several others were ruined and, even as Kye drove back to the safe house, several fires were burning in the area.  When they arrived and went inside, Bear reported, and Bruce got busy on his computer, and composing a “communiqué” from al-Qaida, lambasting the government of Pakistan and claiming responsibility for the explosion.  The communiqué carried only one name…Zimo.  The communiqué was routed through Jim’s computer, which made it totally untraceable, with the various filter programs Jim had programmed into it with the help of Bruce and Harry.

Even as Bruce was doing so, Drew and Boris were on their way in one of the cars to the al-Qaida safe house, to keep an eye on the comings and goings there.


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