Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Sedona Chip (Janitors Series, Book #9) - Sarah Jane has some fun weith spy.

Today’s excerpt is from, Sedona Chip, Book #9 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Alerted by Drew and Boris to expect a visitor, Sarah Jane has some fun with the French spy.  Enjoy and have a great day.



As those in the Hollins/Telman compound—as Jim had started calling the connected homes—were having a late-night steak dinner, prepared by Drew, Luc Rapp was on his way back to the construction site.  Driving without lights, he nearly wrecked his SUV, but managed to find his parking spot and put on his defective night vision goggles.  Realizing that he couldn’t see anything using them, he took the goggles off and swore.

With his camera that wouldn’t take worthwhile pictures—if he got inside the building—Rapp set out on foot, using the sparse moonlight of less than a quarter moon.  Sarah Jane was sitting in her tent, watching the monitor of the sensors Boris and Drew had put out, when she saw a green blip.  She scanned the chart, as Drew had shown her how to do the first day of her unit’s arrival, and headed in the direction of Gunnery Sergeant Murphy, who was her nearest sentry to the intruder’s location.  As she walked up to him, he put his finger to his lips and whispered, “We have a guest, ma’am.”

“I know.  Let’s just scare him off.  Think of a reason to shoot in his direction, then we’ll talk loudly enough for him to hear.”

It took the Gunnery Sergeant only a second before he said, rather loudly, “Uh, ma’am, there’s something out there.  May just be a coyote.”

Rapp froze.

“Well, maybe you should shoot a few rounds in that direction and scare it off.”

Rapp was on his knees as it was.  Now he turned and started crawling off, as fast as he could.

Sarah Jane, who was wearing night vision goggles—as was Gunnery Sergeant Murphy—almost giggled as he complained, “Ma’am, I kill a damned coyote and the tree-huggers or the like will be all over me…and us.”

“If you kill something, we’ll just bury it.  Fire at will, Gunny.”

Rapp was crawling as fast as he could without making a large racket.  The first shot kicked up dust to his left, just missing his hand.  The second shot nearly hit his right hand.  The third shot was between his legs and kicked up dust under his crawling body.

He didn’t even hear Sarah Jane say, “That’s enough.”

But he also didn’t hear any more shots, nor did any more dust kick up.  As soon as he felt it safe, he was on his feet, half-running toward his SUV.

Both Sarah Jane and Gunnery Sergeant Murphy could both see and hear him.  They both managed to hold in the laughter they both felt.  All the Marines on duty were wearing communication sets.  Sarah Jane turned hers on.  “Don’t be alarmed, guys.  Gunny just spotted a coyote and scared him off.”


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