Monday, November 30, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Fido (Asps Series, Book #3) - One boat down, Jim has plan for the other one.

Today’s excerpt is from Fido, Book #3 of the nine-book Asps Series.  One boat blown apart, Jim has a plan for the use the remaining terrorist craft.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



As everyone started getting up out of foxholes, they slowly gathered in the area of the camp.  Just as Jim was about to speak, a massive explosion erupted, as the first of the boats blew up.  The fuel had seeped out, until finding a small smoldering piece of the boat caused by another of the claymore pellets.  Jim smiled at that.  “Guess we’re down to one boat.”

Holly, still sitting at her gun, atop the buggy she’d ridden, asked, “Did you say, ‘we’re’ down to one boat?  What do you mean ‘we’re’ down to one boat, Stanley James?”

“I’ve got an idea.  For now, Harry, Bruce, why not see if anyone is alive on the one down by the dock area…namely, the boat captain.  I’d sorta like to take him alive, fellas.”

Harry glanced up at Holly, shrugged, and drove their buggy down to the dock area, as several others followed along.  Bruce followed Harry and the others headed for the dock in his buggy, with Wendy still sitting at her gun.  Anson, Kye, Ike, and about half a dozen SAS troops were the group walking.  When they arrived, Harry and Holly had left their buggy and were boarding the ship, while Bruce and Wendy waited in their buggy.  The other group soon joined Harry and Holly aboard the vessel.  There were several wounded terrorists aboard, and they were dispatched without comment from anyone.  Holly found the captain of the boat, hiding in the wheelhouse.  She said in Spanish, “You better get up real slowly, with your hands in the air, if you expect to live much longer.”

The man looked at the Asp in Holly’s hand and nodded, as he put up his hands.  At Holly’s motion, he walked out of the pilothouse, toward the others aboard.  Ike and Kye, busy checking below decks, came upon two men, who surrendered immediately.  Not aware Holly had found the captain alive, Ike asked in Spanish, “You two al-Qaida, or part of the boat crew?”

One man answered in Spanish, “I’m part of the boat crew.”

The other one answered in very poor Spanish, “I am, too.”

Kye shot the second one and said in Arabic to the body, “We don’t like to be lied to,” before looking at the other man and asking in Spanish, “Do you want to give us the information we want, without a lot of nonsense?”

The wide-eyed man nodded and muttered, “Yes,” as Kye put a black hood on his head, turned him around, and secured his hands with plastic restraints.


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