Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Escape From Mexico (More books) - Jim and friends rethink plan to backtrack Sandy's movemenets.

Today’s excerpt is from Escape From Mexico, a standalone book featuring Jim Scott and friends (some old, and some new).  After their plans fell through the previous week because Michelle’s cab driver was high on pot and caused her to miss the flight Sandy had originally used, the group makes a slight change in plans.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



While plotting by evildoers continued, those on Bob’s property kicked back and waited for Sunday, when they would again try to backtrack Sandy’s steps prior to being arrested at the Mexican border.  They did a bit of planning themselves, part of which was arriving at the conclusion that Sandy would not be needed on the second try, since they had positive identifications of the three men she had spoken to about her plans for a trip across the border. 

They also decided Bob would get off in Denver, and go with Michelle to the Denver airport.  They would take the same flight, but not sit together, nor give any indication of even knowing one another.  They would, however, take the same cab to the airport.

When this plan was agreed on, Michelle joked, “Just what I need—‘daddy’ keeping an eye on me, to make sure I don’t mess up again.”

“Darling—first off, I’m not your ‘daddy’—and second, if we get another cab driver like the one you had, I’d just shoot the bastard and take his cab.”

“Yes, dear husband you probably would.  But at least if I miss this plane, it’ll be on your head and not mine.”

Before Bob could retort again, Jim interrupted, “Sandy, I have a question.”


“What did you actually tell these three guys you talked to in Tucson about the reason for your trip—other than wanting to go to Mexico for a few hours?”

“Oh, let me think.  Um…not much else—except I’m pretty sure I told them all I was in town on business.”

“Not the type of business?”

“No, Jim…at least I don’t think so.  Does it matter?”

“Not really—but Michelle, you might do the same thing, rather than dream up something along the lines of what your business in town is.”

“Yeah, good idea.  Actually, I was planning on not saying anything about what I was doing there—just saying while in town I wanted to make a fast trip to Mexico.”


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