Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Baghdad Btucher (Janitors Series) - Holly outwits two of Saddam's security team.

Today’s excerpt is from Baghdad Butcher, Book #1 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Holly scares off two of Saddam’s German agents with guile rather than force.  Enjoy and have a great day.



After a deep kiss from Jim, she and Sajida left.  Less than two blocks from Barzan’s hideout, both women noticed they were being followed.  Sajida quickly came up with a plan, agreed to by Holly, with only one minor change.

The women entered a small café and ordered tea.  After they finished, Sajida went to the women’s room and left by the back exit.  Holly got up and walked out the front of the building.  As Holly turned down an alley where Sajida had hidden herself to wait on the two men who had been following them, one of the men ran up to Holly.  “Why the hurry?  And what happened to your friend?  We wanted to ask you to join us.”

In spite of herself, Holly nearly laughed outright.  She instantly realized that even though the man’s Arabic was reasonably good, his accent was German.  Not being aware of the foreign legion, she had no reason to suspect that the men were, in fact, security agents.

That aside, Holly also realized that it wasn’t a good idea to be out on the street too long, so she replied, “My friend is on her way to a meeting with a man she shouldn’t really be seeing…if you know what I mean.  I would be happy to spend some time with you gentlemen, but I’m not sure we should.  You see, my ex-boyfriend gave me something I’d just as soon not pass on…if you know what I mean.”

They did, and quickly (but politely) excused themselves.  They went back the way they had come, and Holly proceeded on down the alley with a smile.  As Sajida stepped out from her shadowed hiding place, she was grinning also, having heard the entire conversation.

The two women continued on to the apartment without further incident, though Sajida made Holly’s blood run a bit cooler when she explained about the foreign legion and the likelihood that the two men were members.


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