Monday, November 9, 2015

Latest from the Janitorsl, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Dog Pound (Janitors Series, Book #3) - Kidnappers furthering their plans.

Today’s excerpt is from, Dog Pound, Book #3 of the Janitors Series.  Bad guys making their plans.  Enjoy and have a great day.



“Good idea, I like it.  You good on motorcycles?”

“Yeah, used to race ‘em.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“Not something I talk about very much.  It was what I wanted to do with my life before the lure of easy money got to me.  About the bike, I’d like to get one soon so I can go up there and check it out.  We’ll need something to haul it in.  I’m sure I can stash it up there somewhere.  I guess the car I use will be a throw-away.”

“You guess correctly.  We’ll lift one for you just before the drop.  With the bike idea, you can leave the hot car when you switch over to the bike.”

“Have the drop guy put the dough in a backpack.  Ah…what about a homing device?  Do you think I should look for one before I get on the bike?”

“Not to worry.  There won’t be one.”

“How do you know that?”

“Like I said, ‘inside help.’  The deal is all set.  After I make the grab and get away with her, we’re all set except for the pick-up.  There’s gonna be cops involved on that.  I won’t lie to you about it.  My grab and your pick-up are the only dangerous things in this deal.”

“How much total?”

“A lot.”

“Dale, how much?”

Dale looked hard at Jerry, then said, “Five mil.”

“What!  And I only get fifty grand!”

“Okay, Jerry, I’ll go a hundred thousand, but no more.  My part of it is only a million, and out of that I have to pay you and two other guys who’ll help with the snatch.  Plus, I’ve got all the expenses to cover.”

“I could do the grab with you and you wouldn’t need the other two guys.”

“You can’t do the snatch, baby-sit the broad, and do the pick-up.”

“So it’s a woman…who?”

“I told you, you don’t need to know.”

“I’ll know when it hits the news.”

“Ah, shit.  Okay, it’s Billie Jo Lane.”

“Are you crazy?!  Billie Jo friggin’ Lane!  You’re certifiable!  You must have just gotten out of the nut house!  You’ll have the whole world down on us!  Billie Jo friggin’ Lane!  Crap!”

“Easy, Jerry.  You think anybody would pay five million for Miss Poppy Seed?”

“Dale, she’ll have an army guarding her.  Probably ex-special ops-type guys.”

“Covered.  Not to worry, the plan is reasonable.  We have a good chance to pull it off.  Besides, you aren’t involved in the snatch.”

“I bet you get your ass shot off trying this one.  I’ll settle for the hundred grand and try to figure out how to avoid half the law enforcement people in Hawaii after I do the pick up…if there is a pick-up.”

“Good, that’s settled.  How much d’ya think a dirt bike will cost?”

“I should be able to get one I’d depend on for three thousand or so.  One I can buy in any name and leave no tracks.  But we still hafta get it there, and a truck to haul it in would leave tracks—unless we lift one—and that’d be a risk this much in front of the job.”

Dale went back to his trusty duffel bag, took out five thousand dollars, and handed it to Jerry.  “Be sure you get one that’s dependable.  Let me think about the truck; I’ll come up with something.  Now, you’d better get out of here and find yourself a place to stay.  Call me in the morning.”

Jerry stood up and shook Dale’s hand.  “Okay, ‘til tomorrow.  Thanks for letting me in on this…I think.”


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