Monday, November 23, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Assassin I Am (More Books) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Assassin I Am, featuring new characters Fred Dupree and Rosemary Williams.  Enjoy and have a great day.



NOTE:  This book is now available at Amazon’s Kindle Book Store, but is not yet up on the below web site.  Should be up in a few more days.


Dear Reader


Assassin I Am features three new characters who are, in time, joined by some old friends familiar to my readers.  Fred Dupree and Rosemary Williams work under the direction of Harvey Puckett, as they set out to eliminate several al-Qaida affiliated imams, and also attempt to track down an al-Qaida bombmaker.  The bombmaker is in America to teach his craft to others and start a major campaign to destabilize the U.S.  After Fred and Rosemary are joined by these old friends, the group then uncovers a major al-Qaida plot to set up the Caliphate of America.  While such a plot would certainly be doomed to ultimate failure, the widespread death and destruction it could cause would change our way of life for years to come.





My friend Frank’s daughter Christina




With our borders wide open to the hordes of people crossing into the U.S., there’s no telling how many are Islamist terrorists.  We do know several imams in this country are anti-American.  With converts to the Islamist terrorist cause added to those crossing the borders, the groundwork for major terrorist operations has been laid, and at some point we are going to be dealt a severe blow if stepped-up attention isn’t paid to the situation.  This book offers an implausible solution, but one that may need to be used in the future (the setting of this book).


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