Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books,and More Books - Birth Of The Asps (Asps Series, Book #1) - Trouble finds Kye.

Today’s excerpt is from Birth Of The Asps, Book #1 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Recent widow Kye nears death of her own.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Dusty worked his way down to a spot of concealment and set up the listening device contained in the two bags.  It was an elaborate set-up that not only listened, but also recorded.  Dusty could listen by plugging in an earphone apparatus.  The device only recorded when something was being said.  By careful aiming and tuning, Dusty was able to get the receiver pointed at a tent he determined was the headquarters tent, after listening in on various conversations from various points.

After two hours of listening, and being amazed at what he was hearing, Dusty popped out the tape of what he’d heard and put in a new one.  Then he started working his way back to Kye.  To avoid making noise or giving away his presence in any manner, the going was slow, but he carefully worked his way back toward her.

Meanwhile, Kye had also been busy.  She’d brought along a pad and pen in the pocket of her leotards and had been busy sketching out a map of the camp’s layout, which was fully visible to her from the vantage point where Dusty had left her.

She was so intent on what she was doing that she didn’t see or hear the machete-armed man who was walking down the path from the original direction she and Dusty had approached the camp.

He, on the other hand, was observant enough to accidentally spot Kye.  He quietly left the trail and approached her from behind.  Just as he raised his machete, Kye somehow sensed his presence and turned, reaching for her Asp as she did so.  She realized she’d never be fast enough, and resigned herself to joining her husband in death.


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