Thursday, November 12, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - The Saltwater Connection (Janitors Series, Book #6) - Dan and Janet pass photo of terrorist suspect to Jim.

Today’s excerpt is from, The Saltwater Connection, Book #6 of the Janitors Series.  Dan and Janet get the first real lead on who is kidnapping women in the U.S. and forward a picture of a man believed to be involved to Jim.  Jim in turn seeks the help of Mossad.  Enjoy and have a great day.



A matter of minutes later, Jim was talking to Benjamin (Ben) Schiller, the number two man in the Mossad—the Israeli lead intelligence organization.  “Ben, we just e-mailed you a picture.  We’re gonna run it through our computer, looking for a match, but thought you might have a clue as to who the guy is and, if not, you could run it through your computer.”

“Okay, Jim.  Hold on while I check the e-mail.”

Less than a minute later, Ben was back on the line.  “Search over.  Where is this jackass?”

“The picture was taken in Los Angeles.  Who is he?”

“One Mahfouz Atif, a well-known member of Hamas.  We deported him about a year ago.  He was one of those idiots holed up with Arafat when we blew his headquarters all to hell.  Mossad wanted to eliminate those guys one at a time with ‘accidents’ once they were living at their final destinations.  The PM said no.”

“Doesn’t sound like the Prime Minister I know and love.  Why the reluctance?”

“Politics.  Anyhow, we were keeping close tabs on the whole bunch of them.  Atif slipped away.  The young agent assigned to watch him is now cleaning toilets in Mossad headquarters, and she will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.”

Jim chuckled.  “Seems you guys are big on cleaning toilets.”

“Come again?”

“I seem to remember you being threatened with the same sentence when you withheld a piece of information concerning me in the not-too-distant past.”

“Oh, yeah.  Anyhow, again, you have a nasty piece of work on your hands in this guy.  Make every effort to ‘nail’ him.  In fact, I’ll offer some help if you can get it cleared with the brass in Washington.”

“Thanks for the offer, but for now I think we’ll try it on our own.  If I need help, I’ll call…with approval of the aforementioned brass.”

“Good luck.”

“Thanks.  Talk to you later.”

“Right.  Let me know if you get him.  See ya.”

After ending the call, Jim looked around at his team and sighed.  “His name’s Mahfouz Atif.  He’s Hamas.”

Drew nodded and frowned.  “Shit.”

Boris Telman, an ex-KGB agent who had opted to retire in the U.S. and wound up becoming a member of the Janitors, shook his head.  “Hamas running around here doing bad things was to be expected, I presume.  But this is not a happy development in the ‘war on terror.’  I think we best corral this lad—without delay—and ask him a few not-too-polite questions.”

Jim nodded.  “Okay, let’s do some more brainstorming.  First, I better call Dan Orf back and bring him up to date and let him know what he’s up against…warn him to proceed with caution.”

Jim called Dan.  “Dan, old pal, you’ve got yourself into a shit storm.  The guy in the picture you sent is a Hamas terrorist.”

“That complicates things, I’d say.  I had a sick feeling he might be something like that, from the looks of him.  Got any suggestions, or advice?”

“Dan, why don’t you sit tight for the next little bit and let us kick it around here.  Maybe we can work together on this, if you’re game.”

“I’m game.  Dealing with terrorists is something I’m not experienced with…in my present surroundings.  Do you have any ideas what these guys are doing with the women?”

“None that I like.  For now that question really isn’t key.  What we’ve got to do is try to anticipate what their next move’ll be.  How about I get back to you in the morning?”

“Sounds good.  Talk to you later.”


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