Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Tears And Terrorists (Asps Series, Book #4) - Rescue trip to Iran planned?

Today’s excerpt is from Tears And Terrorists, Book #4 of the nine-book Asps Series.  More of Judy’s memory returns and causes Jim to decide on a trip to Iran.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



As those two walked off, Dan started cleaning up, with Holly’s help.  Jim took out his cell phone and called Tony Henry.  When he had him, and pleasantries had been exchanged, he asked, “You ever hear of a guy by the name of Tommy Saunders?”

Tony paused a few moments.  Did know…he’s been dead many years.”

“Maybe not.  Tell me about him.”

“Was SAS, then joined us at SIS.  Wasn’t known to belong to us.  Was a nuclear expert and worked for the Atomic Energy Agency.  Lost on a secret mission.  Just how did you come up with his name, and what do you know that I obviously don’t?”

“Ever hear of Judy Silverman?”

“Yes.  She was on the boat that went down with all hands lost…presumably.”

“She’s at the ranch.  Dan Orf and his wife Janet found her in Los Angeles.  She’s a mess…a lot less mess than when they found her.  Just now starting to get back her memory and the ability to communicate.  Was about thirty pounds underweight when they found her, and they’ve managed to put about ten pounds back on her.”

“My God in Heaven.  I take it you’re at the ranch, too.  What happened in Gaza?”

“Got Ratissi.  The Israelis now have him.  Got what I wanted from him.  Waterboarding works wonders.”

“Off the record—yes, I know.  Wonderful invention.  Would you mind if I came to the ranch immediately…with Sergeant Major Squires?  He and Tommy were friends.”

“By all means…but there’ll be no pushing her.  Dan and Janet have been bringing her along slowly.  She did just mention that she remembers seeing Tommy in a jail or prison she was at, after those two were pulled out of the drink by the Iranians.  Send me what you have on the mission.  I’ll pull some maps and try to figure out where that prison might be.  No way of knowing if he would still be alive, but worth investigating.”

“Yes, it is.  I will send you everything I have…which, of course, I definitely should not do.  I’ll grab the Sergeant Major and we’ll be on our way to you.”

“Good, Tony.  Looking forward to seeing you both.  Safe flight.”

“Thank you, so long.”

Jim filled Dan and Holly in on the conversation, then they got out a large map of Iran.  From the information they had, they had an idea where the boat may have been planning to put ashore to let off the surveillance team.  When the information from Tony came in and was reviewed, they had an even better idea of where the boat must have been when it was sunk by the Iranians.  Jim called Glenn and arranged for recent satellite photos of Iran in the area they were looking at.  When those came in, they studied them with great care.  By then Janet had returned to announce that Judy was taking a nap.  After looking over the information that had been gathered, she asked, “Why is there no mention of just how in the hell their team was going to get from Kangan to where they were going?  It has to be seven or eight hundred miles…maybe more.”

Dan shrugged.  “Doesn’t really matter, honey.  For now, what I’d like to know from Judy is about how long it was from the time she got pulled out of the water until she reached the jail or prison.  You think we could ask her, or just keep on the way we have been and let it come to her?”

Janet shook her head.  “Dan, I have no idea.  If we ask her that in a casual manner—like we’re just curious or something—it probably wouldn’t hurt.  Especially if she says she doesn’t remember…just pass it off as no big deal.”

Just then Judy walked into the dining/conference room.  “I think you guys can stop treating me like a potted plant now.  I’m getting better and have some of my senses back, even if it doesn’t show too often.  If you ask me something and I don’t remember, I’ll just tell you…no big deal.  It was about half an hour.  We went through some town where the boat that picked us up docked, and then went on for the half an hour from there.  Remember, I said, ‘about.’  That’s the best I can remember.  I do remember there wasn’t much of anything around…just the jail…prison, whatever it was…and a few houses.  Didn’t seem to be such a big place.”

Janet gave Judy her best stern look and asked, “I thought you were napping?”

“No go.  The walks and workouts aren’t killing me like they were a day or three ago.  I’m doing much better.  Not as weak as I was, and not tired all the time.  I need to be up and acting like a normal person…even if there’s only part of me really here.”

Jim and Dan had gone back to looking at the satellite feeds and spotted something that could fit the description of what Judy had just said.  They went back into the computer room and enlarged the area.  Seen like that, it was easy to tell the complex they were looking at could easily be a large jail or small prison.  The complex had the main building and eight other small buildings—probably homes for guards and staff at the prison.

Jim looked at Dan and nodded.  He called Bruce and asked, “Where are you right now, and what do you have on your plate?”

“I’m in Namibia, with Anson.  Kye, Bear, Dusty, and Ike are also here.  Why?”

“The 130 with you?”

“No.  It’s in Islamabad.  I repeat, why?”

“May need it to drop or fly me and Tony and others into Iran.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful.  First Gaza, now Iran.  Aren’t you retired?”

Jim laughed.  “Yeah.  I think I’ll ask Wendy to fly into Bahrain and sit around there until one of us needs her.  Okay with you?  She’ll be closer to you anyhow.  Gotta go—need to call Tony and tell him to turn around.  He was on his way here…with our friendly Sergeant Major.”

“Yeah, that’s fine.  Tell her we may be a while, so go ahead and get her ass shot off trying to fly into Iran without getting caught…good luck to all of you.  So long.”


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