Monday, December 7, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Father Mulligan (Asps Series, Book #8) - Bar gets his way with pranks.

Today’s excerpt is from Father Mulligan, Book #8 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Bear gets his wish to leave the clinic and head home after his repeated hijinks get his point home.  Enjoy and have a great day.



While those two were getting ready for their visit to the edge of the Papoulias estate property, Jeep walked into Bear’s room at the clinic.  “Okay, pain in the ass, your ride to freedom is on the way.  Jim’s coming to pick you up.  Should be here in the morning some time.  Last I heard, he was over the Atlantic.”

“Thank you, kind sir doctor.”

“You do know if I had my way, you’d stay here for at least another week, don’t you?  Wasn’t for all the ruckus you’ve caused, I’d insist on it.”

“What ruckus?”

“Your crabs, for starters.”

“Oh, that.”

Bear, having every intention of becoming such a bother to the staff they would let him go home, had started devising ways to be just what Jeep had called him…a very large pain in the ass.  One of his stunts was to start scratching when one of the nurse’s aides came into his room—as he did, he groaned, “I’ve tried to tell everyone the crabs I picked up in Kenya are driving me nuts.  Can’t you help me out here?”

Soon thereafter, all sorts of attention was being paid to Bear.  He was moved out of his bed, the linen was changed, an on-call doctor was summoned, only to determine—after a thorough inspection of the area where crabs normally existed on a human body—the maddening little critters seemed to be absent.

That performance was followed up with a prank on a new-to-him nurse who brought in his lunch one day.  He looked at the tray before and shook his head.  “Boy, the word sure doesn’t seem to get around.  I’m deathly allergic to rice pudding.  The rice causes me to go into convulsions.  Can’t you do something about putting it on my chart or something?”

Of course, Bear had no such allergy.  After much commotion about the rice “episode,” he quietly asked another nurse’s aide—who was giving him a sponge bath—“Did you bring the medication for my skin disease…whatever the long name is?  I’m told it’s much more contagious the closer I am to my time period to take the pills?”

The aide, who in spite of wearing gloves, dropped the sponge before she hurried out of the room—to be replaced by Jeep a short time later—who raised all kinds of hell with Bear.  Bear simply smiled as he took it all in.  When Jeep finished, Bear totally dismissed the tirade by the doctor.


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