Monday, December 14, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Ancient Rookie (Other Books) - Chet captures killer.

Today’s excerpt is from Ancient Rookie, a standalone sports fantasy book with an action/adventure sub-story.  Chet captures killer then makes sure he won’t run away.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Chet didn’t reply, he just did as told with the seat belt even as he started the car.  Then he made a U-turn in the middle of the road before heading toward the marina entrance.  He drove right past the guard who held up his hand for Chet to stop.  The two men had already gotten in the car.  The driver was just starting it up when Chet rammed the car in its side, going as fast as he could when he hit it.

The force of the air bag hitting him stunned Chet for a moment, causing him to slump over the receding bag.  The NCIS SUV was just arriving as the two men from the car staggered out of their wrecked car—one limping badly, the other bleeding from several cuts on his face and right arm.  The limping one pulled out his gun.  He was aiming it at Chet when he heard the approaching SUV.  As he turned, Brian shot him in the chest from the window of the SUV.  The other man, nearly blinded by the blood running down his face, nonetheless scrambled to draw his gun as he walked past the front of Chet’s car, toward the approaching SUV that was just screeching to a stop. 

Chet—his senses regained—forcefully swung open the door of his car, smacking the bleeding gunman so hard the man dropped his gun.  In a flash, Chet scrambled out of the car, hit the man with all he had before he jumped on top of him as he half fell.  Just as Chet was getting ready to hit him again, Brian laughed, “I’ve got it…shipmate.”

Chet sighed, got off the man, stood up, then grinned, “He’s all yours.”

As Brian quickly placed handcuffs on the man, he pointed, “The boat.”  He gave a head jerk to his two agents who had hurried up to the scene, one checking to make sure the man Brian had shot was dead.

The female agent, who had told the Coast Guard to have a diver handy in case an attaché case went over the side of the boat, was the first to react.  She sprinted down the boardwalk leading to the boats.  The other agent was right behind her, as was Brian who said, “Keep an eye on this guy, Chet.  He causes you any grief, kick him in the nuts.”

Chet thought, “Why wait,” as he kicked the now-standing man—with his hands secured behind his back—right in the testicles, as hard as he could.  The man crumbled to the ground, screaming before he threw up.  Chet kicked him in the face.  “Quiet, you punk bastard…I saw you kill a good sailor tonight.  I’d just as soon kill you right now.  I’ll damned sure be there when they hook you up to the needle.”


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