Thursday, December 10, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and Miore Books - Horace Goes Home (Other Books) - Horace questions bad guy.

Today’s excerpt is from Horace Goes Home, Book #2 of the Bader Trilogy.  Horace finds out what happened to the second man he shot defending Elmer’s home.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Meanwhile, in the barn, Horace walked up to Hector.  “Okay for me to ask the one with the bum hand a question or two?”

“Yeah, as long as you don’t kill him in the process—but wait just a few minutes.”

Hector was busy setting up his laptop and hooking it up to a printer.  When ready, he took a portable scanner over to the three men.  He told one of his men to release their hands one at a time, then re-cuff them when he was finished.  He put each man’s full hand on the scanner, pushed a button, then went to the next one.  With the first two, he used the right hand; with the man with the bad right hand, he used the left hand.  When he finished, he looked at Horace.  “Have at it.”

As Hector walked back to his laptop, Horace took the black bag off the head of the man with the bad hand, and ripped the duct tape loose.  “Where’s your friend?”

The man looked hard at Horace.  “Go to hell.”

Horace kicked him hard, in the area of his ankle.  The man all but fell to the floor.  “The next one is to your knee.  Where is he?”

“You killed him, you bastard—and you’re gonna get yours.”

Horace put the duct tape back over his mouth, put the hood back on, said, “Thanks,” then turned to leave the barn. 

As he did, Hector caught up to him.  “Horace, when this is all over, you want a job, come see me.”  Smiling, he handed Horace his business card.

“Thanks—I may just do that.  Thanks for letting me spend a few quality seconds with that jackass.”

“You’re more than welcome.”


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