Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Adios, Amigos (Asps Series, Book #9) - Drew scares man to death.

Today’s excerpt is from Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Drew scares a man to death and Pepper spray paints a message for the terrorists.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



When Drew and Boris were certain they had gotten all the man knew, though they did find it hard to believe he had no idea his employers were al-Qaida, Boris just nodded.  Drew took out his weapon as he told the man to kneel in front of him.  The trembling manager did as told and Drew told him if he had a God, now would be a good time to pray to him.  When he realized Drew was about to kill him, he sobbed for his life.  Drew shook his head.  “Too late for that.  You made your deal with the devil—now is your last chance to make amends with your God.”

The man shook his head and continued to tremble and cry as Drew pointed the Asp at him.  When Drew started to squeeze the trigger, the man’s eyes grew wide as he waited to die.  Just before squeezing the trigger to the point of firing the weapon, Drew moved it just slightly, but enough so that when the weapon fired, the bullet just grazed the manager’s ear.  Then man shuddered as he fell over on the floor.  Drew cocked his head to one side, then bent down to feel the man’s pulse.  “I’ll be damned…he’s dead.  Now there’s a first—actually scared the poor fella to death.  Hell, I was just planning on turning him.  Wanted him frightened enough he would have no thoughts of informing the terrorists of who we were.”

Boris nodded.  “Yes, I had the same idea.  Refreshing to know we are still on the same page, old friend.  Like you, I have never in my life seen anyone actually die from fright.  He’s actually dead?”

Drew shrugged.  “Yeah.  First time I ever saw someone actually die of fright.  Well, nothing to do about it now.  Pepper, do you have your trusty can of spray paint in the heap of a car Edgar drove?”

“Yup.  Let me go get it.”

Pepper returned with her spray paint.  She asked, “Any druthers on the message?”

“Nada,” answered Drew.

Edgar had taken the entire episode in.  He couldn’t believe what he had just seen, but figured the man was probably better off dead if he was such a coward—and also a fool for not having made any calls after what he’d heard.  As those thoughts were running through his mind, Pepper spray-painted, “Pancho Villa lives.”

Drew asked, “What in the hell is that supposed to mean, Pepper?  Nobody down here will know who in the hell Pancho Villa is after all this time since he lived.”

“Who cares?”


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