Friday, December 18, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Back To China (Other Books) - Jim and crew free captives and leave prison compound.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To China, a standalone action/adventure book featuring Jim Scott and friends.  With the two men they came to free (and one more they didn’t know about) in tow, Jim and the rescue team drive away from the jail facility…still not realizing they are surrounded by a large contingent of the Chinese Army.  Enjoy and have a fantstic day.



While one grumpy general, and a happy one, busy working to make their escape more difficult—even though they had no idea it was so—Jim was busy opening cell doors.  There were ten doors in all.  Jim opened three before he found anyone inside.  The fourth, however, presented a surprise for him.  It held a man, but he was neither Kevin Hogan nor Marlin Walendy.

He asked, in English, “Who are you?’

The man simply tilted his head, then shook it.  On a wild hunch, Jim asked, in Russian, “Who are you?”

He wasn’t really surprised when the man answered, “Dmitry Zhukov.  You are?”

“I are your way out of here if you choose.”

“I choose.”

“Follow me.”

The fifth cell on the side of the room that Jim had started checking was also empty.  By a simple stroke of luck that Jim had chosen that side of the room to start his search, Dmitry Zhukov was no longer cell-bound.  The second and third cells Jim opened on the other side of room held the two men he was looking for.  He found Marlin Walendy first, then Kevin Hogan.  He laughed at the response he got when he opened Kevin’s cell door and asked, “You wanna go home?”

“Took you long enough.  By your accent, I assume you are American.  Did Sir Anthony send you?”

Jim nodded as he hurried to check the other two cells, just on the off chance there were more like Zhukov in them.  While the three men looked at him, Jim spoke in English first, “We’ll have to hurry, because I have a friend who is busy setting charges to blow this place.  Please follow me.”  He repeated the message in Russian.

The friend Jim spoke of was, of course, Hector.  After checking the bodies of the two men shot, to make sure they were dead, Hector had asked, “You want me to rig this to blow the best I can?  If so, should I set it up for four, since Mr. Bigshot is coming along then?”

“No, Hec.  If he shows early, they might find your charges.  Time it for about ten minutes after we leave.  But check back in at some point, to make sure I found our guys out front.”

When Jim neared the front entrance with the three freed men, Hector caught up to him as he milled around, wondering if he should let Hector know to hurry up.  He smiled as Hector just waved at him before going into the second of the two emergency generator rooms he’d found.  In less than a minute, he came out and hurried forward to Jim and the other three.  “Let’s hit it.  Sure hope Billy and Bob have our rides ready—otherwise, we’ll have to run like hell.”

Jim needed no further encouragement as he pushed the main door open.  When all five were outside, Billy drove up in one car, with Bob right behind him.  Jim went around to the driver’s side front door of the car as Billy got out.  Jim pointed to the other car.  “Billy, take our extra passenger and get in with Bob.  He’s Russian, so you’ll have to use Russian for him to understand.” 

Billy did as told, while Hector hurried Kevin and Marlin into the back seat of the car Jim was going to drive, then hopped into the front seat.  As soon as his door was shut, Jim sped away, with Bob right behind him.


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