Thursday, December 17, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Pool Of Blood (Other Books) - Good guys now know for sure who is behind several bad deeds.

Today’s excerpt is from Pool Of Blood, Book #3 of the Becker Trilogy.  Using the illegal recording system Jim set up at Hoyer’s home, the group now knows for sure he’s behind any number of evil things…including the attempt on Michelle’s life and the legal problems of Lorri’s brother.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



They ignored other innocuous conversations, until Dooley arrived.  The two men didn’t speak until they reached Hoyer’s den. Once there Hoyer offered Dooley a seat, then got right to the point, “I have something I want you to do.  You will be well-compensated…very well-compensated.  Before I get to the new matter, I want to congratulate you on the fine job you did on the Nessing matter.  You more than earned your money.”

With Michelle about to explode as she listened, Hoyer continued, “Now to this new situation.  I want you to find out what court dates Michelle Becker has upcoming.”

As he spoke, Hoyer put a hundred thousand dollars in hundred dollar bills on his desk.

Dooley swallowed.  “May I ask a question?”

“No.  You may do as I ask.  When you bring the list of her court dates here—don’t call—you can have the hundred grand I just put on the desk.  Agreed?”

“Yes, sir.  Since it’s Friday, late, I won’t be able to get that information before Monday.”

“Very well…I will expect you Monday—make it eight that night.  I have other things to attend to before then.  Here’s a bonus for the Nessing job.”

Dooley swallowed as he took twenty thousand dollars in hundred dollar bills from Hoyer.  He thanked him, then left as fast as he could, with no further conversation between the two men.

After he left, Hoyer poured himself a stiff drink and thought about Dooley.  He could tell the man was frightened—or at least upset about getting the information of the Becker woman.  He only hoped he would do as told, without telling anyone.  But he knew if the information led to her death, he might crack.  So he decided he would have to instruct Newton to eliminate Dooley after he took care of Becker…maybe even before.  The more he thought about it, he decided before was the better choice.

For his part, as he drove away from the mansion, Sam Dooley was sickened at the thought of what he knew he would go ahead and do.  He had no doubt Hoyer had been involved in the shooting at the courthouse, because he knew about the case Michelle had won against him.  As much as he knew he should report what he knew to the police, he also knew that eventually what he had done with the Nessing case would come out.  Not only was there the likelihood he would lose his license to practice law, but he might even wind up in jail.  There was also the matter of the money—he wanted it.

Now, as Dooley was drinking himself into a stupor in his house, those in the Becker household were listening to the conversation. When it ended, Jim hit the pause button on his laptop.  He looked at Lorri, who had tears rolling down her checks.  “It’ll be okay, Lorri.  We’ll fix this for you.”

Bob, sitting nearest to Lorri, put his arm around her and stroked her hair.  She shivered, then muttered, “What an awful man.  If he only knew how hard I worked to get him his money…”

Michelle was as angry as she had ever been in her life.  “This bastard is done!  If it’s the last thing I ever do, I’ll see him disbarred and in prison!  It’s a shame we can’t use this recording in court.”

Jim shook his head.  “No—but we can use it.”


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