Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Bigfoot Bait (Other Books) - Humor after long drive.

Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, Book #2 of the Becker Trilogy.  Nearly finished with their drive from Missouri to Spokane, Washington, Dan calls Jim and those two have a bit of fun discussing the current situation.  Enjoy and have a great day.


As those two continued to talk as they followed along, Dan and Janet were drawing ever nearer to Spokane.  They had found the station where Biden had filled up for the last time before reaching, then passing through the city.  While Janet drove, Dan was busy doing what he felt would be his final plot.

When he finished, he called Jim.  Jim answered, “We’re trying to get some sleep, here, Dan.  What you got?”

“Sorry about your lack of sleep…like hell, I am.  I ever get in another bed, I may never get out.  Anyhow, I’d bet his next stop after Spokane will be about thirty miles or so past it.  Somewhere around mid-morning.  Spunky and I’ll be pulling into Spokane around ten.”

As Janet shot Dan a dirty look, Jim laughed, “By your ‘Spunky’ comment about Jan, I assume she’s been giving you grief?”

“You might say.  In fairness, she has done a good deal more of our driving, since I’ve been busy plotting the course.  Also, she’s having a caffeine rush from all the coffee she’s consumed.  I’m sorta in the same boat, but am handling it a lot better.”

“Says you, pal.”

Jim chuckled, “Tell her I heard her.”

“I’m sure she knows already.  She said it loud enough to make sure you would hear.  Anyhow, see you in the morning—later in the morning.”

“Yeah, well—if you get in by ten, we’ll still have an hour or so before check-out, so you can use our room for a power nap.”

“Go to hell, Scott.”

Jim was laughing as he finished the call.  Holly—now awake, too—just looked at him before he explained Dan’s side of the conversation.  When he finished, she groaned, “Wonderful.  Can we get back to sleep…please?”


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