Thursday, December 3, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Bullets And Baseball (Asps Series, Book #6) - Asps in Oman dealing with terrorists.

Today’s excerpt is from Bullets And Baseball, Book #6 of the nine-book Asps Series.  In Muscat, Oman, four of the Asps trap a car following them.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Their game plan was to wander around Muscat in an attempt to see if they could uncover any reference to the team of terrorists they sought.  They weren’t without a bit of detail to the plan.  Before they left the hotel, Maggie had made a point of getting what brochures she could on tourist attractions.  In addition, she was wearing a very reveling silk blouse…without a bra.  Her appearance was intended to inflame any Islamists they might come in contact with.  While any Islamists they might encounter in an unfriendly manner might not have the information they sought, the team’s attitude was any dead Islamist is a good Islamist.

After a few stops of a tourist nature—including food consumption along the way—they made a few stops in local shops, coffee houses, and other stops in sections of the city that were definitely not recommended tourist destinations.  Bruce drove out of the city in the general direction of a well-known tourist attraction.  Not two miles out of the city, Dusty muttered, “In case you’re sleeping over there, Bruce, we’ve picked up a tail.”

“I’m not—and you’re right.  Check our map, and direct me to a nice ambush site, if you please.”

“I please.”

Three miles later, Dusty pointed up ahead.  “Next right…and from the looks of things, thank God we have the SUV.”

Bruce turned down the road.  The bumpy ride soon made everyone in the vehicle realize just how rough a road in Oman could be.  Not only was it unpaved, it had been unattended in several years.  After half a mile, Bruce asked, “This go anywhere?”

“Nope,” replied Dusty, “goes straight for about two miles, curves hard to the left, then half a mile later stops.  According to our map, not a darn thing on it.  A nothing road to nowhere…but great for an ambush.  When you make the left turn, there seems to be some high ground.  You stop right after making the turn…maybe a hundred feet or so…we should be able to have some fun.”

Maggie asked, “Who pays for the fillings being jarred out of my mouth, Bruce?”

“Your husband.  If you’d brushed your teeth as a youngster, you wouldn’t have fillings at your age.”

Maggie, only a few younger than Bruce, grumbled, “Thanks for the compliment about age, old man.”

Dusty glanced in his side view mirror.  “I guess you know we still have our tail, Bruce.”

“Sure do.  From what I can see in the rear view, they’re bouncing all over hell and gone a lot worse than we are.  Wonder if any of them have any idea about where this road goes, and about the turn coming up?”

Jack joked, “I got ten bucks says no.”

Bruce shot back, “Save the ten bucks for Maggie’s mouth.”

Dusty got back to the matter at hand.  “About pretty soon on the turn.”

Bruce saw as he muttered, “Nice English,” before he made the turn, pulled up about a hundred feet, turned the SUV in a manner to close the road, and got out.

By the time the car following them caught up to make the turn, Bruce and Dusty were out of the SUV, and halfway back to the turn, well back from the road.  Jack and Maggie were also out, with Jack looking over the hood, and Maggie near the rear.

The car came on for about half the distance to the SUV, the driver stopped, then started to back up.  He did so with flat tires on the front, as both Dusty and Bruce shot out a tire…though it took Bruce three shots to Dusty’s one.  Next, those two peppered the side of the car with shots.

The driver stopped the car and got out, gun in hand.  The other two occupants of the car also got out.  They were armed, and Bruce shouted out, “Shoot to wound, Dusty,” as he shot the knee of the driver.

Dusty didn’t reply, but soon both men on his side of the vehicle had knee wounds also.  When the driver raised his gun hand in Bruce’s direction, Maggie stepped out for a clear shot to shoot him in the wrist, the gun dropping to Earth.

Bruce charged him even as Dusty fired two more shots, both hitting one of the men on his side of the car in his gun hand and arm.  Dusty looked at the other man and saw him holding his gun hand, as Maggie had fired again.

As the three men were rounded up, and their bleeding stemmed to a degree, Jack grinned.  “Well, that was easy.”

Maggie looked at her husband as she asked, “Did you even fire?”

“Nope.  I married well—let my better half take care of the heavy lifting.”


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