Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Whodunit Did It (Other Books) - Some humor amid time out from working case.

Today’s excerpt is from Whodunit Did It, Book #1 of the Bader Trilogy.  With Elmer and his partner spending a few days at the home of Elmer’s third ex-wife to save on driving time while working on a major case, a bit of humor crops up.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Those calls completed, Elmer drove to Ruth’s home.  He enjoyed a fine salad with her and Alan—then it was on to the workout room.  When he walked in wearing his workout clothing, Alan joked, “Hey, boss—how about I go out…check a few more of those places off our list, rather than do this.”

Ruth laughed, “Like hell, tubby.”

Alan shook his head.  “Ruth, have I ever said anything bad about the way you look?”

Before Ruth could answer, Elmer butted in.  “There is not one single thing wrong with the way Ruthie looks.”

Ruth faked a pout.  “What is wrong with me, Alan?  Not enough boobs or something to suit you?  Or do you prefer blondes?  Or do you think I should wear more make-up…what do you find so offensive about me?  Please tell me.”

Alan held up his hands.  “I surrender.  Not a single thing is wrong with you, Ruth.  If you could be cloned, I’d take the next one off the line, if she would have me.  I was just saying…I wasn’t saying anything.  I give—sorry.  You look great.”

“Okay, you can eat again tomorrow night.  Now let’s get with it.”

Elmer grinned, “You should have quit while you were behind.  I’ve seen this look in Ruthie’s eyes before—man-oh-man, are you in for a workout.”

When they finished the workout, Alan staggered back to his room.  Elmer and Ruth smiled.  Shortly, they were in the shower before making love.  Ruth had just gone to sleep—Elmer nearly was also—when the landline phone on the end table rang.  Elmer answered it, listened a few seconds, then muttered, “Not even close—we’re a Norwegian fish market.”

Ruth wondered if she had heard correctly.  “What was that about?”

“Some gal wanted to know if this was a Chinese restaurant.”


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